Folder Lock

最新版本 Octave 5.2.0 (64-bit)

Octave 5.2.0 (64-bit)

Octave 5.2.0 (64-bit)
Folder Lock 是一套完整的解決方案,讓您保持個人文件加密和鎖定,同時保持加密文件的自動和實時備份到在線存儲。它還提供 USB 驅動器和 CD / DVD 的便攜式安全。 Folder Lock 也可以讓你鎖定文件,文件夾和驅動器; 將您的個人信息保存在錢包中; 撕碎文件並清理 Windows 歷史記錄。 Folder Lock 提供 256 位 AES 即時加密以及將加密文件同步到在線存儲。無需解密或手動備份您的文件。您可以隨時在任何計算機上恢復文件。還可以使用“保護 USB / CD”功能將儲物櫃轉換為可執行文件,使您可以隨時隨地將加密文件保存在 USB 驅動器或 CD 和 DVD 中,或將您的文件和文件夾轉換為加密的 ZIP 文件以用於電子郵件附件。

Folder Lock 你的密碼保護文件,文件夾和驅動器; 即時加密您的重要文件; 實時備份它們; 保護便攜式硬盤; 撕碎文件& 驅動器和清潔歷史。它是下載量最大的文件安全應用程序,擁有超過 4500 萬用戶。它適用於 32 位和 64 位 Windows 10,8,7,Vista,XP。保持你的加密儲物櫃備份和同步在一個專用的安全雲服務器.

此外,如果你想保護你的文件,而不加密他們,你也可以鎖定您的 PC 上的文件,文件夾和驅動器訪問和可見性。您也可以創建加密錢包來保存個人信息,如信用卡,銀行賬戶和名片。您也可以粉碎文件,文件夾,驅動器和清空硬盤空間。您也可以清理 Windows 使用記錄。此外,Folder Lock 還附帶了前所未聞的其他安全設置。您可以使用管理員級別主密碼來激活密碼安全性並限制對應用程序不同部分的訪問。您可以使用隱形模式功能以完全隱形的方式運行應用程序。您還可以捕獲並執行重複的黑客攻擊行為,並根據不正確的密碼日誌執行操作,並且可以為您的數據安全性設置基於持續時間的自動保護,以便您知道當您離開時,其他人無法訪問您的資料您的 PC.

Folder Lock 功能:

Lock Folders
Folder Lock 可以在幾秒鐘內鎖定和隱藏文件和文件夾。它使您能夠密碼保護,並限制不需要的眼睛查看文件,文件夾和驅動器。一旦你鎖定了一個文件夾,它將被隱藏起來以前的位置,只能通過軟件界面訪問。

Folder Lock 創建儲物櫃。正如你將你的錢放在安全的地方,你想保存你的文件在一個數字‘ 儲物櫃’ 那比銀行的保險庫更安全?您可以創建‘ 儲物櫃   它們受 AES 256 位加密保護。訪問時不需要加密或解密文件; 只需將它們複製到 Locker,瞧!他們在飛行中加密.

Folder Lock 提供了雙向加密和備份方法,讓您備份您的加密‘ 儲物櫃’ 線上。這個功能可以讓你創建一個你的儲物櫃的密碼保護備份,這樣的信息不僅可以從窺探中得到保護,而且可以防止丟失或損壞。如果您的 PC 被盜或數據被刪除,只需從您的在線帳戶恢復您的數據。

Protect USB
您也可以將您的儲物櫃保存在包括 USB 和外部驅動器的便攜式設備中。 Folder Lock 將這些儲物櫃轉換為可執行文件,以便每次您要訪問受保護的文件時都不需要安裝 Folder Lock。您也可以將它們刻錄到 CD / DVD 上,並為電子郵件附件創建密碼保護的 zip 文件.

Folder Lock 可讓您創建數字錢包,以保護您定期使用的機密信息。信息如銀行信息,信用卡,交易,ATM 引腳等等。您可以在這些錢包中創建任意數量的卡片。它們在保存時被加密.

Shred 文件
只是簡單地刪除文件並不能保證文件不能被恢復。切碎您的文件將從您的硬盤永久刪除您的文件,即使文件恢復軟件不能再次恢復它們。 Folder Lock 不僅可以幫助你粉碎文件,它還可以讓你粉碎空的驅動器空間,以便不管什麼文件被刪除以前,得到粉碎。以及.

注意:30 天的試用版。有限的功能


檔案版本 Octave 5.2.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 octave-5.2.0-w64-installer.exe
檔案大小 304 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者, Inc.
官網 暫無資訊
更新日期 2020-05-25

What's new in this version:

- Avoid color changes in MS Windows GUI terminal
- Lock amd and symbfact to avoid segmentation fault with SuiteSparse
- Fix segfault when calculating patch vertex normals
- Fix segfault in constructing patch normals for lighting
- mat2str.m: Fix for logical matrix (add transpose)
- improve file equality check for MS Windows
- ismember.m: Fix second return argument when values are complex
- findobj.m: Fix typo and correctly handle numeric properties
- Correctly display integer types with format hex
- Cast winqueryreg REG_DWORD types to DWORD
- Fix numerous errors in audiowrite / audioread
- print.m: Pass quoted path to octave-svgconvert
- dir.m: Fix occasionally returning incorrect folder field
- Stop segfault when calling 3-input form of diag with cell arrays
- improve message for setting breakpoint in nonexistent function
- Use framebuffer object for printing invisible Qt figures on mac
- Escape backslash characters in EPS output
- Use replacement characters to display non UTF-8 strings in figures
- inputrc: Add warning about modification
- (global_search): just return if query string is empty
- Default (c)transpose for old style class arrays
- Always reserve at least 1 element of storage for sparse matrices
- Don’t segfault at exit after reading malformed HDF5 file
- Fix pause() with no arguments called on Windows
- refactor minimum eigenvalue index search in qp
- qp: fix obscure corner case when calculating qp caused by a typo
- use std::streampos instead of std::ios::streampos
- fix pause and kbhit with glibc 2.28 end-of-file state behavior
- Fix return of left-handed vectors when inputs are complex
- waitbar.m: Fix hang when using createcancelbtn property
- shading.m: Fix unexpected error when multiple hggroups present
- dec2base.m: Correctly handle zero matrix input
- eliminate duplicate graphics callback object stack
- Improve performance when closing figures
- Reduce time to process pkg -forge list by 30X
- Feed fig2dev with PDF files converted from svg
- Improve error checking for iconv_open
- poly.m: fix the fix for input of complex conjugate pairs
- mkoctfile: use the TMPDIR environment variable if set
- line.m: Fix creation of unwanted axes
- Accept 4-input form for quiver3
- pkg.m: restore installing packages from zip archives
- axis.m: Fix issues with equal argument
- ordeig.m: Do not fail on 1x1 matrices

- fix editors search and replace in selection
- undo a complete replace all action in the editor
- fix missing unlock of mutex when gui editor is not present
- prevent unnamed editor tab from being closed by rmdir
- prevent editor from closing files that are not affected by rmdir
- fix creating keyword files for editor autocompletion
- fix dock widget position when being dragged out of the main window

Build system / Tests:
- fetch upstream gnulib changes using git fetch
- update gnulib archive if requested changeset is not in the local archive
- eliminate gnulib subrepo
- configure: prevent overlinking when SUNDIALS is disabled
- use QtCore and Qt5Gui modules instead of Qt5OpenGL
- make building with Qt4 QGLWidget work again
- build: adapt to changes in Texinfo 6.7
- BIST should not rely on the current directory to be writable
- Fix test
- maint: Make old style class tests Matlab compatible
- Add BIST tests for unlink

- fix many spelling errors
- help: improve documentation for the startup.m user script
- avoid conflict with @seealso macro in Texinfo 6.6
- Also translate @seealso here
- makeinfo.m: Also translate @seealso here
- polar.m: Document that input is expected to be in radians
- gallery.m: Fix typo in docstring for poisson
- Add 1024x1024 Octave logo icon
- add .editorconfig for default file encoding and indentation
- octave.doap: Copy localized (short) description over from appdata
- org.octave.Octave.appdata.xml: Add German and French description
- languages/*.ts: updated language files
- quiver3.m: Fix texinfo typo in docstring from cset f7b10bd40045
- doc: fix . Operator Index entry to build with Texinfo 6.7
- doc: improve example of using global variables from oct-files
- doc: Create en-dashes and em-dashes correctly in documentation
- doc: expand page_output_immediately doc string, mention page_screen_output
- doc: Clarify documentation of history_file
- doc: Improve documentation for get_help_text, get_help_text_from_file
- doc: Add documentation for GNUTERM variable used with gnuplot
- doc: Improve contour docstring example
- doc: Add example to show limitations of the given BLAS integer size
- doc: Improve documentation of sparse functions
- doc: Improve spelling of bicgstab
- doc: Remove Map functions keys, values, remove from unimplemented list
- doc: Add function index entry for alias inverse
- add content rating declaration to AppStream metadata
- doc: Remove stray semicolons from pie, pie3 calling forms
- doc: Redo documentation for rats function
- doc: Specify position property for text objects is a three-element vector
- doc: state that Octave can only load HDF5 files created by itself
- doc: Fix names of options in issorted
- doc: Small fixes to mat2cell and polyeig docstrings
- doc: Improve example code for using -pdflatexstandalone
- doc: Refer to “root object” rather than “root figure object”
- doc: Place cross-reference from list of graphics object properties back to object
- doc: document the newline character in warning messages
- doc: pkg versions can be more general than “x.y.z”

Octave 5.2.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Compiling Octave with 64-bit Indexing (GNU Octave (version ...

Compiling Octave with 64-bit Indexing (GNU Octave (version 5.2.0))

GNU Octave

GNU Octave is a programming language for scientific computing. ... Jan 31, 2020. Octave Version 5.2.0 has been released and is now available for download.

GNU Octave -

Download. Source; GNU/Linux; macOS; BSD; Windows. Executable versions of GNU Octave for GNU/Linux systems ...

GNU Octave 5.2.0 Released

Octave Version 5.2.0 has been released and is now available for download. An official Windows binary installer is also available. For mac...

Index of gnuoctavewindows

octave-4.2.0-w64-installer.exe.sig, 2016-11-14 10:13, 72. [ ],, 2016-11-14 10:21 ..., 2020-02-04 00:43, 95.

Octave for Microsoft Windows - GNU Octave

For the current release, both 32-bit and 64-bit installers and zip archived packages ... octave-5.2.0-1: Its announce on cygwin mailing list [1].

Octave for Microsoft Windows - GNU Octave Wiki

This article is about using pre-built installers of Octave for Windows; for instructions ... Windows installers are available for the latest version of Octave (5.2.0, ...

octave-5.2.0_1-w64-installer.exe - Meta Information ... - Fossies

About: Octave is a high-level language for linear and nonlinear numerical computations mostly compatible with Matlab. Windows installer (64-bit).

GNU Octave (version 5.2.0, taskbar icon problem fixed, not official fix). MS Windows (MXE). HG_ID: 8c1e1ef46ed2 modified. 64-bit (default).

System Information (GNU Octave (version 5.2.0))

This will depend on whether Octave has been compiled with 32-bit or 64-bit index vectors. If three output arguments are requested, also return the byte order of ...