Daum PotPlayer (64-bit)

最新版本 Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5

Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5

Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5
Daum PotPlayer 64 位是一個免費的多媒體播放器,支持各種不同的視頻編解碼器和格式。 Daum PotPlayer 已經包含內置的編解碼器,無需手動安裝。它還支持數字電視設備,網絡攝像頭,模擬,DXVA,現場直播等。下載適用於 Windows 的 Daum PotPlayer 64 位脫機安裝程序設置.

Enhanced 硬件加速
使用 DXVA,CUDA,QuickSync 為最小資源提供最高性能。充分利用你所擁有的東西。

使用 3D
沉浸式觀看體驗支持各種類型的 3D 眼鏡,您可以隨時隨地使用 3DTV 或 PC 獲得 3D 體驗。支持各種字幕格式(SMI& SRT),DVD(Vobsub)和藍光字幕,ASS / SSA 動畫和 SMI 紅寶石標籤等各種輸出格式(並排,頂部和底部,頁面翻轉)。

使用播放器時不需要安裝不同的編解碼器。支持 OpenCodec,用戶可以輕鬆地添加任何他們想要的編解碼器.

平滑,無縫的視頻播放。用快照預覽場景。 Direct3D9 Ex 翻轉模式和覆蓋。當你有 2 個聲卡時選擇哪一個。您可以為您喜愛的場景或章節添加書籤。支持各種設備,如 DVD,電視,高清電視等等。下載 Windows 的 Daum PotPlayer Offline Installer 安裝程序.


檔案版本 Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5

檔案名稱 PinegrowWinSetup.4.5.exe
檔案大小 101 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Daum Communications
官網 https://potplayer.daum.net/
更新日期 2018-03-05

What's new in this version:

Easily customize Bootstrap 4 themes:
- You can now use Pinegrow to customize your Bootstrap 4 themes by modifying Bootstrap SASS variables and adding CSS rules. Customizing Bootstrap is normally a bit complicated because it requires setting up the SASS compilation environment, installing Bootstrap SASS sources and creating a file structure for your custom theme. But with Pinegrow it’s very simple. Pinegrow takes care of all these tasks. All we have to do is the actual customization.

Customize SASS variables:
- SASS variables can already be directly edited in the CSS List editor in Pinegrow. But for frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation and various templates it is not recommended to edit variables directly in the source files. By doing that we lose the ability to easily update framework or template files to newer version. The correct approach is to over-ride the variables in custom SASS file and then include the rest of the frameworks / template’s SASS files from there. The new “Customize variable in…” feature makes this process easy. Simply right-click on the variable that you want to customize and choose the SASS file where the customized variable should go. Pinegrow also takes care of copying any other variables that are referenced in the value of the over-ridden variable.

WordPress: Bootstrap 4 pagination and navigation:
- Pagination and Navigation actions for WordPress Theme Builder have been updated to support Bootstrap 4.

Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5 相關參考資料