Emsisoft Anti-Malware

最新版本 Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.8.1.8923

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.8.1.8923

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.8.1.8923
Emsisoft Anti-Malware 由雙引擎惡意軟件掃描程序提供兩倍的惡意軟件清除能力,沒有額外的資源要求。最重要的是,Emsisoft Anti-Malware 甚至可以刪除可能有害的程序(PUP),使您的計算機資源浪費膨脹過載。總而言之,這保證了卓越的檢測,有效的移除,以及一個乾淨的 Windows 操作系統,完全免費的 Malware-Free.

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 被設計為使用盡可能少的計算資源。這是因為你的電腦和你很像。就像你一樣,它只能一次執行這麼多的任務,如果超載,它會崩潰。 Emsisoft Anti-Malware 結合了業界最好的病毒和惡意軟件掃描技術兩個可能的最低水平,以確保最佳的檢測率和最高的速度。其結果是一個用戶友好的反惡意軟件,完全保護您的數字生活,並離開計算機的權力正是它屬於:在你身邊.

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 是一個積極的武器,以防止感染所有的互聯網威脅,保護你從最壞的通過甚至不允許它發生的情況下.

Start 安全與三個保護層:

Surf 保護
如果您無意中嘗試訪問傳播木馬或間諜軟件的網站,emsisoft 反惡意軟件將阻止您這樣做。已知危險和欺詐性網站的內置列表每小時自動更新一次.

這個重要的保護層檢查所有下載或運行的文件,以防止已知惡意軟件超過 1000 萬個簽名。 emsisoft 反惡意軟件文件後衛是智能化的,並且持續自我優化,因此您不會感覺到每秒都會在後台掃描數十個文件的影響.

要捕獲尚未包括在內的零日威脅簽名數據庫,emsisoft 反惡意軟件會持續監控所有活動程序的行為,並在可疑事件發生時立即發出警報。結合 emsisoft 反惡意軟件網絡的實時雲端驗證,它是抵御其他人無法保護您免受專門和復雜惡意軟件攻擊的終極武器.

注意:30 天試用版。 Emsisoft Anti-Malware 和 Emsisoft Internet Security 中已經合併了在線裝甲.


檔案版本 Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.8.1.8923

檔案名稱 EmsisoftAntiMalwareSetup.exe
檔案大小 315 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Emsisoft
官網 http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/antimalware/
更新日期 2018-09-12

What's new in this version:

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.8.1.8923
- Change log not available for this version

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.8.0.8910
- Moved the main menu from top to left
- Redesigned and re-arranged content panels
- Improved access to About panel
- Several minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.7.2.8843
- Slow computer shut down issue
- Emsisoft Anti-Malware Service stays in ‘Stopping’ state after ‘Shutdown protection’
- Installer and uninstaller improvements
- Improved IOfficeAntiVirus/AMSI integration

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.7.0.8824
- Improved File Guard performance, changed default scan level
- Redesigned Protection menu panels
- Minor user interface changes
- Several minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.6.0.8750
- Redesigned and re-organized settings panel
- Renamed Game Mode to Silent Mode
- Improved auto-update functionality
- Improved handling of license subscriptions
- Improved MSI uninstaller
- Improved offline installation process
- Minor user interface changes
- Several minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.5.0.8686
- Moved the License panel from Settings menu to Overview menu
- GDPR compliance fixes
- Improved malware detection and protection
- Several minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.4.0.8631
- New: Online product documentation with user guides
- New: Advanced remote management interfaces
- Improved: Behavior-based malware detection
- Improved: Support for Windows 10 April Update (Redstone 4 or RS4)
- Improved: Stability and reliability
- Several minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.3.1.8572
- Occasional hang on computer start
- Occasional hang while scanning
- Occasional crash in Emergency Kit Maker

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.3.0.8555
- New: Emergency Kit Maker in “Scan” menu
- Improved: Compatibility with Kaspersky, Avast, AVG and several other third-party antivirus applications
- Improved: Detection and handling of malware
- Improved: Handling of various malware-abusing command line tools performing malicious actions
- Improved: Handling of Windows Store applications
- Improved: Simplified program installation for .exe installer
- Several minor tweaks and fixes
- Note: This update requires a computer restart

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.2.1.8483
- Emsisoft Security Center overview screen opened as a grey screen when it was maximized before computer shutdown and connected to Emsisoft Enterprise Console or RMM software
- Occasional runtime error 231

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.2.0.8461
- New: Behavior Blocker alert option “Auto resolve, notifications for threats only”, which replaces the previous default setting “Auto resolve, with lookup notifications”
- New: Behavior Blocker alert option “Auto resolve, notifications for threats only”, which replaces the previous default setting “Auto resolve, with lookup notifications”
- Improved: Automatic licence remapping
- Improved: Factory reset now resets grids and Emsisoft Security Center screen position
- Improved: Compatibility with Windows Security Center
- Fixed: Export of hostrules in Settings / Export settings
- Fixed: Occasional freezes of scan tasks
- Several minor UI/UX improvements for a smoother workflow, i.e. reworded malware notifications
- Several minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.1.1.8439
- Fixed: Issue with scanning of removable device connections

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.1.0.8407
- New: Redesigned Behavior Blocker panel that combines application rules with active application processes
- New: Simplified application rules editor that integrates with the ‘Exclude from monitoring’ list
- New: Application rule templates with wildcard- and environment variables support, to be defined via Emsisoft Enterprise Console
- New: Ability to connect Emsisoft Anti-Malware with Emsisoft Enterprise Console via script for automation
- Improved: Forensics log view settings are now automatically saved
- Fixed: Crash when starting a scan from the tray-icon
- Several minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.12.1.8340
- Fixed: Occasional popup of the main screen after a program update
- Improved: Possible compatibility issue warning when another installed Anti-virus/Anti-malware program is detected
- Improved: Link to view the scan results in the forensics log ‘Scan finished’ details screen

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.12.0.8334
- New: Automatic seat activation for multiple seat licenses
- Improved: Migration of the separate logs into Forensics
- Improved: GUI simplification: some settings have been removed for a better user experience
- Improved: Possible compatibility issue warning when another installed Anti-virus/Anti-malware program is detected
- Improved: Initial integration with Windows Security Center after being installed with MSI
- Improved: Extended possibilities to resize the main overview scree
- Fixed: Enterprise Console Connect/Disconnect buttons availability in Admin-mode
- Many minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.11.0.8247
- Improved: Beginning of update schedule after computer start
- Improved: Extended forensics logging
- Improved: Integration with Windows Security Center
- Fixed: Missing Emsisoft Security Center icon after being deployed from Emsisoft Enterprise Console
- Fixed: Visibility of the Connect/Disconnect buttons related to Enterprise Console, in Administrator mode
- Fixed: Processing of the exclusions list for the command line scanner (A2CMD)
- Many minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.10.2.8188
- Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.10.2.8188 Hotfix released. This release includes fixes, enhancements and stability improvements. This update will require an application restart. Fixed: Rare SSL connection issue with updating and activating

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.10.1.8165
- Improved: Support for MSI setups for x86 and x64 Windows editions

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.10.0.8157
- New: Option to enable/disable integration in Windows Security Center. Available at Settings -> General
- New: Simplified scanner performance settings. Available at Scan -> Scanner Settings, Scheduled Scans and Custom Scans
- Improved: Update process performance
- Improved: Support for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
- Improved: Forensic logging related to connection with Emsisoft Enterprise Console
- Improved: Integration with Windows Defender Security Centre
- Fixed: Occasional issue with some Microsoft Office versions
- Several minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.9.0.8006
- New: Feature to connect with Emsisoft Enterprise Console from client side. Available at Settings -> License
- Improved: Communication protocol with Emsisoft servers to speed-up updates and Anti-Malware Network look-ups
- Improved: Support for various languages
- Several minor tweaks and fixes

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.8.0.7904
- New: Windows Firewall Fortify feature which blocks illegitimate manipulations of Windows Firewall rules
- Improved: Forensics logging
- Improved: Processing of attachment size limit in support emails
- Fixed: Rare program freezes on opening the forensics log and confirmation of surf protection notifications
- Fixed: Exclamation mark shown erroneously in the protection tile
- Fixed: Rare program freeze during malware detections
- Fixed: Empty value shown in the permissions dropdown in Settings/permissions
- Fixed:Wrong item (auto)selected after opening the language dropdown in Settings/general
- Fixed: Computer restart instead of computer shutdown executed, when set for a silent scan

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.7.0.7838
- This update will require an application restart
- New: Forensic log: a condensed timeline that shows all events and user actions in an easy to read form
- New: Auto-resolve mode for behavior blocker alerts: an option that makes all decisions on its own
- New: Anti-Malware Network lookups during quarantine re-scans, to reduce the number of false positives
- New: General warning for possible compatibility issues with other already installed Anti-virus/Anti-Malware programs, during installation
- Improved: Program startup and updater performance
- Improved: Several minor tweaks and fixes
- Fixed: Issue that showed the scanner result window in scheduled scans even if silent mode was enabled
- Fixed: Application rules: ‘always block’ rules were not applied

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.6.0.7681
- New: Unattended scheduled scans: Scans now run even if no user is logged on in Windows
- New: Email notifications: Setup email notifications for selected events
- Improved: Improved support for Windows Store apps.
- Fixed: List of files in Quarantine wasn’t refreshed after scan started by Emsisoft Enterprise Console (if applicable)

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.5.2.7600
- Fixed: Occasional ‘Component is missing’ error during computer startup
- Fixed: Crash when trying to send an email from the support tile in the Overview screen on Windows 7 32-bit

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.5.1.7567
- Fixed: ‘Emsisoft Protection is waiting for a component (service) to start..’ error on Windows 7 64-bit
- Fixed: Partly enabled debug logging, while disabled

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.5.0.7538
- This update will require an application restart
- New: Anti-Ransomware component on Protection tile on overview screen
- New: Scan setting: ‘Scan in email data files’
- Improved: Reduction of false positives
- Improved: Upload of attachments when contacting customer support
- Improved: Main program windows position when the program opens outside of the visible desktop
- Improved: Quarantine screen refresh when Emsisoft Commandline Scanner or Emsisoft Enterprise Console restores files from, moves files to, or deletes files from quarantine
- Improved: Additional warning before deleting or moving scanner detections, found inside of archives, to quarantine
- Improved: More clear default folder names for export- and scan settings
- Improved: USB insertion detection which did not start the scheduled scan on some computer systems
- Improved: Processing of the installer command line parameters related to customer care settings (URL verification)
- Fixed: Occasional crash with Microsoft Word
- Fixed: Crash when importing a very large hosts list in Surf Protection
- Fixed: Address column values in the Firewall screen in Emsisoft Internet Security
- Fixed: Occasional issue wherein the Behavior Blocker monitor showed processes with an unknown reputation

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.4.1.7484

- Main program UI popped-up every 60 seconds
- USB drive scan started after computer woke up from sleep mode
- “Scanning” tray icon didn’t show up after insertion of a USB drive for the second time
- Incorrect ‘Revert settings’ button visibility in Settings / Notifications

- Processing of the installer command line parameters related to customer care settings
- Update progress indicator in A2CMD

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.4.0.7424

- Start a scheduled scan on USB insertion
- Revert settings to policy defaults, when managed by Emsisoft Enterprise Console
- Apply individual computer settings, when managed by Emsisoft Enterprise Console

- Behavior blocker monitor now shows correct process information when the process started from a shared folder
- Proxy server support when deployed from Emsisoft Enterprise Console
- Minor UI improvements

- Occasional issue which blocked correct Windows 10 shutdown

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.3.2.7392
- Fixed: Occasional issue with Windows user profiles

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.3.1.7353
- Fixed: Unable to enter a license key in trial mode

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.3.0.7336
- New: Option to scan newly connected removable drives
- Improved: Minor GUI improvements
- Fixed: Exclusions issue when connected to Emsisoft Enterprise Console (if applicable)

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.2.1.7260
- Fixed: Program freeze when the computer is part of a once renamed domain and connected to Emsisoft Enterprise Console
- Fixed: Occasional issue where the permissions tab was hidden for domain administrators

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.2.0.7219

- Scanner settings screen which acts as a template for on demand and (new) scheduled scans

- PUP detection in installers
- Program start-up performance
- Integration with Windows Security Center
- Minor improvements related to permissions
- Faster loading of the Behavior Blocker screen
- Minor GUI improvements

- Issue where missed scheduled scans were not executed

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.1.1.7166
- Fixed: Issue with being disconnected from Emsisoft Enterprise Console. (if applicable)
- Fixed: A2cmd crash on 32-bit Windows

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2017.1.0.7138
- New: Brand new permissions system which provides much easier administration of different user permissions
- Improved: Speed of scans
- Improved: Automatic Update now runs after exit of Game mode, if an update was skipped while Game mode was on
- Improved: Performance of importing hosts files for Surf Protection
- Improved: Integration with RRM partners
- Improved: Display of the Anti-Malware Network rating in alert details
- Improved: Performance of Quarantining detected threats
- Improved: Minor GUI improvements

Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- New: Environment variables tester in the exclusions screen.
- Improved: Email validation in the false positives submit screen
- Improved: Administrator mode timeout settings
- Improved: Minor GUI improvements
- Improved: Protection paused indicator on the Overview screen
- Improved: CPU load during update process
- Improved: Behavior Blocker: correct processing of exclusions for apps that are started after an exclusion was added
- Improved: Quarantine Re-scan procedure
- Improved: Path used by the update process moved to ProgramDataEmsisoftupdates
- Improved: Pre-installation check for Kaspersky and AVG Antivirus/Internet Security due to program incompatibilities
- Fixed: Firewall application rules processing for files that are not accessible at boot time (encrypted drives) in Emsisoft Internet Security
- Fixed: Memory leak in Emsisoft Internet Security
- Fixed: Occasional ‘Internal processing error’ issue during update
- Fixed: Update log parsing issue
- Fixed: Main screen out of position
- Fixed: Occasional issue where File Guard did not start after a program restart

Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- Improved: Reduced CPU load during scanning
- Fixed: Registry leak
- Fixed: Software vulnerability

Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- Improved: Speed of scans
- Improved: Basic support for Terminal Server
- Improved: Status value in the ‘monitored’ column of the Behavior Blocker monitor
- Improved: Archive scan results ‘cleanup’ processing
- Improved: Application restart behavior
- Improved: Exclusions support for mapped network drives, network shares and folders
- Improved: Computer restart request behavior
- Fixed: Occasional crash during Surf Protection notification
- Fixed: Occasional application freeze during detection notification
- Fixed: Permissions for Exclusions and Notifications
- Fixed: Permission sub-menu visibility for non-admin users
- Fixed: Occasional application hang

Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- Improved: License handling
- Fixed: Occasional hang during Windows startup

Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- This update will require an application restart
- Improved: Behavior blocker detections

Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- Improved: Behavior Blocker
- Improved: Scanning Engine
- Improved: Anti-Malware Network
- Revised: Whitelisting
- Revised: Notifications System
- Redesigned: User Interface
- Hundreds of detail improvements

Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- Improved: Installation, when deployed from Emsisoft Enterprise Console

Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- New: Options for update/scan/notification behavior during Game mode
- Improved: License key validation and mapping
- Improved: Automatic update process
- Improved: Auto game mode
- Improved: Behavior Blocker whitelist handling
- Improved: Some minor changes related to application crash handling
- Fixed: Occasional crash in the ‘Manage whitelist’ screen

Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- New: ‘Next update’ tooltip on Last Update time indicator
- Improved: Quarantined items counter on the overview page
- Fixed: Appearance of renew license dialog after application restart
- Fixed: Issue with hosts import
- Fixed: Crash during manual submission of a quarantined file
- Fixed: Default scheduled scan performance settings applied after deploy from Emsisoft Enterprise Console
- Fixed: Main screen position after computer start
- Fixed: Occasional issue with ‘Quarantine selected’ and ‘Delete selected’ buttons
- Fixed: Firewall compatibility issues for Emsisoft Internet Security

Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- Improved: Automatic update process.
- Improved: Automatic Game mode now not enabled in Windows ‘Locked’ state.
- Improved: Behavior blocker detections.
- Fixed: Occasional BSOD for Emsisoft Internet Security.
- Fixed: Network being accessible after a few minutes with “offline mode” enabled for Emsisoft Internet Security.
- Fixed: Surf protection for Edge browser on Windows 10.

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2018.8.1.8923 相關參考資料
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