FFmpeg (64-bit)

最新版本 FFmpeg 3.3.1 (64-bit)

FFmpeg 3.3.1 (64-bit)

FFmpeg 3.3.1 (64-bit)
FFmpeg 64 位是領先的多媒體框架,能夠解碼,編碼,轉碼,復用,解復用,流,過濾和播放人類和機器創造的任何東西。它支持最尖端的古代格式。不管它們是由一些標準委員會,社區或公司設計的。它也具有很高的可移植性:FFmpeg 在各種構建環境,機器體系結構和配置下編譯,運行並通過我們的測試基礎架構 FATE 跨 Linux,Mac OS X,Microsoft Windows,BSD,Solaris 等.

它包含 libavcodec,libavutil,libavformat,libavfilter,libavdevice,libswscale 和 libswresample,可以被應用程序使用。以及可用於轉碼,流媒體和播放的最終用戶使用的 ffmpeg,ffserver,ffplay 和 ffprobe.

FFmpeg 工具:

A 命令行工具,用於在格式間轉換多媒體文件

A 用於實況轉播的多媒體流媒體服務器

基於 SDL 的簡單媒體播放器和 FFmpeg libraries

A 簡單的多媒體流分析器

FFmpeg 針對開發人員的庫:
libavutil 是一個庫,包含用於簡化編程的函數,包括隨機數生成器,數據結構,數學例程,核心多媒體實用程序等等。 libavcodec 是一個庫,包含音頻 / 視頻編解碼器的解碼器和編碼器。 libavformat 是一個包含多媒體容器格式的 demuxers 和 muxers 的庫。 libavdevice 是一個包含輸入和輸出設備的庫,用於抓取和渲染許多常見的多媒體輸入 / 輸出軟件框架,包括 Video4Linux,Video4Linux2,VfW 和 ALSA。 libavfilter 是一個包含媒體過濾器的庫。 libswscale 是一個執行高度優化的圖像縮放和色彩空間 / 像素格式轉換操作的庫。 libswresample 是執行高度優化的音頻重採樣,重新矩陣轉換和样本格式轉換操作的庫。


檔案版本 FFmpeg 3.3.1 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 ffmpeg-3.3.1-win64-static.zip
檔案大小 46.03 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 FFmpeg Developers
官網 http://ffmpeg.org/
更新日期 2017-05-21

What's new in this version:

- libswscale/tests/swscale: Fix uninitialized variables
- avcodec/ffv1dec: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow: 1550964438 + 1550964438 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/webp: Fix signedness in prefix_code check
- avcodec/svq3: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow: 169 * 12717677 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/mlpdec: Check that there is enough data for headers
- avcodec/ac3dec: Keep track of band structure
- avcodec/webp: Add missing input padding
- avcodec/aacdec_fixed: Fix runtime error: left shift of negative value -1
- avcodec/aacsbr_template: Do not change bs_num_env before its checked
- avcodec/scpr: Fix multiple runtime error: index 256 out of bounds for type 'unsigned int [256]'
- avcodec/mlp: Fix multiple runtime error: left shift of negative value -1
- avcodec/xpmdec: Fix multiple pointer/memory issues
- avcodec/vp8dsp: vp7_luma_dc_wht_c: Fix multiple runtime error: signed integer overflow: -1366381240 + -1262413604 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/avcodec: Limit the number of side data elements per packet
- avcodec/texturedsp: Fix runtime error: left shift of 255 by 24 places cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/g723_1dec: Fix runtime error: left shift of negative value -1
- avcodec/wmv2dsp: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow: 181 * -17047030 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/diracdec: Fix Assertion frame->buf[0] failed at libavcodec/decode.c:610
- avcodec/msmpeg4dec: Check for cbpy VLC errors
- avcodec/cllc: Check num_bits
- avcodec/cllc: Factor VLC_BITS/DEPTH out, do not use repeated literal numbers
- avcodec/scpr: Check y in first line loop in decompress_i()
- avcodec/dvbsubdec: Check entry_id
- avcodec/aacdec_fixed: Fix multiple shift exponent 33 is too large for 32-bit type 'int'
- avcodec/mpeg12dec: Fixes runtime error: division by zero
- avcodec/pixlet: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow: 436207616 * -5160230545260541 cannot be represented in type 'long'
- avcodec/webp: Always set pix_fmt
- avfilter/vf_uspp: Fix currently unused input frame dimensions
- avcodec/truemotion1: Fix multiple runtime error: left shift of negative value -1
- avcodec/eatqi: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow: 4466147 * 1075 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/dss_sp: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow: 2147481189 + 4096 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avformat/wavdec: Check chunk_size
- avcodec/cavs: Check updated MV
- avcodec/y41pdec: Fix width in input buffer size check
- avcodec/svq3: Fix multiple runtime error: signed integer overflow: -237341 * 24552 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/texturedsp: Fix runtime error: left shift of 218 by 24 places cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/lagarith: Check scale_factor
- avcodec/lagarith: Fix runtime error: left shift of negative value -1
- avcodec/takdec: Fix multiple runtime error: left shift of negative value -1
- avcodec/indeo2: Check for invalid VLCs
- avcodec/g723_1dec: Fix several integer related cases of undefined behaviour
- avcodec/htmlsubtitles: Check for string truncation and return error
- avcodec/bmvvideo: Fix runtime error: left shift of 137 by 24 places cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/dss_sp: Fix multiple runtime error: signed integer overflow: -15699 * -164039 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/dvbsubdec: check region dimensions
- avcodec/vp8dsp: Fixes: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 1330143360 -1023040530 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/hqxdsp: Fix multiple runtime error: signed integer overflow: 248220 * 21407 cannot be represented in type 'int' in idct_col()
- avcodec/cavsdec: Check sym_factor
- avcodec/cdxl: Check format for BGR24
- avcodec/ffv1dec: Fix copying planes of paletted formats
- avcodec/wmv2dsp: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow: 181 * -12156865 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/xwddec: Check bpp more completely
- avcodec/aacdec_template: Do not decode 2nd PCE if it will lead to failure
- avcodec/s302m: Fix left shift of 8 by 28 places cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/eamad: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow: 49674 * 49858 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/g726: Fix runtime error: left shift of negative value -2
- avcodec/magicyuv: Check len to be supported
- avcodec/ra144: Fix runtime error: left shift of negative value -798
- avcodec/mss34dsp: Fix multiple signed integer overflow
- avcodec/targa_y216dec: Fix width type
- avcodec/texturedsp: Fix multiple runtime error: left shift of 255 by 24 places cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/ivi_dsp: Fix multiple left shift of negative value -2
- avcodec/svq3: Fix multiple runtime error: signed integer overflow: 44161 * 61694 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/msmpeg4dec: Correct table depth
- avcodec/dds: Fix runtime error: left shift of 1 by 31 places cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/cdxl: Check format parameter
- avutil/softfloat: Fix overflow in av_div_sf()
- avcodec/hq_hqa: Fix runtime error: left shift of negative value -207
- avcodec/mss3: Change types in rac_get_model_sym() to match the types they are initialized from
- avcodec/shorten: Check k in get_uint()
- avcodec/webp: Fix null pointer dereference
- avcodec/dfa: Fix signed integer overflow: -2147483648 1 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/g723_1: Fix multiple runtime error: left shift of negative value
- avcodec/mimic: Fix runtime error: left shift of negative value -1
- avcodec/clearvideo: Fix multiple runtime error: left shift of negative value -1024
- avcodec/fic: Fix multiple left shift of negative value -15
- avcodec/mlpdec: Fix runtime error: left shift of negative value -22
- avcodec/snowdec: Check qbias
- avutil/softfloat: Fix multiple runtime error: left shift of negative value -8
- avcodec/aacsbr_template: Do not leave bs_num_env invalid
- avcodec/mdec: Fix signed integer overflow: 28835400 * 83 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/dfa: Fix off by 1 error
- avcodec/nellymoser: Fix multiple left shift of negative value -8591
- avcodec/cdxl: Fix signed integer overflow: 14243456 * 164 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/g722: Fix multiple runtime error: left shift of negative value -1
- avcodec/dss_sp: Fix multiple left shift of negative value -466
- avcodec/wnv1: Fix runtime error: left shift of negative value -1
- avcodec/tiertexseqv: set the fixed dimenasions, do not depend on the demuxer doing so
- avcodec/mjpegdec: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow: -24543 * 2031616 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/cavsdec: Fix undefined behavior from integer overflow
- avcodec/dvdsubdec: Fix runtime error: left shift of 242 by 24 places cannot be represented in type 'int'
- libavcodec/mpeg4videodec: Convert sprite_offset to 64bit
- avcodec/pngdec: Use ff_set_dimensions()
- avcodec/msvideo1: Check buffer size before re-getting the frame
- avcodec/h264_cavlc: Fix undefined behavior on qscale overflow
- avcodec/dcadsp: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow
- avcodec/svq3: Reject dx/dy beyond 16bit
- avcodec/svq3: Increase offsets to prevent integer overflows
- avcodec/indeo2: Check remaining bits in ir2_decode_plane()
- avcodec/vp3: Check remaining bits in unpack_dct_coeffs()
- doc/developer: Add terse documentation of assumed C implementation defined behavior
- avcodec/bmp: Use ff_set_dimensions()
- avcodec/mdec: Fix runtime error: left shift of negative value -127
- avcodec/x86/vc1dsp_init: Fix build failure with --disable-optimizations and clang
- libavcodec/exr : fix float to uint16 conversion for negative float value
- avformat/webmdashenc: Validate the 'streams' adaptation sets parameter
- avformat/webmdashenc: Require the 'adaptation_sets' option to be set
- lavfi/avfiltergraph: only return EOF in avfilter_graph_request_oldest if all sinks EOFed
- ffmpeg: check for unconnected outputs
- avformat/utils: free AVStream.codec properly in free_stream()
- avcodec/options: do a more thorough clean up in avcodec_copy_context()
- avcodec/options: factorize avcodec_copy_context() cleanup code
- ffmpeg: count packets when queued
- avformat/concatdec: fix the h264 annexb extradata check
- avcodec/dnxhd_parser: fix parsing interlaced video, simplify code
- ffmpeg; check return code of avcodec_send_frame when flushing encoders
- avcodec/g723_1dec: Fix LCG type
- avcodec/hqxdsp: Fix runtime error: signed integer overflow: -196264 * 11585 cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/ac3dec: Fix: runtime error: index -1 out of bounds for type 'INTFLOAT [2]'
- avcodec/mpeg4videodec: Clear sprite wraping on unsupported cases in VOP decode
- avcodec/pixlet: Fixes: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 9203954323419769657 + 29897660706736950 cannot be represented in type 'long'
- avcodec/dds: Fix runtime error: left shift of 210 by 24 places cannot be represented in type 'int'
- avcodec/rscc: Check pixel_size for overflow
- avcodec/fmvc: Check nb_blocks
- avcodec/cllc: Check prefix
- avcodec/webp: Factor update_canvas_size() out
- avcodec/webp: Update canvas size in vp8_lossy_decode_frame() as in vp8_lossless_decode_frame()
- avcodec/snowdec: Check width
- avcodec/flacdec: Return error code instead of 0 for failures
- avcodec/opus_silk: Fix integer overflow and out of array read
- avcodec/aacps: Fix undefined behavior
- avcodec/pixlet: Fix shift exponent 4294967268 is too large for 32-bit type 'int'
- doc/general: fix project name after 2b1a6b1ae

FFmpeg 3.3.1 (64-bit) 相關參考資料

- UnityIntegrations/AmfUnityPlugin/source/AMF/Thirdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-3.3.1/x64 ... bit integer, downsampling from 48kHz to * 44.1kHz and downmixing from 5.1 ...


Download binary files for FFmpeg suite

Download binaries for ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffserver and ffplay (Windows, Mac, Linux)


Download FFmpeg

It is the latest stable FFmpeg release from the 6.1 release branch, which was cut from master on 2023-10-29. It includes the following library versions:


Download ffmpeg old versions

ffmpeg-3.3.2.tar.bz2, 2017-06-07, 9.5MB, * · ffmpeg-3.3.1.tar.bz2, 2017-05-29, 9.5MB, * · ffmpeg-3.3.1-win64-static.zip, 2017-05-26, 46MB, * · ffmpeg-3.3.1- ...


Downloading FFmpeg 3.3.1 (64-bit) from FileHorse.com

Cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video · FFmpeg 3.3.1 (64-bit) · Key details about this download.


FFmpeg 3.3.1 (64-bit) Download

2017年5月21日 — Download FFmpeg 3.3.1 (64-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download 32-bit Software Version.


FFmpeg Windows 各版本静态库原创

2018年9月25日 — FFmpeg 官方只提供源码和动态库,无奈项目要用静态库,用VS2015 自己编译了几版。 32位和64位都有,VS2015 或VS2017 都可以直接链接使用。(VS2019理论上 ...


FFMPEG 最全版本介绍及下载原创

2019年7月5日 — 版本:ffmpeg-3.3.1 发布日期:2017-05-15 xz gz bz2. 版本:ffmpeg-3.3 ... (64-bit): GCC 4.9.2 was used to compile this FFmpeg build: This build ...


Index of releases

[ ] ffmpeg-3.3.1.tar.bz2 2017-05-15 00:18 9.5M [TXT] ffmpeg-3.3.1.tar.bz2.asc 2017-05-15 00:18 473 [ ] ffmpeg-3.3.1.tar.gz 2017-05-15 00:19 12M [TXT] ffmpeg-3.3 ...


Old releases

It is the latest stable FFmpeg release from the 3.3 release branch, which was cut from master on 2017-04-02. It includes the following library versions:
