Daum PotPlayer (64-bit)

最新版本 Technic Launcher 4.488

Technic Launcher 4.488

Technic Launcher 4.488
Daum PotPlayer 64 位是一個免費的多媒體播放器,支持各種不同的視頻編解碼器和格式。 Daum PotPlayer 已經包含內置的編解碼器,無需手動安裝。它還支持數字電視設備,網絡攝像頭,模擬,DXVA,現場直播等。下載適用於 Windows 的 Daum PotPlayer 64 位脫機安裝程序設置.

Enhanced 硬件加速
使用 DXVA,CUDA,QuickSync 為最小資源提供最高性能。充分利用你所擁有的東西。

使用 3D
沉浸式觀看體驗支持各種類型的 3D 眼鏡,您可以隨時隨地使用 3DTV 或 PC 獲得 3D 體驗。支持各種字幕格式(SMI& SRT),DVD(Vobsub)和藍光字幕,ASS / SSA 動畫和 SMI 紅寶石標籤等各種輸出格式(並排,頂部和底部,頁面翻轉)。

使用播放器時不需要安裝不同的編解碼器。支持 OpenCodec,用戶可以輕鬆地添加任何他們想要的編解碼器.

平滑,無縫的視頻播放。用快照預覽場景。 Direct3D9 Ex 翻轉模式和覆蓋。當你有 2 個聲卡時選擇哪一個。您可以為您喜愛的場景或章節添加書籤。支持各種設備,如 DVD,電視,高清電視等等。下載 Windows 的 Daum PotPlayer Offline Installer 安裝程序.


檔案版本 Technic Launcher 4.488

檔案名稱 TechnicLauncher.exe
檔案大小 5.2 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Daum Communications
官網 https://potplayer.daum.net/
更新日期 2019-10-08
Technic Launcher 4.488 相關參考資料
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the coating was measured using a non-destructive technique with Elcometer 456 at different .... The sample holder had a motorized platform.


Download Technic Launcher 4.488 - Softpedia

Download Technic Launcher - Play your favorite Minecraft modepack in the quickest possible manner by turning to this user-friendly, comprehensive application.


EKI-7708G-4FP - Advantech

EKI-7708G-4FP/4FPI has successfully passed the EN50121-4 European railway standard requirements for emissions and railway platform and ...


EKI-7710E-2CP - Advantech

Support Security Pack to against internal and external cyber threats. RoHS. COMPLIANT. 2002/95/EC ... 114 [4.488]. 105 [4.134]. 105 [4.134].


EKI-7720E-4F - Advantech

Support Security Pack to against internal and external cyber threats. RoHS. COMPLIANT. 2002/95/EC ... 114 [4.488]. 74 [2.913]. 74 [2.913].


Free Windows Downloads

Technic Launcher 4.488. Play your favorite Minecraft modepack in the quickest possible manner by turning to this user-frie... October 8th, 00:09 GMT. Windows ...


MAX77860 - Maxim Integrated

When a battery with an “open” internal pack protector is used with this charger, ...... 4.488. 0x06. 4.275. 0x0F. 4.388. 0x18. 4.500. 0x07. 4.288. 0x10. 4.400. 0x08.


MAX77860 - Mouser Electronics

To get the pack protection to close again, the charger charges the battery ...... 4.488. 0x06. 4.275. 0x0F. 4.388. 0x18. 4.500. 0x07. 4.288. 0x10. 4.400. 0x08.


Serials & keys - unlocks the world

Technic Launcher 4.488, 2019-10-08. Magic Actions for YouTube for Chrome, 2019-10-08. Print2Email 10.75 Build 632, 2019-10-08. SMath Studio 0.99 ...
