dBpowerAMP Music Converter

最新版本 dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1

dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1

dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1
完善的音頻轉換,毫不費力地轉換成 MP3,FLAC,蘋果無損和更多。 dBpoweramp 音樂轉換器&貿易; 已經成為音頻轉換的標準工具,全球超過 3000 萬用戶將其轉換為 dBpowerAMP:

Mp3 Converter
Convert mp3,m4a(iTunes& iPod),WMA,WAV,AIFF,AAC,FLAC,Apple Lossless(ALAC)很少.

大量的文件與 1 點擊,過濾器的 MP3 或其他文件類型.

尋找一個 MP3 轉換器,編碼使用所有的 CPU 核心同時,完成工作在雙快速時間.

DSP Effects
處理音量與音量 Normalize 或採樣 / 比特率轉換。 dBpoweramp 是一個全功能的 MP3 轉換器.

沒有 Malware
Free 轉換器帶有一點額外的(間諜工具欄,木馬,惡意軟件或病毒),dBpoweramp 從來沒有捆綁在 15 年,那些想要一個 MP3 轉換器,得到這一點,只有這一點。沒有木馬,沒有惡意軟件,沒有病毒.

dBpoweramp 集成到 Windows 資源管理器,一個 MP3 轉換器,就像右鍵單擊源文件>> 轉換成。彈出信息提示,編輯 ID 標籤都提供。可以肯定地說,沒有其他音頻程序能轉換比 dBpoweramp

注更多的多格式音頻文件:21 天試用版.


檔案版本 dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1

檔案名稱 dMC-R16.1-Ref-Trial.exe
檔案大小 31.27 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Illustrate
官網 http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm
更新日期 2016-08-09

What's new in this version:

CD Ripper
- Able to lookup more discs with Discogs
- Restored Tracktype metadata option
- Repositioned ripping status to not clash with title bar
- Darkened the down button state for toolbar buttons
- Changed internal art preferential selection from providers
- Correct separation detection based on '/' for discogs
- Results page added OK & Eject button
- Tag Editor: font sizes adjusted to better display tags (especially on property page)
- Tag Editor: if do a clear then fills the default standard blank tag fields
- Control Centre - better at indicating codecs need updating, also beta versions are not offered to be replaced until full release
- Conditional Encode added a 'xx or Above / Below' items to effectively allow an equals check on a value, example '44KHz or Below'
- Conditional Encode added new 'If All Conditions Match' option
- mp3 decoder faster at indexing files
- Installer, shows reboot option at end as first item in list (not off screen in scroll list)
- Added escape handler to dsp settings pages, dmc finish page
- Can drag title bar while CD Ripper, etc maximized

Bug Fixes
- Would display '[artist][album] -' when choosing art in CD Ripper
- Choosing naming as 'Preserve Source Path' would write [origpath] to the output path
- Apple Lossless would report could not verify file if ripping in CD Ripper with the option set to rip to ._ temp files
- Playlist writer works in CD Ripper if option set to rip to ._ tmp files
- Would not correctly remove art from m4a files
- If install to short path location, then Control Centre cannot start music converter
- Replaygain DSP effect, fixed option 'Identify Albums as - All Files in Single Folder'
- Batch Converter was leaving a file open (would stop it be arranged if [Arrange Audio] is used)
- Conditional encode would not create destination folder
- CD ripper was not setting % done in taskbar title
- Info tips in programs, no longer using drop shadow (which could be left behind)
- Adaptive EBU normalize could fade out the last 6 seconds
- Installer would not set default values for mp3 tag creation, folder writing (in CD Ripper)
- Batch converter: could create a profile with invalid name and not save
- ID tag editor would access internet to read id tag suggestions even though the option 'no internet access for dbpoweramp' selected

dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1 相關參考資料
All versions of dBpowerAMP Music Converter for Windows

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dBpoweramp Music Converter 16.1

2016年8月8日 — Convert audio files with elegant simplicity. mp3, mp4, m4a (iTunes / iPod), Windows Media Audio (WMA), Ogg Vorbis, AAC, Monkeys Audio, FLAC, ...


dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1 download for Windows

2016年8月9日 — The application is able to convert music directly from an audio CD too. The software can convert MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG VORBIS, REAL AUDIO, WINDOWS ...


DBPoweramp Release 16.1

dBpoweramp · Music Converter; DBPoweramp Release 16.1. Forum Registration is required to post a message. Results 1 to 2 of 2. Thread: DBPoweramp Release 16.1 ...


Download dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1

dBpowerAMP Music Converter is a comprehensive audio conversion tool that supports a wide range of formats, such as MP3, FLAC, AIFF, WAV, and more.


Download dBpowerAMP Music Converter R17.3

dBpowerAMP Music Converter R17.1. Release Date: 13 Aug 2020, Size: 60.1 MB, License: Trial version, OS: Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows ...


Downloading dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1 from ...

This mostly standard audio utility simply converts files and rips CDs · dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1 · Key details about this download.


下載dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1 - حامی رایانه

下載dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.1. dBpowerAMP Music Converter 16.6. 日期: 2019/01/17 By Illustrate (免費軟件- Freeware). Download 33.75MB · 下載最新版本
