DVD Ripper Pro

最新版本 WizTree 3.33

WizTree 3.33

WizTree 3.33
WonderFox DVD Ripper Pro - 真正的 1 號速度智能 DVD 抓取軟件,提供了最快的解決方案,可以將您廣泛的 DVD 收藏集轉換成幾乎任何視頻,音頻和設備。享受你的 DVD 只是變得更簡單,更快。我創建的視頻將具有完美的質量(即使在高清晰度下)。沒有丟失的關鍵幀,重繪問題或崩潰。基於我內置的領先的 DVD 解密和解碼技術,我隨時準備幫助您將任何 DVD(光盤 / 文件夾 / ISO)轉換為標準視頻格式,包括 DVD 到 AVI,DVD 到 MP4,DVD 到 MKV,DVD 到 MPG,WMV,MOV,MTS,M4V,ASF,DVC,MTS,M2TS,WEBM,FLV,SWF,VOB,F4V,3GP 和 3GP2,以滿足您的不同需求 DVD 到高清視頻格式,以在更大的屏幕上更好地播放。 WonderFox DVD Ripper Pro 是驚人的!

作為 DVD 撕裂電影第一實用程序,也是最好的 DVD 開膛手 Windows 10/8/ 7 軟件,我會讓你看你喜歡的 DVD 光盤在各種屏幕和顯示器。欣賞創造我的人。對於所有流行的設備,如 DVD 到 iPad,DVD 到 iPhone,DVD 到 Android 設備,三星,微軟,谷歌 Android,LG,亞馬遜,摩托羅拉,索尼,華為,諾基亞,黑莓,宏達電,Xbox,投影機(4K / FHD / 720P)等等。

WonderFox DVD Ripper Pro 功能:

壓縮 DVD(7.5 GB),數字視頻(1.2 GB),而不會丟失質量。

最快的 DVD 到數字轉換速度
只需 20 分鐘,撕裂一個 150 分鐘的 DVD 到 MP4 ,AVI,MKV,MOV,WMV,質量損失低,備份 DVD 到 MPG 的時間少得多(僅需 5〜10 分鐘).

智能檢測 DVD 電影和電視節目主標題
輕鬆地從 99 個標題中找出正確的標題以及刪除不需要的廣告,預告片,視頻剪輯和其他一些東西.

注意:您只能撕裂前 15 分鐘的視頻.


檔案版本 WizTree 3.33

檔案名稱 wiztree_3_33_setup.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 WonderFox Soft, Inc.
官網 http://www.videoconverterfactory.com/dvd-ripper/
更新日期 2020-05-14

What's new in this version:

- Network and substituted drives that may not have been visible to WizTree when running as administrator will now be selectable. This is a work around for a Windows bug/feature that does not allow elevated applications to access network and substituted drives that were created by a non elevated process.
- In such a case WizTree will display the contents of the network drive using the UNC name (e.g. \servernamesharename) instead of the mapped drive letter. Similarly substituted drives will display the contents of the local folder the drive is mapped to instead of the mapped drive letter.-

- Added option to display values in TB. Values larger than 1024GB will be displayed in TB in dynamic value display mode.
- /filterexclude would not work unless a /filter was specified (fixed)
- Folder names will now be matched against the filter specification using a trailing backslash
- (setting a /filterexclude to "C:windows would export the "C:windows folder record incorrectly as it would filter using "C:windows" instead of "c:windows)
- Files without an extension can now be filtered for by using "*." filter. This did not work previously as the period was not included in the filename used to match against the filter.
- Importing a CSV file that was exported with folders only ( "/exportfiles=0") will now display total file and folder info correctly
- Importing a CSV file that did not contain complete folder information could cause file names to become corrupted. This would prevent context menu from working correctly.
- Importing a CSV file from a network share (e.g. \servernamesharename) would drop the leading " when importing (fixed)
- row height can be set in the WizTree3.ini file ("rowheight=xx"). Default is 19. Useful if you've increased the fontheight setting in this file.
- when sorting by allocated size, the percentage of parent calculation will now use allocated size value

WizTree 3.33 相關參考資料
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Download WizTree 3.33 - Softpedia

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WizTree 3.33 - MajorGeeks.Com

WizTree 3.33. Author: antibody-software.com. Date: 05/10/2020 02:04 PM Size: 3.40 MB+


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WizTree 3.33: A very, very, very fast way to find the files and folders hogging your hard drive space.


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WizTree allows you to analyze the disk space of your hard disk. It manages all this process in an efficient manner, which is included in one of ...


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WizTree 3.33 檔案下載 wiztree_3_33_setup.exe | 電腦資訊007情報站

WizTree 3.33 軟體版本wiztree_3_33_setup.exe 檔案下載,Shift 更高的齒輪與電子郵件客戶端,使郵件,日曆和雲端硬盤帳戶之間的導航快速,方便,美觀。


WizTree 磁碟空間分析免費工具(免安裝) - 關鍵應用

... 工具,除了幫你找出磁碟機中各資料夾的佔用空間之外,還幫你列出前1000大最肥的檔案,供你參考。 【WizTree 軟體檔案】. 軟體版本:3.33.


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