F-Secure Uninstallation Tool

最新版本 Office Timeline 6.00.00

Office Timeline 6.00.00

Office Timeline 6.00.00
F-Secure Uninstallation Tool 是一個程序,將從執行的工作站中刪除 F - 安全服務平台,F- 安全反病毒和 F - 安全網絡安全。如果您無法通過 Windows 控制面板進行操作,F-Secure Uninstallation Tool 將從您的計算機中刪除 F -Secure 產品。運行此程序時,將執行以下步驟:
停止服務清除系統註冊表刪除文件和目錄重新啟動系統重新啟動後,您將不再受 F -Secure 保護,因此請確保安裝另一個防病毒軟件病毒程序盡快


檔案版本 Office Timeline 6.00.00

檔案名稱 OfficeTimeline.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 F-Secure Corporation
官網 https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-Secure-Uninstallation-Tool/td-p/31265
更新日期 2021-06-08

What's new in this version:

- Launched Pro+ Edition, bringing Sub-Swimlanes and Multiple Timescales
- Renamed Office Timeline Plus Edition as "Basic Edition"
- Design, usability and functionality improvements in all Editions
- The ability to rotate Swimlane titles from the Timeline view
- Easily add, hide or duplicate Swimlanes from the Data and Timeline views
- Expand and collapse Swimlanes in the Data view
- New timescale settings with live timeband preview

Office Timeline 6.00.00 相關參考資料
Download Office Timeline 6.00.00 - Softpedia

Download Office Timeline - A useful add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint which enables you to easily add eye-catching, customizable timelines to your presentations.


Download the Office Timeline Add-in for PowerPoint

Download the #1 free timeline maker for Windows and PowerPoint to create professional timelines, Gantt charts and project slides.


Product Updates - Office Timeline

What's new? Undo timeline changes directly from your PowerPoint slide. Version 4.03.05. Release date: April 24, 2020. What's ...


Office Timeline

Our easy-to-use timeline software helps you quickly turn complex data into clear, eye-catching visuals that engage your audience.


Buy Office Timeline

Runs on Windows & PowerPoint. PowerPoint Add-in. Make roadmaps and Swimlane slides; Make timelines and Gantt charts; Create ...


Plus Edition - Office Timeline Add-in

Import Microsoft Project or Excel files into the Office Timeline Plus add-in and instantly get beautiful PowerPoint slides. Keep your timelines updated by syncing​ ...


Return Policy - Office Timeline

Your purchase of Office Timeline is backed by our 30-day money-back guarantee​. Learn more about our return policy here.


About Us - Office Timeline

And, above all, they would build it to create beautiful project visuals which add a wow factor to important meetings. The mission. The company. Office Timeline, like ...


System requirements for Office Timeline Add-in – Office ...

Overview Office Timeline is an add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint. In order to successfully install Office Timeline, each machine must meet...
