Directory Lister (64-bit)

最新版本 DBeaver 7.2.3

DBeaver 7.2.3

DBeaver 7.2.3
目錄 Lister 64bit 是一個用於從硬盤,CD-ROM,軟盤,USB 存儲器上的用戶選擇目錄生成文件列表的工具。列表可以是 HTML,TXT 或 CSV 格式。這就像老的指揮,但更方便。安裝目錄列表器,並進行 30 天免費試用!


目錄列表器允許您列出& 打印文件夾的內容,即創建,然後保存,打印或通過電子郵件發送從硬盤上,CD-ROM,DVD-ROM,軟盤,USB 存儲和網絡共享選定的文件夾中的文件列表。列表可以是 HTML,文本,Microsoft Excel,CSV 格式或直接存儲到數據庫中。目錄列表程序是來自各種目錄打印機的最佳應用程序。目錄列表也可以集成到 Windows 資源管理器的上下文菜單中,所以你甚至不需要打開應用程序來生成列表。命令行界面支持從 Windows Task Scheduler 運行的自動化列表.

當您打印文件列表時,可以包括文件名,擴展名,類型,所有者和屬性等標准文件信息以及可執行文件信息( EXE,DLL,OCX)像文件版本,描述,公司。此外,還可以列出音軌,標題,藝術家,專輯,流派,視頻格式,每像素比特率,每秒幀數,音頻格式,每通道比特等多媒體屬性(MP3,AVI,WAV,JPG,GIF,BMP)。您可以打印的另一組列是 Microsoft Office 和 Open Office 文件(DOC,XLS,PPT),因此您可以在不打開這些文件的情況下查看文檔標題,作者,關鍵字等。對於每個文件和文件夾,還可以獲得 CRC32,MD5,SHA-1,SHA-256,SHA-512 和 Whirlpool 哈希碼,以便驗證文件未被修改。

大量選項允許你完全自定義輸出的外觀。您可以設置文件和文件夾的排序方式,以便隨時顯示它們。您可以定義列順序,使最重要的列立即可見。國際顯示格式選項允許您根據當地需要調整輸出。列表可以包含指向實際文件和目錄的鏈接,因此您可以將列表放在具有可點擊內容的網頁上。 HTML 顯示樣式完全自定義 - 您可以更改背景顏色,標題,目錄行,奇數和偶數文件行以及周圍框架的單獨樣式。您可以通過對文件名,日期,大小或屬性應用過濾器來限製文件列表。

目錄列表程序 64 位,您還可以找出給定的目錄大小是什麼,按文件夾大小進行排序並檢查哪些文件夾佔用了磁盤上最多的空間。您還可以使用尺寸過濾器選項在 PC 上找到最大的文件.

Windows 10 支持聲明
目錄 Lister 在以下版本的 Windows 10 中受到 KRKsoft 的支持– Windows 10 Pro,Windows 10 Education 和 Windows 10 Enterprise。目錄列表支持 Windows 10 的支持服務的分支機構,包括 - 當前分支機構,當前分支機構以及以下長期服務分支機構 - Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB.

目錄列表程序可在 Windows XP,Windows 2003,Windows 2008,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8 和 Windows 10 操作系統。它適用於 32 位和 64 位 Windows 版本。

注意:30 天試用版.


檔案版本 DBeaver 7.2.3

檔案名稱 dbeaver-ce-7.2.3-x86_64-setup.exe
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 KRKsoft
更新日期 2020-10-18

What's new in this version:

Data transfer:
- Data preview was fixed for custom SQL queries
- Binary format mapping was fixed (BLOB->binary)
- Target table name mapping was improved
- Context data context menu item visibility was fixed
- SQL format: extra options were added (including INSERT OR REPLACE support)
- HTML format: additional export options were added
- DbUnit format support was improved

SQL editor:
- "Auto-save on edit" option was added
- Procedures auto-completion was improved (use signature or parameter names depending on context)
- Query cancel on editor close was fixed
- Disable auto-formatting inside comments
- Data viewer: minimum fetch size now limited by 100 rows
- SSH configuration: bug with variables in connection parameters was fixed
- Column reordering UI was fixed

- Serial data types support was improved
- Trigger DDL was fixed
- $$ rule parser was fixed

- Driver was updated to the latest version
- Schemas/tables metadata extraction was fixed
- Error in database switch in transactional mode was fixed

- Zerofill flag support was added
- NULL values of "text" type rendering was fixed

- Expired password change feature was fixed
- Connectivity problem ("ONS configuration failed") was fixed

- SQLite: column drop feature was added
- SQL Server: data read from clustered tables was fixed
- Number of minor bugs were fixed

DBeaver 7.2.3 相關參考資料
DBeaver 7.2.3

DBeaver 7.2.3. Posted on 2020-10-18 by Serge. Data transfer: Data preview was fixed for custom SQL queries; Binary format mapping was fixed (BLOB->binary) ...

DBeaver 7.2.3 Free Download for Windows 10, 8 and 7 ...

10 小時前 — DBeaver is an application that works as a database manager for software developers. Some of the supported databases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, ...

DBeaver 7.2.3 发布-Linuxeden开源社区

17 小時前 — Data transfer: Data preview was fixed for custom SQL queries Binary format mapping was fixed (BLOB->binary) Target table name mapping ...

DBeaver 7.2.3 发布,可视化数据库管理平台- OSCHINA

1 天前 — DBeaver 7.2.3 发布了,更新内容包括: 数据传输: 修复了自定义SQL 查询的数据预览修复了二进制格式映射(BLOB->binary) 目标表名称映射 ...

DBeaver Community | Free Universal Database Tool

DBeaver 7.2.3. October 18th, 2020. Data transfer: Data preview was fixed for custom SQL queries; Binary format mapping was fixed (BLOB->binary); Target table ...

Download - DBeaver

Community Edition 7.2.3. Released on October 19, 2020 (Milestones). It is free and open source (license). Also you can get it from the GitHub mirror.

Download DBeaver 7.2.3 - Softpedia

What's new in DBeaver 7.2.3: Data transfer: Data preview was fixed for custom SQL queries; Binary format mapping was fixed (BLOB->binary); Target table ...

Index of files7.2.3repository-officeplugins - DBeaver

1 天前 — Index of /files/7.2.3/repository-office/plugins/ ../ org.jkiss.bundle.apache.poi_4.1.1.jar 18-Oct-2020 20:52 15M ...

Index of files7.2.3repository-sshjfeatures - DBeaver

Index of /files/7.2.3/repository-sshj/features/ ../> 18-Oct-2020 20:52 5065.

Releases | DBeaver Community

DBeaver 7.2.3. Posted on 2020-10-18 by Serge. Data transfer: Data preview was fixed for custom SQL queries Binary format mapping was fixed (BLOB->binary) ...