
最新版本 DC++ 0.705

DC++ 0.705

DC++ 0.705
直接連接允許您通過 Internet 共享文件,而不受限製或限制。客戶端是完全免費的廣告,並有一個不錯的,易於使用的界面。防火牆和路由器支持集成在一起,使用多集線器連接,自動連接和下載恢復等功能簡單方便.

DC++ 是直連文件共享網絡的客戶端。直接連接網絡是一個分散的網絡,由用戶加入的單個服務器(集線器)組成,與該集線器上的其他成員共享文件。每個集線器由直接連接網絡的一個用戶單獨運行,並且可能對集線器上的內容有一定的主題。樞紐所有者制定了規則來管理他們認為合適的樞紐。

DC++ 是在 Sourceforge 託管的項目中排名很高的軟件。有超過五千萬的下載量,新用戶每天都會繼續從軟件中獲益。以下是它的一些功能:
不需要廣告,間諜軟件或捆綁軟件,您不需要開源軟件,免費提供代碼在 GNU GPL 下同時連接多個集線器類似書籤的集線器和用戶列表按照您的組織方案共享大文件和許多文件用於文件完整性的 Tiger Tree 哈希(TTH)在所有(或選定)連接的集線器上搜索文件類型,大小,名稱或哈希下載的簡歷,通過 TTH 可選自動搜索備用來源記錄聊天,私人消息,下載和上傳的選項和配置自動連接設置,自動配置 UPnP 和 NAT-PMP 路由器 MAGNET 鏈接支持用於鏈接到特定的內容自動和手動下載優先級保存用戶瀏覽和排隊的文件列表通過自定義提供翻譯成其他語言 ied gettext po 語言文件分段下載 NAT- 遍歷支持 SSL 加密安全通信和文件傳輸帶寬限制功能


檔案版本 DC++ 0.705

檔案名稱 DCPlusPlus-0.705.exe
檔案大小 2.89 MB
系統 Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Jacek Sieka
官網 http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/download/
更新日期 2008-03-18

What's new in this version:

This release brings new :
A lot of stability improvement, starting from crashes to bugs and so on.
Also, some visual improvements like new menu types.
Segmented downloading new separate window for each downloading file, and a new connection window for each chunk
Language files now use gettext and they are included in the distribution for the major languages
Tabs drag& dropping and tooltips
Updated links so that you have any problem, you can easily find the answer now.

-- 0.705 2008-03-14 --
* Several patches for better *nix compatibility of the core (thanks steven sheehy et al)
* Improve segmented download implementation
* Fix search request ip when using multiple ip's (thanks stanislav maslovski)
* Fixed a crash when right-clicking in own file list
* [ADC] Searches filtered by token if available so that each search window only gets its own results
* [ADC] Implemented test version of bloom filters which will dramatically reduce hub bandwidth usage for TTH searches
* Fixed a crash with partial list browsing
* Replaced homegrown i18n solution with gettext (thanks david grundberg, mikejj)
* Fixed an issue with nick encodings and nmdc connections (thanks stanislav maslovski)
* Added download view which shows per-file download information
* Chat timestamps on by default
* Added tab drag/drop (thanks poy)
* Changed Pothead to mikejj
* Fixed search spy crash
* Upgraded to bzip 1.0.4 (thanks mikejj)
* Tab tooltips (thanks poy)
* [L#185724] Allow spaces in the description field (poy)
* [L#180321] [ADC] Handle third person formatting (thanks poy)
* [L#186429] Fix right-click issue when chat history is long (thanks poy)
* [L#188107] In waiting users, show requested chunk (since we can't know % done)
* [L#188585] Fixed crash when download connection was disconnected before any data was received
* Fixed crash due to race condition on idle check (thans bigmuscle)
* Fixed crash when copying identity
* Fixed potential timer race condition (thanks bigmuscle)
* The good parts of partially downloaded segments are now added to queue (thanks bigmuscle)
* Fancy menus (thanks poy)
* [L#180321] [ADC] Added /me handling (thanks poy)
* [L#187288] Fixed issues with scrolling (thanks poy)
* [L#190463] Fixed re-add sources showing wrong sources (thanks poy)
* [L#190469] Fixed kick message filtering (thanks mikejj)
* version.xml now use Coral (ullner)
* [ADC] Number of files counts unique files when sending stats to hub
* [ADC] Fixed kick handling
* [L#190955] Fixed 100% on remove all sources in queue
* Fixed a few hardcoded dc++'s (thanks steven sheehy)
* Don't always show the tray icon after killing and re-opening explorer.exe (poy)
* Updated links (thanks pietry)
* Fixed clicking on active tab (poy)
* [L#195209] Fixed tabbing in hub windows (poy)
* [L#195209] Fixed Ctrl+F that opens favorite hubs (poy)
* [L#194696] Fixed small memory leak
* Some unix compile fixes (thanks pavel andreev and yakov suraev)
* [L#199192] [NMDC] Fixed crash on empty private message
* [L#198416] Fixed crash when closing the download queue (poy)

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圖片, 產品型號, 寬W, 高H, 出線孔寬S, 外徑O.D., 長L, 材質, 顏色, 背膠, 認證, 索取樣品, 詢價. DC-15. 15. 6. 每支1.7M. PVC. 灰色. UL94V-0,RoHS. DC-20.


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