Firefox (32-bit)

最新版本 Firefox 40.0

Firefox 40.0

Firefox 40.0
Mozilla Firefox 是一個快速,功能全面的免費網頁瀏覽器。 Firefox 包括彈出式窗口攔截,標籤瀏覽,集成的 Google,雅虎和必應搜索,簡化的隱私控制,簡化的瀏覽器窗口,向您顯示比其他任何瀏覽器更多的頁面,以及一些與您一起工作的附加功能你在網上獲得最多的時間。點擊免費下載按鈕,您可以從我們的網站下載 PC 脫機安裝程序的 Firefox。

查看新的 Firefox,這是 Firefox Quantum 的幾個版本中的第一個,讓您能夠比以往更快地獲得所需的東西和所需的東西,並具有全新的外觀.

Firefox Quantum 功能:

2x Faster
Crazy 功能強大的瀏覽器引擎?檢查。等待頁面加載的時間更少?另外,檢查。獲取最好的火狐瀏覽器.

30%比 Chrome

無論您打開 10 或 1000,使用 Firefox 新的響應式引擎,標籤之間的切換速度比以往更快.

Firefox 在您瀏覽時屏蔽在線追踪器,並且在您“記住”之後不會記住您的歷史記錄; 重做.


Faster Page Loading
通過阻止一些阻礙瀏覽的廣告和腳本,網頁加載速度提高了 44%。現在,這是一個雙贏.

簡單的截圖。直接從 Firefox 分享。這意味著不再需要在計算機上搜索神秘的文件名.


遊戲& VR
為下一代遊戲設計,Firefox 內置了對 WASM 和 WebVR 的支持。無需額外安裝!


自定義火狐數以千計的擴展,如 LastPass,uBlock 起源,Evernote 和更多.

通過 Firefox 來適應你的心情!從我們的主題類別中選擇一個新的外觀或創建自己的.

設置 Firefox 的方式。將功能拖入和拖出工具欄以方便訪問.


注意:通過 Firefox ESR(Extenderd 支持版本),對 Windows XP 和 Windows Vista 的 Firefox 支持仍然可用。下載適用於 Windows XP 或 Vista 的 Firefox.

也提供:下載適用於 Mac

的 Firefox


檔案版本 Firefox 40.0

檔案名稱 Firefox Setup 40.0.exe
檔案大小 40.02 MB
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Mozilla Organization
更新日期 2015-08-11

What's new in this version:

- New: Support for Windows 10
- New: Added protection against unwanted software downloads
- New: Suggested Tiles show sites of interest, based on categories from your recent browsing history
- New: Hello allows adding a link to conversations to provide context on what the conversation will be about
- New: New style for add-on manager based on the in-content preferences style
- New: Improved scrolling, graphics, and video playback performance with off main thread compositing (GNU/Linux only)
- New: Graphic blocklist mechanism improved: Firefox version ranges can be specified, limiting the number of devices blocked
- Changed: Add-on extensions that are not signed by Mozilla will display a warning
- Changed: Smoother animation and scrolling with hardware vsync (Windows only)
- Changed: JPEG images use less memory when scaled and can be painted faster
- Changed: Sub-resources can no longer request HTTP authentication, thus protecting users from inadvertently disclosing login data
- Changed: NPAPI Plug-in performance improved via asynchronous initialization
- HTML5: IndexedDB transactions are now non-durable by default
- HTML5: Implemented AudioBufferSourceNode.detune to modulate playback rate in cents, a logarithmic unit of measure used for musical intervals
- Developer: Improved Performance tools in the developer tools: Waterfall view, Call Tree view and a Flame Chart view
- Developer: Console API messages from SharedWorker and ServiceWorker are now displayed in web console
- Developer: Inspector now searches across all content frames in a page
- Developer: New rules view tooltip in the Inspector to tweak CSS Filter values
- Developer: New page ruler highlighting tool that displays lightweight horizontal and vertical rules on a page
- Fixed: Kannada text does not display properly in built-in pdf viewer
- Bug 1137580 - Do not use system realloc in mozjemalloc-exposed _recalloc. r=njn, a=sledru
- Bug 1178058, followup fix for older branch, r=dveditz, a=dveditz
- Bug 1178058. Don't convert an expanded principal into inheriting the current principal. Just pretend like the null principal did the load (like LOAD_FLAGS_DISALLOW_INHERIT_OWNER does). r=bholley a=ritu
- Bug 1179262 - Remove PlayPreview usage from PDF viewer. r=bz a=lizzard
- Bug 1179262 - Remove PlayPreview usage from PDF viewer. r=bz a=lizzard
- Bug 1178058. Don't convert an expanded principal into inheriting the current principal. Just pretend like the null principal did the load (like LOAD_FLAGS_DISALLOW_INHERIT_OWNER does). r=bholley a=ritu

Firefox 40.0 相關參考資料
Firefox 40.0 Download (Free) - Informer Technologies, Inc.

Firefox is a popular open-source web browser with a fully customizable tabbed interface. You can easily rearrange its icons, toolbars, and bookmarks.

Firefox 40.0 System Requirements

Software Requirements · NetworkManager 0.7 or higher · DBus 1.0 or higher · HAL 0.5.8 or higher · GNOME 2.16 or higher ...

Firefox 40.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes

2015年8月11日 — New · Support for Windows 10 · Added protection against unwanted software downloads · User can receive suggested tiles in the new tab page based ...

Firefox 40.0.2 版本資訊

2015年8月14日 — Firefox 版本資訊2015 年8 月14 日v40.0.2 此版本資訊包含了Firefox 新鮮事、已知問題、下載安裝指示、以及常見問題等訊息。 我們想知道您對Firefox ...

Firefox 40.0.3 版本資訊

2015年8月28日 — 修正 修正GNU/Linux GStreamer 支援的記憶體區塊錯誤(bug 1145230)。 修正 修正Windows 版本使用DisplayLink 造成的啟動時當機(bug 1195844 ...

Mozilla Firefox 40.0.3 Final

Mozilla Firefox is a free, open source web browser providing the user with tabbed browsing, spell checking, incremental find, smart/live bookmarking, ...


Index of /pub/firefox/releases/40.0/. Type, Name, Size, Last Modified. Dir .. Dir, linux-i686/. Dir, linux-x86_64/. Dir, mac/. Dir, source/. Dir, update/. Dir ...