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最新版本 DiskDigger

DiskDigger 歷史版本列表

DiskDigger 是一個程序,從您的硬盤驅動器,內存卡,USB 閃存驅動器中刪除和恢復丟失的文件— 你的名字!無論您是否意外地從計算機中刪除了某些文檔或照片,重新格式化了相機的存儲卡,或者想要查看舊 USB 驅動器上潛伏的文件,DiskDigger 就在這里為您提供幫助.DiskDigger 可以從大多數類型的介質恢復已刪除的文件計算機可以讀取:硬盤,USB 閃存驅動器,存儲卡,C... DiskDigger 軟體介紹

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Navicat Premium 16.3.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Navicat Premium 16.3.7 (64-bit)
- Importing data to Redshift was slow
- Crashed when importing paradox files
- Failed to import JSON file from web service
- Unable to transfer data from Redshift
- Refresh button did not work in Server Monitor
- Some labels disappeared after adding the chart to the dashboard
- Unable to display proportion percentages in the chart axis
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.3.5 (64-bit)
- Support multi-host for GaussDB Centralized

- The percentage values shown in the chart were incorrect
- Not all data was imported when scheduling import
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when importing data
- Code Completion did not work properly in SQL Server queries
- The comment code shortcut did not work in some cases
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when transferring data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.3.3 (64-bit)
- Support Huawei Cloud GaussDB Distributed
- Support enabling or disabling "Detect Data Types" in Import Wizard
- Support ssh agent using pageant unix mode

- Primary keys were not displayed for PostgreSQL partitioned tables
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.3.2 (64-bit)
- Unable to show the privileges of "public" in PostgreSQL Privilege Manager
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.3.0 (64-bit)
- Support Redis Cluster
- Support MongoDB Time-Series Collection
- Support setting MySQL descending primary key

- Naming issue in the Foreign Keys tab of SQL Server Table Designer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.11 (64-bit)
- Crashed when opening Charts workspaces in some cases
- "The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values." error occurred when importing data to SQL Server.
- Unable to show all documents in Serverless MongoDB Atlas
- Missing parameters when transferring MariaDB Functions
- Crashed when scheduling import jobs
- 1064 error occurred when running query to create stored procedure in some cases
- Missing records when importing files in some cases
- Special characters were garbled when using double-click to add a snippet to the query
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.10 (64-bit)
- Crashed when importing Access files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.8 (64-bit)
- Support Huawei Cloud GaussDB Centralized
- Auto guess field types when importing xlsx files

- Beautify SQL incorrectly added spaces between the function name and parentheses
- Unable connect to MySQL via SSH tunnel in some cases
- Dump SQL File did not correctly generate DEFAULT PARTITION
- "Parameters supplied for object 'xxx' which is not a function" error occurred when adding record in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.7 (64-bit)
- Incorrectly triggering code completion when pressing ENTER in Query Editor
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.6 (64-bit)
- Support JSON key type for Redis

- Unable to close tabs in some cases
- Slashes () were removed from triggers when synchronizing MariaDB structures
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.5 (64-bit)
- "Implicit conversion from data type" error occurred when synchronizing SQL Server data.
- The default directory of new SQL Server database was incorrect.
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when connecting to Redis.
- Cannot type a new name for the table in Import Wizard.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Navicat Premium 16.2.3 (64-bit)
- Expressions for virtual columns were truncated
- Unable to display SQLite BLOB data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.2 (64-bit)
- Support unix socket forwarding in SSH

- Unable to connect SQL Server using the Encrypted option
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.1 (64-bit)
- Support Redis connections
- View, edit, search and sort Redis keys and data with Data View
- Capture and analyze Redis Pub/Sub messages in real-time
- Support local backup and restore of Redis databases
- Intuitive interface for editing Redis users and ACLs
- Redis Console with syntax highlight and code completion
- Well-formatted Redis query results
- Automate Redis backup and query execution
- Command Monitor and Server Monitor for real-time monitoring of Redis
- Support sequence design for MariaDB
- Show fields, indexes and more under tables in Navigation Pane
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Navicat for Redis is released

Navicat Premium 16.1.15 (64-bit)
- High CPU usage when using SSH connection
- "permission denied for view geometry_columns" error occurred when opening PostgreSQL table
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.12 (64-bit)
- Unable to Import MySQL Longtext data to SQL Server
- Query Builder window was larger than the screen in some cases
- Unable to display full server output in Query's Message tab
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when clicking the last page button in MongoDB query results
- Modifying PostgreSQL table with a geometry field and no primary key did not take effect
- Unable to display the data differences of TEXT fields in Data Synchronization
- The second field was selected when adding a sort condition in Table Viewer
- Crashed when stopping Data Transfer process
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.11 (64-bit)
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.9 (64-bit)
- Support OceanBase Oracle Mode

- Memory utilization issue
- Modification did not take effect on tables with geometry fields and no primary key
- Table Viewer did not show the SQL if errors occurred
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.8 (64-bit)
- Unable to save changes after deleting a cell value in Table Viewer
- Access violation error occurred when opening a model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.7 (64-bit)
- Support MariaDB UUID type
- Support the PARALLEL option for PostgreSQL functions

- Cannot display column comment when mouse over in dark mode
- "Default or null are not allowed as explicit identity values" error occurred when inserting a row in SQL Server table
- Missing $$ quotes in PostgreSQL function definition
- Cannot delete document after clicking the last page button
- Data Synchronization did not work in Automation
- "Failed to send mail. Stream error." occurred when sending email
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.6 (64-bit)
- Unable to list tables or views in Azure SQL Database connection
- "Cannot open source table" error occurred when using Condition Query in Import Wizard
- Exporting to Excel file was slow
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.4 (64-bit)
- 1267 error occurred when clicking the "Users" button
- Unable to connect Azure Database for PostgreSQL with Azure Active Directory Authentication
- Bar chart label display issue
- Unable to export Excel file in some cases
- Hanged when transferring tables
- Unable to connect CockroachDB Serverless
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.3 (64-bit)
- Unable to connect server using HTTP tunnel in some cases
- Font size issue in Form View
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when adding records in SQL Server Views
- Field size was not retained in SQLite table designer
- Buttons in the lower right corner of the main window were missing in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.2 (64-bit)
- Crashed when changing the chart type in some cases
- Hanged when deleting a table in Query Builder
- Text color issue in Dark Mode
- Unable to generate CREATE PROCEDURE SQL in Data Transfer
- Dump Script File feature generated an invalid JSON
- Unable to connect AWS RDS database via SSH
- Backup and Dump SQL File was slow in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.1 (64-bit)
- Unable to open the objects in the "Find in Database" window
- The first number of every value in the list was removed in the table filter
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when updating query results in some cases
- Unable to use "Copy As" in View results
- Crashed when opening functions in some cases
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when foreign key selection window popped up
- Unable to open schema in Azure SQL
- Crashed when clicking on the value box in table filter
- Decimal separator issue in SQLite
- Cannot retain the window size and position for existing objects
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.0 (64-bit)
Main New Features:
- Support OceanBase Community Edition
- Support Trend Line for several chart types
- Support adding On-Prem Server with URI
- Allow skip preview of changes in data sync
- Enhanced responsiveness and performance
- Improved UI/UX
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.14 (64-bit)
- Query parameters did not work in some cases
- Unable to synchronize PostgreSQL data in some cases
- Decimal precision issue when importing from Excel files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.12 (64-bit)
- Wrong time zone was added to TIMESTAMP field when exporting CSV file
- Extra commas were added to the script in Structure Synchronization
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when exporting large amount of data
- Unable to sign in Subscription plan
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.11 (64-bit)
- Crashed when running Automation in some cases
- Missing the first record when import
- Unable to locate project when running batch job
- Unable to get table information when scheduling data synchronization
- Refresh button ran all SQLs in Query Editor
- .0000 data export issue
- Function execution message log issue
- Access Violation error occurred when removing default value
- Navicat exited when clicking the Type column in Table Designer
- Crashed when batch querying tables with FK dependency
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.10 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 16.0.9 (64-bit)
- The "Compare" button did not work in Data Synchronization in some cases
- "Couldn't open known_hosts file" error occurred when the SSH path contained Chinese characters
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.7 (64-bit)
- Unable to show data when using HTTP tunnel
- Unable to show utf8mb4 data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.5 (64-bit)
- Connection encoding issue in Navicat Cloud
- Connection password issue when updating connection in Navicat Cloud
- Error occurred when synchronizing to Navicat Cloud
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when designing PostgreSQL table
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.4 (64-bit)
- Syntax error occurred when importing data to MySQL table
- Notification Email authentication failed in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.27 (64-bit)
- Double foreign key lines were printed when exporting a model to a PDF file
- Access violation error occurred when searching in the Backup's Object Selection tab
- No data value on the label when exporting a chart to a PDF file
- Unable to synchronize decimal precision from a model to SQL Server database
- Unable to rename a view inside a group in Navicat Cloud
- Cannot connect to Microsoft Azure Database in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.26 (64-bit)
- Support Retryable Writes and Retryable Reads for MongoDB
- Support tunneling on PHP 8

Bug fixes:
- Unable to show accurate value of Oracle BINARY_DOUBLE type
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when importing Excel file in some cases
- Wrong SQL generated when comparing SQL Server tables with different constraint names
- An empty string was not quoted when exporting to a text file
- Query was garbled when the system locale set to Japanese
- Export/Import profile did not work if it was copied to Desktop
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.25 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Empty rows were added when exporting more than 1.05 M records to Excel file
- Unable to rename Oracle views when the "Use custom database list" option is enabled
- Error occurred when using Recordset Generator to generate a record set for the Date field
- Hanged when designing a table with many fields
- Error occurred when copying tables from one SQLite database to another
- Unable to display the definition of SQLite View in some cases
- Relation lines were disappeared after saving and reopening Logical Model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.23 (64-bit)
- Unable to exclude collations when synchronizing a model to a database
- Functions were not properly saved as the default value in MariaDB
- ER diagram was reloaded when clicking the Design Table button
- Unable to toggle "Virtual Type" in an existing table
- Error 1227 occurred when creating or designing a table
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.22 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.21 (64-bit)
- Queries cannot be displayed when "Settings Location" was set to a network path
- Error 80041318 occurred when setting schedule
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.20 (64-bit)
- Slow response when querying the full collection count
- Flashed in dark mode
- "Unallowed argument in list..." error when running export / import schedule
- Error occurred when modifying the value in a DateTimeOffset field
- Unable to load version 10 data synchronization profiles
- Differences were incorrectly detected in Synchronize to Database
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.19 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.18 (64-bit)
- "IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON" error occurred when synchronizing SQL Server tables
- Unable to show records that had -1 data in Table Viewer
- "Drop target objects before create" option did not work in Data Transfer
- Memory leak issue when enabled code completion
- "Relation does not exist" error occurred when debugging a function in a schema other than the "public" schema
- "Unknown Internal Error (A70529211102SE)" error occurred when exporting / importing data
- Slow issue when transferring large tables
- Unable to show the inputted text in Filter Wizard
- Error occurred when filtering data by right-clicking a cell in Table Viewer
- "Cannot insert into column" error occurred when transferring PostgreSQL tables
- Inserted records to the wrong table when transferring data to the target table with a different name
- "Debugger Plugin is not installed or enabled" error occurred when the extension was installed in another schema
- Unable to connect MySQL server when using TLSv1.2
- "COMMENT ON FUNCTION" clause was mistakenly generated when synchronizing PostgreSQL procedures
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.17 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.16 (64-bit)
- Support Active Directory authentication method for SQL Server
- Integer column exported in Number format when exporting Excel file
- Display export profiles in the same group of queries

- The fields of PostgreSQL compound index were displayed incorrectly
- Unable to show index fields in PostgreSQL 9.0
- Unable to set data to NULL in query results
- Crashed when clicking the ellipsis button in Custom Recordset
- Pasting data into a column cleared another column data
- Default Settings Location path was set to a wrong location for some cases
- "Floating point division by zero" error occurred when setting the dashboard background
- The file extension was missing when exporting the dashboard
- Query Parameter did not work when using a parameter twice
- "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when adding NULL data to the chart
- Incorrect columns were displayed after clicking the Default button in the "Choose columns" window
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.14 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Unable to set the identity seed and increment in PostgreSQL models
- Unable to synchronize data to MySQL 8.0.19
- Unable to connect AnalyticDB
- Unable to set SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON in Data Synchronization
- Unable to export data to .mdb files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.13 (64-bit)
- MySQL table row format reverted to Compact after editing
- Unknown Internal error occurred when opening Oracle tables
- Syntax error occurred when creating events
- Unable to set default value for fields in Table Designer
- Unable to show SUPER privilege for MariaDB 10.4 in the user object list
- Foreign key was dropped and added when re-comparing the model
- Data Pump Import's Table Exists Action drop-down list options were incorrect
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.12 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Incorrect SQL generated when transferring Oracle tables
- Invalid XML error occurred when importing connections
- Differences was detected in re-comparison in Structure Synchronization and Synchronize to Database
- Incorrect data was updated when saving ; in a non-text field
- Unable to import data to PostgreSQL array fields
- Incorrect SQL generated for altering fields in Structure Synchronization
- Incorrect items were displayed in suggestion list when using code completion with alias
- Incorrect SQL generated when enabling "On Update Current_timestamp" in Table Designer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.11 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Query wrongly returned null results in some cases
- "," was replaced by "." when using Custom Filter in Table Viewer
- Relation attributes were wrong after reopening the logical model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.9 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Only the first batch was transferred when "Number of row per batch" was enabled
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.8 (64-bit)
- Added "Keep Orthogonal Layout" to Model

Bug fixes:
- Unable to update bit type data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.7 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- The "Others" button was missing for PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server connections

Navicat Premium 15.0.6 (64-bit)
- Added shortcuts for "Run Current Statement" and "Select Current Statement" in Query Editor

Bug fixes:
- "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when modeling databases
- Find bar UI issue in Data Viewer
- Unable to print table when using popup menu on Navigation pane
- Syntax error occurred when renaming index in MariaDB table
- Explain feature did not work with query parameters
- Interval type was not supported in Charts
- Highlight color issue in Filter wizard when using Dark mode
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.5 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- OCI Environment setting was unable to save
- "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when resizing tables in View Builder
- Multiple primary key names were generated when exporting model to SQL files
- int8 type was converted to int8(255) when synchronizing model to PostgreSQL server
- Syntax error occurred when connecting to MySQL 4
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.4 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Access violation error occurred when adding users to Navicat Cloud project
- Access Denied error occurred when designing table
- Unable to highlight field when typing in Filter's field selection list
- Wrong fields are exported to the SQL file when not all fields are selected
- Dark theme kept reverting back to Normal theme
- Wrong CREATE INDEX was generated in Model
- MySQL JSON data was truncated in Table Viewer
- Empty value was exported as **** when exporting DBF file
- Data Transfer high memory consumption issue
- Unable to connect Azure Database for MariaDB
- Run queries slow issue
- Unable to set Numeric field without precision in PostgreSQL server
- "List index out of bounds (-1)" error occurred when editing role privileges
- "Last Tab Window" option was missing

Navicat Premium 15.0.3 (64-bit)
- New Charts
- Advanced Data Transfer
- Brand new Query Builder
- Enhanced Data Modeling Tool
- Dark theme UI and Diagram
- Many other new features and improvements

Screaming Frog 19.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Screaming Frog 19.6
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 19.5
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 19.4
- an issue with JavaScript rendering and redirects
- an issue causing a crash when seleting the bounce rate metric in GA4

Screaming Frog 19.3
- Added Subscription, Paywalled Content and Vehicle Listing rich result features to structured data validation
- Removed Google How-To feature
- Updated to Schema.org version 23
- Bring Sitemap only user-agent directive handling in line with Googlebot’s updated behaviour
- Introduced synced scrolling of duplicate content frames in the Duplicate Details Tab
- Updated ‘View > Reset Columns for All Tables’ to also reset visibility if disabled
- Added right-hand Segments Tab & Overview filter to ‘Reports’ to allow exporting in Scheduling / CLI
- Added indication as to why ‘OK’ button is disabled when there is an error on another tab in system config

- issue with page transfer size missing in rendered crawls
- issue with image in ‘Missing Alt Attribute’ filter during JavaScript rendering
- issue with PageSpeed tab not appearing if you enable PSI mid-crawl with focus mode enabled
- issue with Microdata not parsing
- issue with unreadable scheduled crawl history errors
- issue where Forms Auth was not using the user-agent from the working config
- issue with various sites not loading in forms based authentication
- various disaply issues with the config windows
- various crashes
- Update Chrome to resolve WebP exploit CVE-2023-4863

Screaming Frog 19.2
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 19.1
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 19.0
- Updated Design, Unified Config, Segments, Visual Custom Extraction, 3D Visualisations, New Filters & Issues

Screaming Frog 18.5
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 18.4
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 18.3
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 18.2
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 18.1
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 18.0
GA4 Integration:
- It’s taken a little while, but like most SEOs, we’ve finally come to terms that we’ll have to actually switch to GA4. You’re now able to (begrudgingly) connect to GA4 and pull in analytics data in a crawl via their new API.
- Connect via ‘Config > API Access > GA4’, select from 65 available metrics, and adjust the date and dimensions.
- Similar to the existing UA integration, data will quickly appear under the ‘Analytics’ and Internal tabs when you start crawling in real-time
- You can apply ‘filter’ dimensions like in the GA UI, including first user, or session channel grouping with dimension values, such as ‘organic search’ to refine to a specific channel
- If there are any other dimensions or filters you’d like to see supported, then do let us know

Parse PDFs:
- PDFs are not the sexiest thing in the world, but due to the number of corporates and educational institutions that have requested this over the years, we felt compelled to provide support parsing them. The SEO Spider will now crawl PDFs, discover links within them and show the document title as the page title.
- This means users can check to see whether links within PDFs are functioning as expected and issues like broken links will be reported in the usual way in the Response Codes tab. The outlinks tab will be populated, and include details such as response codes, anchor text and even what page of the PDF a link is on.
- You can also choose to ‘Extract PDF Properties’ and ‘Store PDF’ under ‘Config > Spider > Extraction’ and the PDF subject, author, created and modified dates, page count and word count will be stored.
- PDFs can be bulk saved and exported via ‘Bulk Export > Web > All PDF Documents’.
- If you’re interested in how search engines crawl and index PDFs, check out a couple of tweets where we shared some insights from internal experiments for both Google and Bing.

Validation Tab:
- There’s a new Validation tab, which performs some basic best practice validations that can impact crawlers when crawling and indexing. This isn’t W3C HTML validation which is a little too strict, the aim of this tab is to identify issues that can impact search bots from being able to parse and understand a page reliably.
- Most SEOs know about invalid HTML elements in the head causing it to close early, but there are other interesting fix-ups and quirks that both browsers like Chrome (and subsequently) Google do if it sees a non-head element prior to the head in the HTML (it creates its own blank head), or if there are multiple, or missing HTML elements etc.
- The new filters include –
- Invalid HTML Elements In – Pages with invalid HTML elements within the . When an invalid element is used in the , Google assumes the end of the element and ignores any elements that appear after the invalid element. This means critical elements that appear after the invalid element will not be seen. The element as per the HTML standard is reserved for title, meta, link, script, style, base, noscript and template elements only.
- Not First In Element – Pages with an HTML element that proceed the element in the HTML. The should be the first element in the element. Browsers and Googlebot will automatically generate a element if it’s not first in the HTML. While ideally elements would be in the, if a valid element is first in the it will be considered as part of the generated. However, if nonelements such as ,, etc are used before the intended element and its metadata, then Google assumes the end of the element. This means the intendedelement and its metadata may only be seen in theand ignored.
- Missing Tag – Pages missing a element within the HTML. The element is a container for metadata about the page, that’s placed between theandtag. Metadata is used to define the page title, character set, styles, scripts, viewport and other data that are critical to the page. Browsers and Googlebot will automatically generate a element if it’s omitted in the markup, however it may not contain meaningful metadata for the page and this should not be relied upon.
- Multiple Tags – Pages with multiple elements in the HTML. There should only be one element in the HTML which contains all critical metadata for the document. Browsers and Googlebot will combine metadata from subsequentelements if they are both before the, however, this should not be relied upon and is open to potential mix-ups. Anytags after thestarts will be ignored.
- MissingTag – Pages missing aelement within the HTML. Theelement contains all the content of a page, including links, headings, paragraphs, images and more. There should be oneelement in the HTML of the page. Browsers and Googlebot will automatically generate aelement if it’s omitted in the markup, however, this should not be relied upon.
- MultipleTags – Pages with multipleelements in the HTML. There should only be oneelement in the HTML which contains all content for the document. Browsers and Googlebot will try to combine content from subsequentelements, however, this should not be relied upon and is open to potential mix-ups.
- HTML Document Over 15MB – Pages which are over 15MB in document size. This is important as Googlebot limit their crawling and indexing to the first 15MB of an HTML file or supported text-based file. This size does not include resources referenced in the HTML such as images, videos, CSS, and JavaScript that are fetched separately. Google only considers the first 15MB of the file for indexing and stops crawling afterwards. The file size limit is applied on the uncompressed data. The median size of an HTML file is about 30 kilobytes (KB), so pages are highly unlikely to reach this limit.
- We plan on extending our validation checks and filters over time.

In-App Updates:
- Every time we release an update there will always be one or two users that remind us that they have to painstakingly visit our website, and click a button to download and install the new version.
- WHY do we have to put them through this torture?
- The simple answer is that historically we’ve thought it wasn’t a big deal and it’s a bit of a boring enhancement to prioritise over so many other super cool features we could build. With that said, we do listen to our users, so we went ahead and prioritised the boring-but-useful feature.
- You will now be alerted in-app when there’s a new version available, which will have already silently downloaded in the background. You can then install in a few clicks.
- We’re planning on switching our installer, so the number of clicks required to install and auto-restart will be implemented soon, too. We can barely contain our excitement

Authentication for Scheduling / CLI:
- Previously, the only way to authenticate via scheduling or the CLI was to supply an ‘Authorization’ HTTP header with a username and password via the HTTP header config, which worked for standards based authentication – rather than web forms
- We’ve now made this much simpler, and not just for basic or digest authentication, but web form authentication as well. In ‘Config > Authentication’, you can now provide the username and password for any standards based authentication, which will be remembered so you only need to provide it once.
- You can also login as usual via ‘Forms Based’ authentication and the cookies will be stored
- When you have provided the relevant details or logged in, you can visit the new ‘Profiles’ tab, and export a new .seospiderauthconfig file
- This file which has saved authentication for both standards and forms based authentication can then be supplied in scheduling, or the CLI
- This means for scheduled or automated crawls the SEO Spider can login to not just standards based authentication, but web forms where feasible as well

New Filters & Issues:
- There’s a variety of new filters and issues available across existing tabs that help better filter data, or communicate issues discovered
- Many of these were already available either via another filter, or from an existing report like ‘Redirect Chains’. However, they now have their own dedicated filter and issue in the UI, to help raise awareness. These include –
- ‘Response Codes > Redirect Chains’ – Internal URLs that redirect to another URL, which also then redirects. This can occur multiple times in a row, each redirect is referred to as a ‘hop’. Full redirect chains can be viewed and exported via ‘Reports > Redirects > Redirect Chains’.
- ‘Response Codes > Redirect Loop’ – Internal URLs that redirect to another URL, which also then redirects. This can occur multiple times in a row, each redirect is referred to as a ‘hop’. This filter will only populate if a URL redirects to a previous URL within the redirect chain. Redirect chains with a loop can be viewed and exported via ‘Reports > Redirects > Redirect Chains’ with the ‘Loop’ column filtered to ‘True’.
- ‘Images > Background Images’ – CSS background and dynamically loaded images discovered across the website, which should be used for non-critical and decorative purposes. Background images are not typically indexed by Google and browsers do not provide alt attributes or text on background images to assistive technology.
- ‘Canonicals > Multiple Conflicting’ – Pages with multiple canonicals set for a URL that have different URLs specified (via either multiple link elements, HTTP header, or both combined). This can lead to unpredictability, as there should only be a single canonical URL set by a single implementation (link element, or HTTP header) for a page.
- ‘Canonicals > Canonical Is Relative’ – Pages that have a relative rather than absolute rel=”canonical” link tag. While the tag, like many HTML tags, accepts both relative and absolute URLs, it’s easy to make subtle mistakes with relative paths that could cause indexing-related issues.
- ‘Canonicals > Unlinked’ – URLs that are only discoverable via rel=”canonical” and are not linked-to via hyperlinks on the website. This might be a sign of a problem with internal linking, or the URLs contained in the canonical.
- ‘Links > Non-Indexable Page Inlinks Only’ – Indexable pages that are only linked-to from pages that are non-indexable, which includes noindex, canonicalised or robots.txt disallowed pages. Pages with noindex and links from them will initially be crawled, but noindex pages will be removed from the index and be crawled less over time. Links from these pages may also be crawled less and it has been debated by Googlers whether links will continue to be counted at all. Links from canonicalised pages can be crawled initially, but PageRank may not flow as expected if indexing and link signals are passed to another page as indicated in the canonical. This may impact discovery and ranking. Robots.txt pages can’t be crawled, so links from these pages will not be seen.

Flesch Readability Scores:
- Flesch readability scores are now calculated and included within the ‘Content‘ tab with new filters for ‘Readability Difficult’ and Readability Very Difficult’.
- Please note, the readability scores are suited for English language, and we may provide support to additional languages or alternative readability scores for other languages in the future.
- Readability scores can be disabled under ‘Config > Spider > Extraction’

Other Updates:
Auto Complete URL Bar:
- The URL bar will now show suggested URLs to enter as you type based upon previous URL bar history, which a user can quickly select to help save precious seconds.
- Response Code Colours for Visualisations:
- You’re now able to select to ‘Use Response Code Node Colours’ in crawl visualisations.
- This means nodes for no responses, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX and 5XX buckets will be coloured individually, to help users spot issues related to responses more effectively.

XML Sitemap Source In Scheduling:
- You can now choose an XML Sitemap URL as the source in scheduling and via the CL in list mode like the regular UI

Screaming Frog 17.2
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 17.1
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 17.0
- Issues Tab, Links Tab, New Limits, ‘Multiple Properties’ Config For URL Inspection API, Apple Silicon Version & RPM for Fedora and Detachable Tabs

Screaming Frog 16.7
This release is mainly bug fixes and small improvements:
- URL inspection can now be resumed from a saved crawl
- The automated Screaming Frog Data Studio Crawl Report now has a URL Inspection page
- Added ‘Days Since Last Crawl’ column for the URL Inspection integration
- Added URL Inspection data to the lower ‘URL Details’ tab
- Translations are now available for the URL Inspection integration
- Fixed a bug moving tabs and filters related to URL Inspection in scheduling
- Renamed two ‘Search Console’ filters – ‘No Search Console Data’ to ‘No Search Analytics Data’ and ‘Non-Indexable with Search Console Data’ to ‘Non-Indexable with Search Analytics Data’ to be more specific regarding the API used
- Fix crash loading scheduled tasks
- Fix crash removing URLs

Screaming Frog 16.6
- Change log not available for this version

Screaming Frog 16.5
- Update to Apache log4j 2.17.0 to fix CVE-2021-45046 and CVE-2021-45105
- Show more detailed crawl analysis progress in the bottom status bar when active
- Fix JavaScript rendering issues with POST data
- Improve Google Sheets exporting when Google responds with 403s and 502s
- Be more tolerant of leading/trailing spaces for all tab and filter names when using the CLI
- Add auto naming for GSC accounts, to avoid tasks clashing
- Fix crash running link score on crawls with URLs that have a status of “Rendering Failed”

Screaming Frog 16.4
- Bug fixes

Screaming Frog 16.3
This release is mainly bug fixes and small improvements:
- The Google Search Console integration now has new filters for search type (Discover, Google News, Web etc) and supports regex as per the recent Search Analytics API update
- Fix issue with Shopify and CloudFront sites loading in Forms Based authentication browser
- Fix issue with cookies not being displayed in some cases
- Give unique names to Google Rich Features and Google Rich Features Summary report file names
- Set timestamp on URLs loaded as part of JavaScript rendering
- Fix crash running on macOS Monetery
- Fix right click focus in visualisations
- Fix crash in Spelling and Grammar UI
- Fix crash when exporting invalid custom extraction tabs on the CLI
- Fix crash when flattening shadow DOM
- Fix crash generating a crawl diff
- Fix crash when the Chromium can’t be initialised

Screaming Frog 16.2
- issue with corrupt fonts for some users
- bug in the UI that allowed you to schedule a crawl without a crawl seed in Spider Mode
- stall opening saved crawls
- issues with upgrades of database crawls using excessive disk space
- issue with exported HTML visualisations missing pop up help
- issue with PSI going too fast
- issue with Chromium requesting webcam access
- crash when cancelling an export
- crash during JavaScript crawling
- crash accessing visualisations configuration using languages other then English

Screaming Frog 16.1
- some Spanish translations based on feedback
- SERP Snippet preview to be more in sync with current SERPs

- preventing the Custom Crawl Overview report for Data Studio working in languages other than English
- resuming crawls with saved Internal URL configuration
- caused by highlighting a selection then clicking another cell in both list and tree views
- duplicating a scheduled crawl
- during JavaScript crawl

Screaming Frog 16.0
- Improved JavaScript Crawling
- Automated Crawl Reports For Data Studio
- Advanced Search & Filtering and Translated UI

DiskDigger 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Interface updates:
- The interface has been made simpler, yet more powerful. After selecting the drive you want to scan, you simply select the types of files you'd like to look for, and DiskDigger does the rest. There are options to search for "All file types" or "Specific file types". Selecting a specific file type may result in slightly faster performance.
- When the scan is completed (or during!), DiskDigger organizes recoverable files into two tabs: "Found in file system" and "Found in free space". The files in the "file system" tab are recovered through parsing the file system structures on the disk, and the files in the "free space" tab are found outside of the file system, or from a corrupted disk, or from the free space on your disk.
- The interface now also has improved support for high-DPI displays, adapting its fonts and icons more properly to your screen's pixel density

Data recovery engine updates:
- The data recovery algorithms that power DiskDigger have been streamlined and unified. In previous versions, users needed to select between two different modes of recovery ("deep" and "deeper" mode), but no more: in the newest version these have been combined into a single scan of your disk, which performs both a filesystem-aware search plus a free-space carving search, and makes all the results available to you for browsing, filtering, and recovering.
- Support for ReFS has been further expanded from the previous version
- Improved support for recovering files in unallocated clusters in exFAT partitions
- Tons of additional minor bug fixes and enhancements

DiskDigger 查看版本資訊


GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.48 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.48
- improved dedupe of site lists
- GnuBoar engine improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.47
- workaround and fixes with broken site list files
- improved site list format switching

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.45
- fixed: minor issue with punnyencode

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.43
- new: improved some wordpress engines
- fix: issue with form position on startup
- fix: minor issues in serlib

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.41
- Fixed: minor issue in recaptcha version detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.39
- Fixed: the #trans macro was also translating %xyz% macros

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.38
- improved re-verification of URLs
- option to skip locked proxies from testing

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.37
- improved ssl support
- removed none working indexing services

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.36
- fix: minor issue with unix timestamp in scripting
- fix: GrammarBot API changed and fixed
- new: improved "display none" detection for form fields

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.35
- fix: problem with spinrewriter service
- fix: another issue with utf8 encoding on URL/anchor checking
- new: updated SerLib engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.34
- random images get inserted with alt-tag
- update of openssl libs
- new captcha service NopeCHA added

- issues with NopeCHA service
- issue with project URL checking

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.33
- Fixed: memory limit setting was damaged from previous build

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.30
- Fixed issue with importing verified urls from other projects

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.29
- fix: minor issue with IP based captcha services
- new: improved OpenAI API usage for titles
- new: improved target URLs import from clipboard

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.28
- New: improved recaptcha handling

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.27
- New: improved some engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.26
- New: improved recaptcha detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.25
- SerLib interface updated
- email engines updated

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.24
- Fixed: some search engines fixed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.23
- new search engines added
- new proxy sources added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.22
- improved search engine parsing
- speed improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.21
- many new search engines added
- improved XenForo engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.20
- fixed: problem with content creation and left html in articles

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.19
- fix: brotli decoding
- fix: proxy issue on search queries

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.18
- improved content search
- new search engine added
- ability to scrape h1-h6 as anchor

- blacklist filter not saved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.17
- option for article manager to place link in first paragraph
- improved url verification based on puny-encode/url-encode issues

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.16
- new filtering for selecting verified/submitted URLs
- added a new engine
- new search engine added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.15
- new: improved some script functions that work now faster and more accurate

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.14
- new: added filter options for importing target urls from other projects

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.12
- fix: minor issues with account creation
- new: ability to filter site lists based on amount of outgoing links
- new: allow multiple article types for OpenAI

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.11
- new: minor issues with filtering

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.10
- improved OpenAI interface
- added new indexing service (SmartIndexer)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.09
- new search engine added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.08
- new: new options for serlib interface
- fix: datetime macro with unix time stamp

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.07
- New: improved serlib interface
- Fix: deactivating email accounts in projects was not saved correctly
- Fix: manually sending URLs to indexing services was not saved as being sent

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.06
- ability to delete email messages in GUI with imap protocol
- improved email parsing

- some engines improved
- search engine setup
- manual send to indexer was ignoring filter options

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.05
- improved SERLib
- improved http sockets

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.04
- new engine addon SERLib added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.03
- fixed: new search engine added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.02
- improved some engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.01
- fix: accounts per site issue fixed and constant target url loading

- improved general url shortener engine
- improved log output
- improved wordpress engine with sticky post option

GSA Search Engine Ranker 17.00
- some engines updated
- improved detection of how to fill of unknown input fields
- added support for recaptcha/enterprise
- email engines updated      
- #openai macro will use language of the site it submits to

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.99
- fix: indexing service issues
- new: added #openai macro (see macro guide for details)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.98
- new: some minor script engine issues
- new: new search engine added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.97
- fix: problem with CapSolver service

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.95
- New: improved search engine parsing/speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.94
- improved network speed
- added import from csv files

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.93
- Fixed: issue with parsing search engines and getting stuck

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.92
- New: search engine parsing improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.91
- added OpenAI to create articles
- search engines improved
- support for brotli
- improved proxy dialog

- fix: [2023-03-21] issue with editing indexing service parameters

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.89
- article import from spinned data with first sentence as title

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.88
- new: new proxy sources added
- new: SpinnerChief API updated
- fix: PR emulation with google was not saved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.87
- fixed: possible dupe posting issue

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.86
- new: less memory usage

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.85
- problem with dynamic URL content for URL Data
- show/hide verified nofollow/dofollow URLs

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.84
- new: improved SWiFT proxy API

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.83
- new search engine added
- improved some captcha services

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.82
- improved email verification

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.81
- new: improved search engines parsing (again)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.79
- fixed: issue with proxy count not being updated

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.77
- new: speed improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.76
- New: improved email verification

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.75
- new: less cpu usage

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.74
- new: *** Merry XMAS to you and your loved ones ***
- new: some engines improved
- fix: some email engines fixed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.73
- improved some engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.72
- new search engines added
- improved captchaai.com service
- improved script language with new macros
- added new options for "Crawl URLs" dialog

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.71
- new: improved dialog behaviour
- fix: issue with ~spin syntax and unspinning

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.70
- improved some engines
- default proxy sources updated

- minor issue with option to stop project after xyz submissions/verifications
- encoding on success/failed script commands

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.69
- updated some captcha services
- improved script language
- added a new engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.68
- improved recaptcha handling
- better colors for input testing

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.67
- new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.66
- new captcha service added
- new search engine added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.64
- new: ability to remove target urls by domains from clipboard/file
- new: improved some engines
- fix: cookie parsing issue

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.63
- fixed: startup issues

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.62
- fixed: issue with whois sites

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.61
- fix: too fast posting on same site with no account
- new: improved lock system

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.60
- improved submission speed
- fixed an encoding issue for generation of titles
- improved search engine parsing
- improved wordpress engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.59
- new: improved submission speed for target url discovering
- fix: issue with scheduled posting

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.58
- Rework of Moodle engine by forum member cherub
- new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.57
- improved wordpress engine
- improved clean-up dialog

- importing email accounts from other projects via popup menu
was ignoring IMAP settings
- indexing with proper campaing name

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.56
- new: improved google search results
- new: better search engine parsing
- fix: tier filter issues

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.55
- new: improved site key extraction for recaptcha

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.54
- new: improved some macros

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.53
- new: improved form filling
- new: indexing service improved
- fix: issue with testing proxies and dns resolve by proxies

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.52
- improved some engines
- improved debug output
- added new search engines

- fix: buddypress engines issues

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.51
- fix: fixed captcha services HumanCoder and CaptchaDecoder
- new: added new search engines
- new: improved cache cleanup

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.50
- more options for captcha service configuration
- improve search engine parsing speed
- improved some engines

- title generation in GUI is taking titlegen.dat from data-folder

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.49
- fix: wordpress engine issues
- new: updated user agents

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.48
- new: improved form extraction
- new: added hcaptcha support for xevil api
- fix: issues with linksindexer API

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.47
- improved wordpress engine
- added support for EasyContentMachine API

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.46
- added new indexing service linksindexer.com
- new search engine added
- improved country detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.45
- speed improved when parsing
- bing proxy test fixed
- new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.44
- new: export of verified urls can hold ip/country
- new: some email engines updated
- fix: reset of "parsed email data" was not working
- fix: DokuWiki fixed with the help of our forum member the_other_dude

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.43
- fix: domain filter issue
- new: added support for more disposible email providers

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.42
- fix: minor issues on lindexed indexer
- new: improved sitelist handling (speed, proper error message)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.41
- New: added some new search engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.39
- new: web20 engines checked/updated
- new: improved speed on language detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.38
- improved value extraction for web forms
- new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.37
- New: new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.35
- new: support for hcaptcha added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.33
- new: new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.32
- new search engines added
- improved some engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.31
- added new search engines
- improved email account setup
- improved submission speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.30
- new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.29
- added a nw indexing service (indexingexpert)
- improved GSA Proxy Scraper support

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.28
- improved sitemap extraction
- improved recaptcha detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.27
- new: issue with imap type change
- fix: ability to check email accounts for multible projects

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.26
- new: gnuboard engines updated

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.25
- new: improved update system

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.22
- new: improved search engine parsing

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.20
- new: added new search engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.19
- new: speed when saving projects improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.18
- new: new option for indexing services to only send links if they are indexable (default now)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.17
- contextual engine from cherub
- default filter URLs updated
- log messages improved

- fix: import of articles with filename in unicode

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.16
- improved macro usage
- improved random captcha service option
- improved target url import

- fix: CaptchaAI API

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.15
- added many new search engines
- auto fix of wrong #trans/#notrans usage
- some email engines updated
- improved article preview templates

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.14
- added imap support in email accounts
- some engines improved
- search engine parsing improved
- improved none utf8 content encoding

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.13
- many new search engines added and none working removed
- added custom site list as target project import

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.12
- new: article generator was damaged

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.11
- improved search engine parsing
- added new engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.10
- new: added some new engines
- new: improved speed/less memory usage
- fix: possible dead lock

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.09
- new: improved speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.08
- new: option to skip re-verification on older links

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.07
- improved cookie handling speed
- improved thread processing speed
- improved spin-usage vs json detection
- removed some entries of to-use captcha services

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.06
- new: improved Use OpenAI / InferKit article generation

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.04
- improved speed for global blacklist
- less cpu usage for various functions
- better speed for duplicate removal
- added new proxy sources

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.03
- new: improved speed (verification, submission, target cache)

- stopping project during verification was deleting almost all to-verify data
- swift proxy data was not saved
- issue with custom recaptcha scripting

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.02
- faster link building
- less PR queries for redirects

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.01
- new: minor fix in new engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.00
- new: added a new engine (keyword tracking)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.99
- new: improved some engines
- fix: small issue with repeatly importing targets from present accounts

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.97
- new: dupecheck when adding new articles
- fix: issue with preview/test in project editor using the "dat file folder"
- fix: article builder api on chinese systems

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.95
- new: less cpu usage
- new: improved target URL search

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.94
- new: improved some engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.93
- fix: translation from no-api google (reply changed)
- new: added new proxy api
- new: added captchaai.com as new captcha service

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.92
- new: serengines /serpcloud api was not read on startup

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.91
- issue with proxy detection fixed
- speed improved
- some engines updated

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.90
- ability to choose custom site list folders

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.89
- added a lot more PR-Replacement other than Yandex
- improved target url extraction from verified links
- project option to remove quotes from footprins in search queries

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.88
- new: improved speed again
- fix: one possible bug from previous release

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.87
- new: improved speed for target url parsing
- fix: issue with anchor text being an url other than the linked one
- fix: elite indexer was broken (TLS didn't work on there api)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.86
- speed improved
- macros relying on a proper anchor will skip urls as anchor
- added a chart for LpM/VpM/DpM values

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.85
- added wordpress/blogspot xml article import
- easy way to select URLs not sent to indexer in "Show verified URLs"
- improved speed with ssl connections
- tier filter to only accept URLs with anchor as URL part

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.84
- Fixed: issue with subdomain account import

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.83
- fix: issue with nested macros usage

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.81
- Fixed: Yandex PR mapping

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.80
- fix: wrong multi-redirect detection (301->302 was a 301 instead of 302)
- new: added 3 new engines by forum user cherub

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.79
- new: improved wordpress engine (again)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.78
- improved wordpress engine
- script engine improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.77
- select project dialog improved
- improved proxy handling
- less memory usage when editing projects

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.76
- new: improved text captcha solving

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.75
- fix: problem with target urls growing endlessly

- less cpu and memory usage
- improved captcha handline with thread limit set
- added text captcha q/a import from csv file

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.74
- improved target site processing
- improved proxy sources
- new debug mode filter

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.73
- fix:  redirect/indexing links not getting saved to site lists
- new: improved wordpress engine again

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.72
- added more tools to debug mode dialog
- improved "Crawl URLs" dialog
- wordpress posting without classic editor plugin

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.71
- new: image/video placement options added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.69
- added some new engines done by cherub
- improved captcha handling
- proxy type detection improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.68
- new: improved wordpress engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.67
- fix: Article Froge with WordAI made some issues
- new: added some more shortcuts for modify/import submenu
- new: option to send URLs to one random or all indexing services

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.66
- proxy sources updated
- proxy handling improved
- added a new indexing service
- ability to uncheck engines not being able to use images or videos

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.65
- fixed: imported accounts where not submitting in some situations
- new: improved macro handling in URLs
- new: added a new article engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.64
- fix: account saving useless data and slowed things down

- added a new captcha service
- support for macros in URLs
- updated generic urls

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.63
- support for macros in URLs
- updated generic urls
- improved some engines based on cherub's suggestion

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.62
- new: issue with crawling URLs/Anchor texts

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.61
- added magcloud.com engine
- improved debug mode

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.60
- new: improved cookie system when submitting/scraping

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.59
- new: competitor analysis improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.57
- new: added new temporary email providers
- fix: minor issues on account import

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.56
- new: proxy scraper is testing and auto updating the proxyjudge URL

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.55
- improved submission speed again (just a bit)
- added a new engine done by our forum member cherub

- proxy checking issue
- issue with project status 'Remove' fixed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.54
- new: improved speed
- new: chrome specific header updates

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.53
- new: improved proxy handling

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.52
- fix: issue with SpinnerChief and X_Spinner API

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.51
- fix: some more WordAI API fixes

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.49
- recaptcha custom scriting issue

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.47
- some engines updated
- shortcuts for popup menus are back

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.46
- new: ability to change brightness, satuartion and color of skin

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.45
- new: minor tweaks on gui
- fix: minor bug on footprint studio

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.43
- new: openssl update

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.41
- improved GUI with popup menu icons

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.40
- deadlock with translate

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.38
- issue with update server

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.37
- new: improved some engines
- fix: delete link mode issues with multi accounts per site
- new: improved proxy sources

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.36
- reverification is removing links only if it failed 5 times in a row
- improvecha detection
- improved proxy testing
- improved some engines
- started work on a web-interface

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.35
- Added blacklist check for verified links

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.34
- new: improved reverification

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.32
- Improved some engines
- Added support for recaptcha v3 in some more captcha seervice

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.31
- Duplicate a tier project was broken
- New: groups can be duplicated as well now

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.30
- new: improved some engines
- fix: minor issue with the custom link format script command

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.29
- new: option to skip submission to domains with same IP
- fix: issue with google translate

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.28
- Improved recaptcha detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.27
- New: less cpu usage, less memory usage
- New: better speed with URL handling/checking
- Fix: minor bug with engine filtering

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.26
- New: improved speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.25
- GSA SEO Indexer will no longer be used when unchecked in global options

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.24
- Improved some engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.23
- New: new contextual article engine WPForo added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.22
- fix: tier display structure fixed
- new: the last verified urls will be filtered when
- you want to show logs of one project only

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.21
- New: improved some engines
- Fix: PHPInfo Exploit engine didn't work

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.20
- Improved some engines
- Less cpu and memory usage

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.19
- Problem with URL Shorteners not having correct anchor text

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.18
- Fix: the tier "indexable only" filter was not correctly working

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.17
- another possible issue on tree listings

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.16
- Fix: possible issue on tree listings

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.15
- fixed: SpinnerChief API was no longer working when using advanced parameters -> removed them now

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.14
- dateformat in stats

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.12
- Issue with captcha handling when being random

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.11
- Problem with redirect types
- Improved some engines
- Option to use captcha services in random order

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.10
- Api issue with some captcha services

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.09
- improved cpu usage/speed
- improved meta redirect detection
- improved cpu usage/speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.08
- new: improved cpu usage/speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.07
- improved disposible email parsing
- ability to export articles with title as first line

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.06
- fix: recaptcha v3 solving for CapMonster Cloud
- new: improved redirect detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.05
- some engines improved
- URL-in-URL detection improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.04
- gui color for redirect types changed
- pr check improved
- redirect detection improved (anchor text is used for exact type)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.03
- minor re-verification bug
- fix: issue when checking email accounts
- new: added a new web20 engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.02
- Fix: minor issue with email verification and ending projects
- Fix: minimize to tray way always used even when unchecked
- New: backlink indexer api changed/improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.01
- Fix: proxy-reset on failer was partly broken

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.00
- New: improvements on account related submissions

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