What's new in this version: VSCode 1.60.2 The update addresses these issues: - The GitHub.codespaces extension gets activated twice when creating a new codespace - Bundle TS 4.4.3 - ugust 2021 Endgame Recovery 2 endgame-plan - Codespaces: Debugging is broken - Automatic language detection overrides openTextDocument API language parameter - Undo stops working after focusing webview
VSCode 1.60.1 Fixed: - npm script not work in default terminal - Context menu command "Open in Integrated Terminal" does not use Default Profile - Go to Symbol in Workspace - Allow also setting the language_info in a notebook - Show Log from Container Creation Progress notification has no effect - SSH Remote fails to connect - Inline-suggestion appearing at previous cursor location - August 2021 Endgame Recovery - v1.60: "Auto language select" feature sets "CoffeeScript" language in "Git commit" files - Powershell console opens every time I launch VS Code with a project - Unable to save notebook when executing a long running cell
VSCode 1.60.0 - Automatic language detection - Programming language detected when you paste into VS Code - Built-in fast bracket colorization - Fast bracket matching and colorization for large files - Settings editor syntax highlighting - Rich syntax highlighting for setting description code blocks - Custom terminal glyph rendering - Better display of box drawing and block element characters - Set debugging Watch values - Change watched values during a debugging session - Notebook improvements - Markdown link navigation, faster rendering of large outputs - JavaScript/TypeScript inlay hints - Inline hints for parameter names and types, and more - Locked editor group preview - Keep a preferred editor layout by locking the editor group - Python extension testing updates - Better support for test discovery, navigation, and status - Web extension authors guide - Learn how to update your extension for VS Code in the browser
VSCode 1.59.1 Fixed: - Notebooks cannot be opened on 1.59 - Authentication decryption error - tasks.onDidEndTaskProcess is called too many times in VS Code v1.59 - Perma-hang/crash on M1 MBP with universal build - July 2021 Endgame Recovery - Stdout generated raw data file not in expected format. - Typing repeated dots in js expands to first suggestion
VSCode 1.59.0 - Extensions view improvements - Rich extension detail hovers, new runtime status tab - Settings editor validation - Quickly find editing errors for object-based settings - Drag and drop terminals - Move terminals across windows to both editor and panel areas - Extended theme customization - Customize multiple color themes at once - Built-in support for Jupyter notebooks - Open .ipynb files directly in VS Code - Notebook UI improvements - Display first line of collapsed cells, Undo/Redo per cell - Testing API finalized - Native support for running tests in VS Code with built-in Test Explorer - Debug Disassembly view preview - Display disassembled C++ code in VS Code - Live Preview extension - Live HTML preview within VS Code with JavaScript debugging support - Remote - Containers devcontainer CLI - Command line interface for working with development containers
VSCode 1.58.2 Fixed: - June 2021 Endgame Recovery 2 - Only acquire workspace storage locks on the remote extension host - Remote extension will not work if it depends on a local UI one - Terminal is tiny when extensions create and show them - When multiple ghost text parts have line breaks, the first line of the ghost text gets deleted - Using command line to open vscode causes code warning - Trust and Continue dialog need two clicks on Continue to go away - VS Code Terminal doesn't autofocus - MacOS: Could not move terminal into editor area after first move
VSCode 1.58.1 The update addresses these security issues: - Improves Git security with untrusted workspaces bug git important - Don't use guessable nonces in webview - Update distro hash
VSCode 1.58.0 - Terminals in the editor - Create or move terminals into the editor area - Workspace Trust - Quickly customize Workspace Trust settings, disable Restricted Mode banner - Editor scroll bar customization - Set bar visibility and width, click navigation behavior - Markdown preview KaTeX support - Math support in the Markdown preview - Settings editor improvements - Support for multiple checkboxes and enumeration dropdowns - Sticky debug environment choice - Debugger remembers your previous environment choice - Jupyter Interactive window - Run Jupyter code directly in an interactive window - Jupyter notebook debugging - Debug Jupyter notebook code from within VS Code - 'Open in VS Code' badge - Lets visitors quickly open your GitHub repo in VS Code - Data Science tutorials - Learn about Jupyter Notebooks, PyTorch, and more VSCode 1.57.1 - May 2021 Endgame Recovery - Scrolling on mouse click - macOS: restore Cmd+W closing the window when all tabs are closed - 1.57.0 (macOS): window behaves different now (fullscreen & priority issues) - "Open New External Terminal" doesn't work if no terminal settings are present - Entire settings file got erased on new latest update. Just FYI
VSCode 1.57.0 - Workspace Trust - Extra security against code execution when browsing unfamiliar source code - New Getting Started experience - Helps you quickly set up and learn about VS Code - Remote Repositories - Browse and edit code without locally cloning repositories - Terminal tabs - Tabs let you easily create, manage, and group multiple open terminals - Edge browser debugging - Integrates the Microsoft Edge Developer Tools directly into VS Code - JSDoc @link support - Add @link tags in your comments for fast symbol navigation - Go to Definition for non-code files - Quickly jump to images and stylesheets - Notebook API finalized - Notebook API for native notebook support in VS Code - VS Code at Build 2021 blog post - Catch up with on-demand sessions featuring VS Code
VSCode 1.56.2 - C# syntax highlighting incorrect in 1.56 - Use shell/shellArgs over defaultProfile if specified - HTML files now require an extension to run - The default Monokai highlight color is displayed incorrectly - No longer scaling toolbar icon - On PC 'Delete' key not working on insiders for approx last week - Version control icons became minuscule with latest update
VSCode 1.56.1 The update addresses these security issues: - Do not invoke resolveWithInteraction over terminal settings - Change grunt, gulp and jake task auto detection to be off by default
VSCode 1.56.0 - Improved hover feedback - Helps you quickly find clickable editor actions - Terminal profile improvements - Create a custom default terminal profile - Debugger inline values - Display variable values inline during debugging sessions - Notebook KaTeX support - Math support in notebook Markdown cells - Remote - Containers volumes view - Manage mounted volumes within Docker containers - winget installation - VS Code is available via the Windows Package Manager - New introductory videos - Videos for getting started with VS Code as well as working with C++ - Terminal tabs preview - Get a first look at managing open terminals with the new tabs view
VSCode 1.55.2 The update addresses these security issues: - Limit set of allowed remote CLI commands bug important - command: links should be only selectively enabled bug important - Spawning php should use its complete disk path bug important - Spawning npm should use its complete disk path bug important - CSS should use variables when using editor.fontFamily bug important - The http.proxy setting should use machine or application scope bug important
VSCode 1.55.1 - Proxy agent is hijacking requests and redirecting them to localhost - Remote extensions are not installed automatically from devcontainer.json - Bug Sur icons glitched on non-hidpi screens - ECONNREFUSED debugging browsers in WSL2
VSCode 1.55.0 - Accessibility improvements - Multi-cursor support and increased line limit - Updated icons for macOS Big Sur - Brand icons that match the visual style of Big Sur - Improvements to breakpoints - Inline breakpoints menu, and more - Editor status decorations - Editor tab status decorations are on by default - Customize keyboard shortcuts editor - Resize columns in the keyboard shortcuts editor - Improved remote ports management - Port forwarding autodetection, regex naming, and more - Terminal profiles - Define profiles in terminal to conveniently launch non-default shells - Notebook improvements - Multiple cell selection, and more customizable diff editor - VS Code on Raspberry Pi - New topic explaining how to install VS Code on Raspberry Pi devices
VSCode 1.54.3 - February Recovery 3 - VS Code is unable to activate a debugger extension because of path casing discrepancies
VSCode 1.54.2 Fixed: - Listener leak in Ports view - Close terminal warning shows even if no terminal is open - Command "View: Join all editor groups" not working after update - Pick up TS 4.2.3 - Cannot find module 'worker_threads' using js debugger auto attach - Completed tiles of "Getting Started" don't reopen - List focus background needs proper migration - Renaming a folder adds it to history - FileSystemProvider extension: throwing a FileSystemError in readFile does not report to user - Hide pty host unresponsive notification when it becomes responsive again - Terminal pty host unresponsive after closing a VS Code window - Prevent env var relaunch from extension owned terminals
VSCode 1.54.1 - The update addresses an issue with an extension dependency
VSCode 1.53.2 Fixed: - TS Server fatal error: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined - <> in all files - Minimap keeps disappearing - Fresh install won't open any windows or allow me to open any windows - First call to activeDebugConsole.appendLine() while debugging JavaScript doesn't appear in the debug console - Cannot unset StatusBarItem background from errorBackground - tasks.json npm script does not work with arguments since 1.53 - v1.53 creates debug.log automatically - The default extension for untitled files is not .txt - Emmet suggestions bug in SASS files - VSCode emmet SASS snippets - IME ON at Alt+` key, Focus ALT Menu
VSCode 1.53.1 Security issues: - Bundle TypeScript 4.1.4 - Dragging files from explorer to terminal may execute a command - Pick up new distro version and bump version
VSCode 1.53.0 - Wrap tabs - Wrap editor tabs in the workbench instead of having a scrollbar - Configure tab decorations - Add editor tab status decorations - Customize search mode - Use the Search view or open a new Search editor - JavaScript debugging - Support for conditional exception breakpoints and Node.js worker_threads - Notebook UX updates - Outline view for Notebook cells, and breadcrumbs for improved navigation - Markdown preview image auto update - Preview automatically updates when images change - Emmet improvements - Faster performance and supporting the latest features - Extension guidelines - Documented best practices for extension authors - Remote Development video series - Learn to create and configure container-based environments
VSCode 1.52.1 - November 2020 Recovery Endgame - Check for all possible localhost string when checking if a tunnel already exists - Can not set breakpoint in PHP files - notebook status bar icon colors missing
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Releases · microsoftvscode - GitHub
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Visual Studio Code (64bit) 1.60.2 - Filepuma.com
2021年9月24日 — Visual Studio Code (64bit). Visual Studio Code is a powerful code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and ...
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vscode 1.60.2 - Download, Browsing & More | Fossies Archive
2021年9月22日 — Visual Studio Code is a source code editor (available for Windows, macOS and Linux).