eM Client

最新版本 eM Client 7.2.38711

eM Client 7.2.38711

eM Client 7.2.38711
如果你正在尋找容易使用,但功能豐富的電子郵件客戶端看起來沒有進一步。 eM Client 是你需要的! eM Client 是一個功能齊全的電子郵件客戶端,因為它也支持日曆,任務,聯繫人甚至聊天。您可以通過 POP 或 IMAP 協議將 eM Client 連接到您的電子郵件帳戶, Gmail,Yahoo,Outlook,Hotmail,iCloud 帳戶,並且還支持 MS Exchange 和 Google Apps.

從當前電子郵件客戶端切換到 eM Client 不會更容易,因為您可以直接導入所有數據 Microsoft Outlook,Mozila Thunderbird,蝙蝠或 Windows 的郵件,所以你可以在幾分鐘內開始。此外,您還可以輕鬆將所有數據導出到許多可用的格式,或製作和恢復備份.

用戶界面非常乾淨,現代化,可定制且直觀。 eM Client 本地化到 19 種語言和 10 多彩主題。默認的“現代”主題是非常好的,但你可以根據你的顏色偏好來改變它。左側邊欄為您提供了對您的電子郵件帳戶,日曆,任務和聯繫人的訪問權限,並且該權限可以隱藏,而且您可以使用它來訪問聯繫人詳細信息,日程安排和聊天。聊天可以分離到一個單獨的窗口,如果需要的話,它支持三種主要的消息服務:Google Talk 和 Facebook 和 Jabber,並提供文件傳輸。

閱讀和發送電子郵件是一種純粹的快樂。您可以在左側或底部設置消息面板或禁用,在這種情況下,當您打開新消息時,它將顯示在新窗口中。搜索速度非常快,並提供準確的結果。一些漂亮的功能是延遲(預定)的電子郵件發送,完整的拼寫檢查,電子郵件模板和簽名,信息加密和創建電子郵件 grops,在哪裡你可以添加更多的人,你想同時發送電子郵件。這可以是非常有用的,可以為您節省大量的時間.

唯一的缺點是它的內存使用率較高(與 Thunderbird 相比),但總體來說,eM Client 最新版本是一個令人印象深刻的電子郵件客戶端,具有許多功能。個人使用最多可以有兩個電子郵件帳戶。如果你需要兩個以上的帳戶(或者如果你需要它用於商業用途),你將不得不購買一個高級版本,並相信我在這一個:在 eM Client 上花的錢將是非常好的錢花費.

eM Client 功能:

PGP 加密支持
eM Client 現在支持 PGP - 創建或導入您的 PGP 密鑰來發送加密和簽名的電子郵件。檢查視頻的說明.

Live 備份
您不必再退出 eM Client 為了進行備份。 eM Client 現在將在運行時備份,因此即使正在運行,您也可以繼續工作.

eM Client 7.1 自動從 Web 下載並顯示聯繫人的頭像。我們從 Gravatar 下載,域圖標等等。

編輯表格變得簡單多了 - 您可以調整任何單元格,行或列的大小.


Gmail 的自動回复功能
自動為 Gmail 提供“外出”回复功能。讓每個人都知道,您將無法通過在 eM Client.

注意內配置自動響應來響應他們的電子郵件:需要.NET Framework。在免費版本中,您最多只能添加 2 個賬戶.


檔案版本 eM Client 7.2.38711

檔案名稱 setup.msi
檔案大小 69.2 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 eM Client Inc.
官網 http://www.emclient.com/
更新日期 2020-03-13

What's new in this version:

eM Client 7.2.38711
- Added importer for IncrediMail

eM Client 7.2.38682
- Fixed issue with Microsoft Office365 accounts that appeared with Microsoft's unannounced changes on their servers in the Offline Address Book protocol

eM Client 7.2.37929
- Major user interface responsiveness improvement
- Better tabing support
- Notifications fixes and improvements
- Several drag and drop fixes
- A few PGP usability issues addresses
- Shortcuts issues for quick text and signatures resolved
- A few table creating bugs fixed in message editor
- A cursor in search bar disappearing issue resolved
- Dutch, italian and french localizations updated
- A lot of other fixes

eM Client 7.2.36908
- An attempt to workaround Google Contacts API quota error messages issue until Google really resolves it
- Dutch and french localization updated
- Several other fixes

eM Client 7.2.36465
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.2.36164
- New account connection handling
- New rendering engine (Chromium)
- Hundreds of bug fixes and small improvements

eM Client 7.2.35595
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.2.35542
- eM Client 7.2 Service Update
- A few bug fixes

eM Client 7.2.35506
- Fixed issue with nonworking buttons in Windows 10 system notifications
- Allow Mark All as Read for conversations
- A few scheduling fixes
- Dutch and italian localization updated
- Several other fixes

eM Client 7.2.35488
- Fixed issue with nonworking buttons in Windows 10 system notifications

eM Client 7.2.35172
- Several bug fixes

eM Client 7.2.35128
- Fixed issues with application updates and license activation
- Fixed multiple scheduling issues
- Multiple CalDAV compatibility improvements
- Multiple compatibility fixes for rich text calendar event descriptions
- Multiple printing improvements
- Improved calendar delegation user interface
- Localization improvements and updates
- Updated Japanese localization
- Updated brand identity
- Other improvements and fixes

eM Client 7.2.34711
- Fixed displaying of on-screen keyboard on touch devices on some places
- A few dark mode fixes and improvements
- Improved error handling on Google Calendar uploads
- Improved invalid data processing for CalDAV
- Several other bug fixes

eM Client 7.2.34666
- Fixed displaying of on-screen keyboard on touch devices on some places
- A few dark mode fixes and improvements
- Improved error handling on Google Calendar uploads
- Improved invalid data processing for CalDAV
- Several other bug fixes

eM Client 7.2.34648
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.2.34633
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.2.34208
- Addressed issue with some special characters opening menu instead of typing
- Addressed a few accesibility issues
- Fixed an issue when not all the values were exported into a theme file
- A few other bug fixes

eM Client 7.2.34137
- Use cryptography preset also for replies and forwards
- A few other minor fixes

eM Client 7.2.34062
- Fixed Show if unread feature for mail folders
- A few other fixes

eM Client 7.2.34030
- Links in plain text invite descriptions are now converted to active links again
- Fixed not selecting the default account when composing a new mail in some specific scenarios
- Fixed not showing attachment icon for emails imported from some versions of MS Outlook
- Fixed playing custom sounds with system notifications
- Fixed showing HTML markup for Events/Tasks in lists
- A few other bug fixes

eM Client 7.2.34025
- Links in plain text invite descriptions are now converted to active links again
- Fixed not selecting the default account when composing a new mail in some specific scenarios
- Fixed not showing attachment icon for emails imported from some versions of MS Outlook
- Fixed playing custom sounds with system notifications
- Fixed showing HTML markup for Events/Tasks in lists
- A few other bug fixes

eM Client 7.2.33997
- A few bug fixes

eM Client 7.2.33988
- Addressed some GMail/G Suite authentication issues
- Greek localization updated
- Portuguese localization updated
- A few bug fixes

eM Client 7.2.33974
- Addressed some GMail/G Suite authentication issues
- Greek localization updated
- A few bug fixes

eM Client 7.2.33939
- Multi monitor DPI support
- Support for system notifications on Windows
- Improved Automatic replies on Gmail, Exchange and Office365
- Full dark color scheme (even the message body is now dark)
- Rich text support for various fields of events, tasks and contacts
- Full automation support
- Support for storing data in Local profiles instead of Roaming profiles
- Support for loading SMIME certificates from contacts
- Option to select the signing and encryption certificate for each account address
- Addressed some shutdown scenarios
- Quicker loading of large conversations
- Improved subscription to public folders on Exchange
- Many other improvements

eM Client 7.2.33932
-Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.2.33888
-Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.2.33834
-Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.1.33101
- A bunch of bug fixes

eM Client 7.1.33042
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.1.32792
- Addresing Efail issues
- Don't download contact avatars from 3rd level domains
- Fixed loading of malformed CSS styles tags
- Don't follow requests for downloading intermediate S/MIME certificates
- SMIME certificates are now checked online for revocation
- Certificates without Basic constraints extension are no longer considered CA certificates. The CA certificate MUST have Basic constraint extension present and must have isCa flag set to true
- Fixed uploading event where organizer is also attendee on G Suite
- Workaround for Windows 10 April update bug when maximizing the main window

eM Client 7.1.32772
- eM Client 7.1 Service Update

eM Client 7.1.32759
- Addresing Efail issues
- Don't download contact avatars from 3rd level domains
- Fixed loading of malformed CSS styles tags
- Don't follow requests for downloading intermediate S/MIME certificates
- SMIME certificates are now checked online for revocation
- Certificates without Basic constraints extension are no longer considered CA certificates. The CA certificate MUST have Basic constraint extension present and must have isCa flag set to true
- Fixed uploading event where organizer is also attendee on G Suite

eM Client 7.1.32716
- Workaround for Windows 10 April update bug when maximizing the main window

eM Client 7.1.32561
- Increase Exchange timeouts from 100 seconds to 10 minutes, enable chunked sending
- Use synchronization throttling for Google Tasks API

eM Client 7.1.32088
- EM Client 7.1 Service Update
- Italian localization updated

eM Client 7.1.31849
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.1.30794
- Fixed touch scroll issues on some devices
- Fixed POP3 authentication issue with bt.com and a few other vendors
- Several fixes

eM Client 7.1.30777
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.1.30794
- eM Client 7.1 Service Update
- Fixed touch scroll issues on some devices
- Fixed POP3 authentication issue with bt.com and a few other vendors
- Several fixes

eM Client 7.1.30761
- eM Client 7.1 Service Update
- Fixed touch scroll issues on some devices
- Fixed POP3 authentication issue with bt.com and a few other vendors
- Several fixes

eM Client 7.1.30719
- Fixed touch scroll issues on some devices
- Fixed POP3 authentication issue with bt.com and a few other vendors
- Several fixes

eM Client 7.1.30686
- Improved support of Exchange Offline Address Book
- Fixed loading of avatars from contacts
- Stability bug fixes

eM Client 7.1.30646
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.1.30638
- Several bug fixes

eM Client 7.1.30632
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.1.30617
- Several bug fixes

eM Client 7.1.30508
- Improved compatibility with EnigMail PGP messages
- Fixed import from Mail on Window Vista
- Fixed import from Microsoft Outlook with multiple profiles
- Fixed connection problems with SoGO CalDAV accounts
- Fixed connection problems with mail.de accounts
- Fixed startup with database located on network disk
- Various stability fixes

eM Client 7.1.30495
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.1.30490
- Various stability fixes

eM Client 7.1.30480
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.1.30469
- Improved compatibility with EnigMail PGP messages
- Fixed import from Mail on Window Vista
- Fixed import from Microsoft Outlook with multiple profiles
- Fixed connection problems with SoGO CalDAV accounts
- Fixed connection problems with mail.de accounts
- Fixed startup with database located on network disk

eM Client 7.1.30453
- Message encryption with PGP support
- Simplified security certificates and keys
- Live backup
- Automatic avatar downloading
- Improved print preview
- Even more customizable toolbars
- Auto-resize and formatting options for embedded pictures
- Improved table editor
- Text pasting options
- Improved calendar invites
- Customizable secondary sorting for all views
- Calendar folder sharing on MS Exchange and IceWarp servers
- GMail out of office responder support
- Preview images from hyperlinks in chat
- Tons of other improvements and fixes

eM Client 7.1.30439
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.1.30437
- Message encryption with PGP support
- Simplified security certificates and keys
- Live backup
- Automatic avatar downloading
- Improved print preview
- Even more customizable toolbars
- Auto-resize and formatting options for embedded pictures
- Improved table editor
- Text pasting options
- Improved calendar invites
- Customizable secondary sorting for all views
- Calendar folder sharing on MS Exchange and IceWarp servers
- GMail out of office responder support
- Preview images from hyperlinks in chat
- Tons of other improvements and fixes

eM Client 7.0.30068
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.0.27943
- Fixed some issues in deduplicator
- Several theme support improvements
- Updated localizations

eM Client 7.0.27920.0
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.0.27894.0
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.0.27804.0
- Exchange compatibility fixes
- Fixed several theme issues
- Fixed search conditions in search menu.
- Fixed unread count for Unread folder in conversation view
- Fixed rule order when importing from version 6
- Fixed 'Copy all addresses' and 'Add all contacts' options in contact text boxes
- Fixed undo in text boxes after pasting text
- When converting html into plain text, we now put the link into sharp brackets behind the link text
- When copying mail addresses into clipboard don't copy the "mailto:" prefix
- Added support for system scrollbars in themes (used for System and Classic theme)
- Display the original .p7m file as attachment if S/MIME decoding fails
- Localization updates
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

eM Client 7.0.27777.0
- Exchange compatibility fixes
- Fixed search conditions in search menu
- Fixed unread count for Unread folder in conversation view
- Fixed rule order when importing from version 6
- Fixed 'Copy all addresses' and 'Add all contacts' options in contact text boxes
- Fixed undo in text boxes after pasting text
- When converting html into plain text, we now put the link into sharp brackets behind the link text
- When copying mail addresses into clipboard don't copy the "mailto:" prefix
- Added support for system scrollbars in themes (used for System and Classic theme)
- Display the original .p7m file as attachment if S/MIME decoding fails
- Localization updates
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

eM Client 7.0.27744.0
- Exchange compatibility fixes
- Fixed search conditions in search menu.
- Fixed unread count for Unread folder in conversation view
- Fixed rule order when importing from version 6
- Fixed 'Copy all addresses' and 'Add all contacts' options in contact text boxes
- Fixed undo in text boxes after pasting text
- When converting html into plain text, we now put the link into sharp brackets behind the link text
- When copying mail addresses into clipboard don't copy the "mailto:" prefix
- Added support for system scrollbars in themes (used for System and Classic theme)
- Display the original .p7m file as attachment if S/MIME decoding fails
- Localization updates
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

eM Client 7.0.27742.0
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.0.27732.0
- Exchange compatibility fixes
- Fixed search conditions in search menu
- Fixed unread count for Unread folder in conversation view
- Fixed rule order when importing from version 6
- Fixed 'Copy all addresses' and 'Add all contacts' options in contact text boxes
- Fixed undo in text boxes after pasting text
- When converting html into plain text, we now put the link into sharp brackets behind the link text
- When copying mail addresses into clipboard don't copy the "mailto:" prefix
- Added support for system scrollbars in themes (used for System and Classic theme)
- Display the original .p7m file as attachment if S/MIME decoding fails
- Localization updates
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

eM Client 7.0.26687.0
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.0.26667.0
- New modern interface with several new themes including Dark theme
- Conversation view
- Delayed sending
- Full GMail Labels support
- Messages rendered by Chromium instead of Internet Explorer
- Translation of incoming messages
- Better support for touch devices and high-res displays
- Vacation responder
- Support for internet calendars (including Facebook calendar)
- Customizable toolbars
- And much more

eM Client 7.0.26653.0
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.0.26567.0
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.0.26134.0
- Change log not available for this version

eM Client 7.0.26567.0
- New modern interface with several new themes including Dark theme
- Conversation view
- Delayed sending
- Full GMail Labels support
- Messages rendered by Chromium instead of Internet Explorer
- Translation of incoming messages
- Better support for touch devices and high-res displays
- Vacation responder
- Support for internet calendars (including Facebook calendar)
- Customizable toolbars

eM Client 7.2.38711 相關參考資料
App Windows - eM Client Pro 7.2.38711.0 Multilingual | NulledTeam ...

Languages: Multilingual | File Size: 73.28 MB Best email client for Windows. eM Client is a full-featured email client with a modern and ...


Download eM Client 7.2.38711.0 8.0.817 Beta - Softpedia

Download eM Client - A feature-packed yet intuitive email client that integrates not only calendars, contacts and tasks, but also instant messaging functions.


Download eM Client for Windows | eM Client

Download free version of the best email client as replacement for Outlook or Thunderbird. Supports Gmail, Hotmail, iCloud, Exchange and other services.


eM Client 7.2 Update is out! | eM Client

If you haven't installed this version yet, the download link is available at the bottom of this page. eM Client for Mac OS. Starting with version 7.2, ...


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Release History | eM Client

31991.0. Wednesday, January 17, 2018. eM Client 7.1 Service Update - Added Zoho CardDAV settings. - Added support for Zoho accounts on custom domains ...
