
最新版本 VSCode 1.60.2

VSCode 1.60.2

VSCode 1.60.2
Discord 是唯一跨平台的語音和文字聊天應用程序專為遊戲玩家設計的。所有功能於一身的語音和文本聊天功能,免費,安全,可在桌面和手機上運行。停止為 TeamSpeak 服務器支付費用,並與 Skype 混戰。簡化你的生活! Discord 是現代免費語音& 文本聊天應用程序的遊戲群體.

Discord 特點:

Discord 總是完全免費使用,沒有陷阱。這意味著您可以根據需要製作盡可能多的服務器,而且沒有插槽限制。想知道我們如何賺錢?將來會有可選的化妝品,如主題,貼紙包和聲音包可供購買。我們永遠不會為 Discord 的核心功能收費.

加密的服務器與客戶端的通信可以確保您的 IP 地址安全。不要因為你已經登錄到 Skype 而被詛咒。我們在雲端運行的彈性 Erlang 後端內置了 DDoS 保護功能,並具有自動服務器故障轉移功能.

總是與您的朋友連接在一起,在途中下載免費的移動應用程序進行聊天,或者通過發送推送通知,聊天為 21 世紀設計
輕鬆地分享您的桌面或手機的圖像,視頻和鏈接。 Discord 直接在聊天中嵌入媒體的大多數類型。 GIF 只在鼠標懸停時播放,所以你的 CPU 沒有了。發布這些 GIF。哦,是啊!

設計用於遊戲時,Discord 對你的 CPU 影響最小。您的遊戲性能不會受到任何影響。認真。現在是時候像 CPU Skype 這樣的 CPU 豬.

它只需要 10 秒,並不需要任何驅動程序或怪異的設置配置。 Discord 甚至可以在瀏覽器中運行,這對您邀請到您的語音通道或您的那些固執的朋友的 PUG 很有幫助。您可以下載 Windows 或 OSX 應用程序以獲得最佳性能.

Robust 權限和多個通道,都在一個易於使用的用戶界面中,使得 Discord 非常適合小型團隊或大型公會。最後,你所期待的 TeamSpeak,Vent 和 Mumble 所帶來的強大的功能非常複雜.

聲音質量如此清晰,你可以聽到一個 pin drop
Discord 是使用最新的技術,使用現代的抖動緩衝區,自動增益控制,噪聲抑制,迴聲消除,Windows 系統衰減等等。你會喜歡它,它可以在任何地方工作:桌面應用程序,瀏覽器應用程序和手機。

Discord 允許您添加好友,並單獨在服務器之外的消息。使用我們的阻止功能來防止壞人的直接信息。我們甚至隱藏在服務器的罪犯的文本 - 保持你的眼睛純淨!

看誰在說話,而不按 ALT + tab
Discord 的定制覆蓋允許你看到誰在談話中的行動。您還可以調整個人音量設置,更改服務器和頻道,甚至在不離開遊戲的情況下踢人。覆蓋需要 Discord Windows 客戶端,並且可以在大多數使用 DirectX 9,DirectX 11 和 OpenGL 的遊戲上運行。注意:需要 Discord 賬戶。

也可用:下載 Discord 為 Mac


檔案版本 VSCode 1.60.2

檔案名稱 VSCodeSetup-ia32-1.60.2.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Hammer & Chisel, Inc.
官網 https://discordapp.com/
更新日期 2021-09-23

What's new in this version:

VSCode 1.60.2
The update addresses these issues:
- The GitHub.codespaces extension gets activated twice when creating a new codespace
- Bundle TS 4.4.3
- ugust 2021 Endgame Recovery 2 endgame-plan
- Codespaces: Debugging is broken
- Automatic language detection overrides openTextDocument API language parameter
- Undo stops working after focusing webview

VSCode 1.60.1
- npm script not work in default terminal
- Context menu command "Open in Integrated Terminal" does not use Default Profile
- Go to Symbol in Workspace
- Allow also setting the language_info in a notebook
- Show Log from Container Creation Progress notification has no effect
- SSH Remote fails to connect
- Inline-suggestion appearing at previous cursor location
- August 2021 Endgame Recovery
- v1.60: "Auto language select" feature sets "CoffeeScript" language in "Git commit" files
- Powershell console opens every time I launch VS Code with a project
- Unable to save notebook when executing a long running cell

VSCode 1.60.0
- Automatic language detection - Programming language detected when you paste into VS Code
- Built-in fast bracket colorization - Fast bracket matching and colorization for large files
- Settings editor syntax highlighting - Rich syntax highlighting for setting description code blocks
- Custom terminal glyph rendering - Better display of box drawing and block element characters
- Set debugging Watch values - Change watched values during a debugging session
- Notebook improvements - Markdown link navigation, faster rendering of large outputs
- JavaScript/TypeScript inlay hints - Inline hints for parameter names and types, and more
- Locked editor group preview - Keep a preferred editor layout by locking the editor group
- Python extension testing updates - Better support for test discovery, navigation, and status
- Web extension authors guide - Learn how to update your extension for VS Code in the browser

VSCode 1.59.1
- Notebooks cannot be opened on 1.59
- Authentication decryption error
- tasks.onDidEndTaskProcess is called too many times in VS Code v1.59
- Perma-hang/crash on M1 MBP with universal build
- July 2021 Endgame Recovery
- Stdout generated raw data file not in expected format.
- Typing repeated dots in js expands to first suggestion

VSCode 1.59.0
- Extensions view improvements - Rich extension detail hovers, new runtime status tab
- Settings editor validation - Quickly find editing errors for object-based settings
- Drag and drop terminals - Move terminals across windows to both editor and panel areas
- Extended theme customization - Customize multiple color themes at once
- Built-in support for Jupyter notebooks - Open .ipynb files directly in VS Code
- Notebook UI improvements - Display first line of collapsed cells, Undo/Redo per cell
- Testing API finalized - Native support for running tests in VS Code with built-in Test Explorer
- Debug Disassembly view preview - Display disassembled C++ code in VS Code
- Live Preview extension - Live HTML preview within VS Code with JavaScript debugging support
- Remote - Containers devcontainer CLI - Command line interface for working with development containers

VSCode 1.58.2
- June 2021 Endgame Recovery 2
- Only acquire workspace storage locks on the remote extension host
- Remote extension will not work if it depends on a local UI one
- Terminal is tiny when extensions create and show them
- When multiple ghost text parts have line breaks, the first line of the ghost text gets deleted
- Using command line to open vscode causes code warning
- Trust and Continue dialog need two clicks on Continue to go away
- VS Code Terminal doesn't autofocus
- MacOS: Could not move terminal into editor area after first move

VSCode 1.58.1
The update addresses these security issues:
- Improves Git security with untrusted workspaces bug git important
- Don't use guessable nonces in webview
- Update distro hash

VSCode 1.58.0
- Terminals in the editor - Create or move terminals into the editor area
- Workspace Trust - Quickly customize Workspace Trust settings, disable Restricted Mode banner
- Editor scroll bar customization - Set bar visibility and width, click navigation behavior
- Markdown preview KaTeX support - Math support in the Markdown preview
- Settings editor improvements - Support for multiple checkboxes and enumeration dropdowns
- Sticky debug environment choice - Debugger remembers your previous environment choice
- Jupyter Interactive window - Run Jupyter code directly in an interactive window
- Jupyter notebook debugging - Debug Jupyter notebook code from within VS Code
- 'Open in VS Code' badge - Lets visitors quickly open your GitHub repo in VS Code
- Data Science tutorials - Learn about Jupyter Notebooks, PyTorch, and more
VSCode 1.57.1
- May 2021 Endgame Recovery
- Scrolling on mouse click
- macOS: restore Cmd+W closing the window when all tabs are closed
- 1.57.0 (macOS): window behaves different now (fullscreen & priority issues)
- "Open New External Terminal" doesn't work if no terminal settings are present
- Entire settings file got erased on new latest update. Just FYI

VSCode 1.57.0
- Workspace Trust - Extra security against code execution when browsing unfamiliar source code
- New Getting Started experience - Helps you quickly set up and learn about VS Code
- Remote Repositories - Browse and edit code without locally cloning repositories
- Terminal tabs - Tabs let you easily create, manage, and group multiple open terminals
- Edge browser debugging - Integrates the Microsoft Edge Developer Tools directly into VS Code
- JSDoc @link support - Add @link tags in your comments for fast symbol navigation
- Go to Definition for non-code files - Quickly jump to images and stylesheets
- Notebook API finalized - Notebook API for native notebook support in VS Code
- VS Code at Build 2021 blog post - Catch up with on-demand sessions featuring VS Code

VSCode 1.56.2
- C# syntax highlighting incorrect in 1.56
- Use shell/shellArgs over defaultProfile if specified
- HTML files now require an extension to run
- The default Monokai highlight color is displayed incorrectly
- No longer scaling toolbar icon
- On PC 'Delete' key not working on insiders for approx last week
- Version control icons became minuscule with latest update

VSCode 1.56.1
The update addresses these security issues:
- Do not invoke resolveWithInteraction over terminal settings
- Change grunt, gulp and jake task auto detection to be off by default

VSCode 1.56.0
- Improved hover feedback - Helps you quickly find clickable editor actions
- Terminal profile improvements - Create a custom default terminal profile
- Debugger inline values - Display variable values inline during debugging sessions
- Notebook KaTeX support - Math support in notebook Markdown cells
- Remote - Containers volumes view - Manage mounted volumes within Docker containers
- winget installation - VS Code is available via the Windows Package Manager
- New introductory videos - Videos for getting started with VS Code as well as working with C++
- Terminal tabs preview - Get a first look at managing open terminals with the new tabs view

VSCode 1.55.2
The update addresses these security issues:
- Limit set of allowed remote CLI commands bug important
- command: links should be only selectively enabled bug important
- Spawning php should use its complete disk path bug important
- Spawning npm should use its complete disk path bug important
- CSS should use variables when using editor.fontFamily bug important
- The http.proxy setting should use machine or application scope bug important

VSCode 1.55.1
- Proxy agent is hijacking requests and redirecting them to localhost
- Remote extensions are not installed automatically from devcontainer.json
- Bug Sur icons glitched on non-hidpi screens
- ECONNREFUSED debugging browsers in WSL2

VSCode 1.55.0
- Accessibility improvements - Multi-cursor support and increased line limit
- Updated icons for macOS Big Sur - Brand icons that match the visual style of Big Sur
- Improvements to breakpoints - Inline breakpoints menu, and more
- Editor status decorations - Editor tab status decorations are on by default
- Customize keyboard shortcuts editor - Resize columns in the keyboard shortcuts editor
- Improved remote ports management - Port forwarding autodetection, regex naming, and more
- Terminal profiles - Define profiles in terminal to conveniently launch non-default shells
- Notebook improvements - Multiple cell selection, and more customizable diff editor
- VS Code on Raspberry Pi - New topic explaining how to install VS Code on Raspberry Pi devices

VSCode 1.54.3
- February Recovery 3
- VS Code is unable to activate a debugger extension because of path casing discrepancies

VSCode 1.54.2
- Listener leak in Ports view
- Close terminal warning shows even if no terminal is open
- Command "View: Join all editor groups" not working after update
- Pick up TS 4.2.3
- Cannot find module 'worker_threads' using js debugger auto attach
- Completed tiles of "Getting Started" don't reopen
- List focus background needs proper migration
- Renaming a folder adds it to history
- FileSystemProvider extension: throwing a FileSystemError in readFile does not report to user
- Hide pty host unresponsive notification when it becomes responsive again
- Terminal pty host unresponsive after closing a VS Code window
- Prevent env var relaunch from extension owned terminals

VSCode 1.54.1
- The update addresses an issue with an extension dependency

VSCode 1.53.2
- TS Server fatal error: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
- <> in all files
- Minimap keeps disappearing
- Fresh install won't open any windows or allow me to open any windows
- First call to activeDebugConsole.appendLine() while debugging JavaScript doesn't appear in the debug console
- Cannot unset StatusBarItem background from errorBackground
- tasks.json npm script does not work with arguments since 1.53
- v1.53 creates debug.log automatically
- The default extension for untitled files is not .txt
- Emmet suggestions bug in SASS files
- VSCode emmet SASS snippets
- IME ON at Alt+` key, Focus ALT Menu

VSCode 1.53.1
Security issues:
- Bundle TypeScript 4.1.4
- Dragging files from explorer to terminal may execute a command
- Pick up new distro version and bump version

VSCode 1.53.0
- Wrap tabs - Wrap editor tabs in the workbench instead of having a scrollbar
- Configure tab decorations - Add editor tab status decorations
- Customize search mode - Use the Search view or open a new Search editor
- JavaScript debugging - Support for conditional exception breakpoints and Node.js worker_threads
- Notebook UX updates - Outline view for Notebook cells, and breadcrumbs for improved navigation
- Markdown preview image auto update - Preview automatically updates when images change
- Emmet improvements - Faster performance and supporting the latest features
- Extension guidelines - Documented best practices for extension authors
- Remote Development video series - Learn to create and configure container-based environments

VSCode 1.52.1
- November 2020 Recovery Endgame
- Check for all possible localhost string when checking if a tunnel already exists
- Can not set breakpoint in PHP files
- notebook status bar icon colors missing

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