Deluge 歷史舊版本 Page1

最新版本 Deluge 1.3.15

Deluge 歷史版本列表

Deluge 是一個功能齊全的 BitTorrent 客戶端,用於 Linux,OS X,Unix 和 Windows。它在後端使用 libtorrent,並具有多個用戶界面,包括:GTK +,Web 和控制台。它的設計使用客戶端服務器模型和一個處理所有 bittorrent 活動的守護進程。 Deluge 守護進程能夠在無人機上運行,用戶界面可以從任何平台遠程連接.Deluge 功能豐富的插件集... Deluge 軟體介紹

Deluge 1.3.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix issues with displaying libtorrent single proxy
- Fix libtorrent 1.2 trackers crashing Deluge UIs
- Fix error in torrent priorities causing file priority mismatch in UIs

- Configure gtkrc to use consistent button ordering on Windows
- Fix column sort state not saved in Thinclient mode
- Fix connection manager error with malformed ip
- Rename SystemTray/Indicator? 'Pause/Resume? All' to 'Pause/Resume? Session'
- Workaround lt single proxy by greying out unused proxy types

- Security Fix: Check render template files exist otherwise raise 404

Notification Plugin:
- Fix webui passing string for int port value

AutoAdd? Plugin:
- Add WebUI preferences page detailing lack of configuration via WebUI

Label Plugin:
- Add WebUI preferences page detailing how to configure plugin

Deluge 1.3.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed 'Too many files open' errors
- Added support for python-geoip for use with libtorrent 1.1
- Fixed a single proxy entry being overwritten resulting in no proxy set

- Added tracker_status translation to UIs

- Strip whitespace from infohash before checks
- Add missed feature autofill infohash entry from clipboard

- Backport bind interface option for server

- Fixed WebUI CSRF Vulnerability

- [Console] Fix decode error comparing non-ascii (str) torrent name

AutoAdd? Plugin:
- Fixes for splitting magnets from file
- Remove duplicate magnet extension when splitting

Deluge 1.3.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Increase RSA key size from 1024 to 2048 and use SHA256 digest
- Fixed empty error message from certain trackers
- Fixed torrent ending up displaying the wrong state
- Force a torrent into Error state if the resume data is rejected
- Workaround unwanted tracker announce when force rechecking paused torrent
- Stop moving torrent files if target files exist to prevent unintended clobbering of data
- Fixed the pausing and resuming of the Deluge session so torrents return to previous state
- Add support for TLS SNI in httpdownloader
- Ensure base32 magnet hash is uppercase to fix lowercase magnets uris

- New command-line option to restict selected config key to read-only
- Allow use of uppercase log level to match UIs

- Fixed error with blank lines in auth file

- Fixed installing plugin from a non-ascii directory
- Error'd torrents no longer display a progress percentage
- Fixed the 'Added' column showing the wrong date
- Prevent the user from changing tracker selection when editing trackers
- Fixed showing the wrong connected status with hostname in the Connection Manager
- Fixed the progress column to sort by progress and state correctly
- Fixed incorrect Move Completed folder shown in Options tab
- Sorting for name column is now case insensitive
- Reduce height of Add Torrent Dialog to help with smaller screeen resoltuions
- OSX: Fixed empty scrolling status (systray) menu
- OSX: Fixed starting deluged from connection manager
- Windows OS: Fixed opening non-ascii torrent files
- Fixed adding UDP trackers to trackers dialog

- Fixed HTTPS negotiating incorrect cipher
- Fixed the broken Options context menu
- Fixed the hostlist config file not being created
- Fixed plugin's js code not loading when using the WebUI plugin

- Fixed adding non-ascii torrent in non-interactive mode
- Add time_added to info sort keys
- Fixed 'add' cmd path inconsistency on Windows

OSX Packaging
- Source .py files no longer included in

Windows OS Packaging
- Updated MSVC SP1 check to latest release CLID

Blocklist Plugin
- Fixed plugin lockup with empty url

Scheduler Plugin
- Fixed corrupt plugin prefences page on OSX
- Fixed error accidentally introduced in 1.3.12

Notification Plugin
- Fixed the popup to show the actual count of files finished
- Fixed issue with SMTP port entry not updating in GTKUI

AutoAdd? Plugin
- Fixed watch dir not accepting uppercase file extension

Extractor Plugin
- Ignore the remaining rar part files to prevent spawning useless processes
- Fixed only an empty folder when extracting rar files

Execute Plugin
- Windows OS: Escape ampersand in torrent args

Deluge 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The changes include a version of OpenSSL that does not ​require MSVC++ Redist 2013, ​patch for the Scheduler plugin regression and improvements to the installer

Deluge 1.3.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix potential AttributeError? in is_on_active_workspace

- Include fix for Twisted 15.0 URI class rename
- Fix AttributeError? in set_trackers with lt 1.0
- Enable lt extension bindings again for versions >=0.16.7 (this disables - Tracker Exchange by default)
- Backport atomic fastresume and state file saving fixes as another attempt to - prevent data loss on unclean exits

- Fixed i18n issue in Connection Manager which left users unable to connect
- Increase cookie lifespan for display settings

- Fixed 'set and then get' in config command

Scheduler Plugin
- Show current speed limit in statusbar

Win32 Packaging
- Added version info to the properties of Deluge exes
- Added a 256x256 to deluge.ico
- Fixed the uninstaller deleting non-deluge files
- Include pillow module to enable resizing of tracker icons

Deluge 1.3.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed ImportError? for users with Twisted < 10
- Fixed column issue when disabling a plugin Core:
- Fixed cache issue with libtorrent 0.16 on Windows
- Disabled use of SSLv3 protocol for DelugeRPC WebUI:
- Modify SSL Context to allow >= TLSv1 protocol
- Fixed Size column to show total_wanted instead of total_size

Deluge 1.3.10 查看版本資訊


Deluge 1.3.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix every torrent is displayed twice in classic mode

Deluge 1.3.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Emit FinishedEvent? after moving storage complete
- Fixes to mitigate fastresume corruption

- Fix application startup failing with 'cannot acquire lock' error
- Fix the Queued Torrents 'Clear' button not properly clearing the list of torrent
- Fix updating core_config before setting default options
- Fix TypeError? if active workspace is None
- Nautilus window opens behind current window
- Fix showing the open_folder menuitem
- Suppress unimportant gnome warnings
- Optimized the updating of the torrent view
- Fixed Indicator icon label issue
- Fix listview error with new config

- Ensure values are updated from config upon showing a plugin page

- Add WebUI plugin page
- Find 7-zip application path on Windows via registry

- Add a TorrentRemoved? event option

- Fix an 'undefined this.scheduleCells' error in javascript console

- Add WebUI plugin page

- Add WebUI plugin page

- Fix console parsing args

Deluge 1.3.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Encryption level set by Deluge did not match libtorrent values
- Torrent state was not updated until after emitting TorrentFinishedEvent?
- Fix twisted 13.1 compatibility
- Fix error if listen interface is whitespace
- Validate ip address for listen_interface entry
- Increase the Alertmanager interval to 0.3s
- Prevent private flagged torrents auto-merging trackers

- Fix issue with Plugins that add Tab to torrentdetails
- Fix the scalable icon install directory
- Fix IPC lockfile issue preventing start of deluge-gtk
- Fix hiding Progress column generating TypeError?
- Add StartupWMClass to desktop file
- Fix the Ratio column not retaining position
- Fix bypassing the password dialog when showing/quitting

- Fix right-click selection issue
- Fix unicode password support
- Fix WebUI error when adding non-ascii torrent

Windows OS:
- Allow silent uninstall for Windows package
- Fix DelugeStart? theme not showing Private Flag as ticked/checked
- Potential fix for lost window issue

- Fix dotted filenames being rejected