Construct 2

最新版本 Construct 2 R260

Construct 2 R260

Construct 2 R260
Construct 2 是一款專門為 2D 遊戲設計的功能強大的開創性的 HTML5 遊戲創作者。它允許任何人建立遊戲 - 無需編碼!使用 Construct 2 進入遊戲創作的世界。以有趣和引人入勝的方式教授編程原則。製作遊戲而不必學習困難的語言。快速創建模型和原型,或使用它作為編碼的更快的替代.

Construct 2 特點:

Quick& Easy
讓你的工作在幾個小時甚至幾天而不是幾個星期和幾個月的時間裡生活。使用 Construct 2 製作遊戲是一件小事:只需拖放物體,添加行為,使所有事情都隨著事件而活躍起來!通過快速輕鬆掌握 Ribbon 界面,您可以清楚地訪問各種工具讓任何人都可以跳入遊戲開發,而不需要以前的遊戲開發知識.


行為作為預先打包的函數,您可以分配給對象並在需要時重複使用。它們提供了一種即時添加對像功能的方法,加快了開發速度並提高了生產力。它們包括 8 個方向,平台和汽車的動作; 先進的功能,如物理和尋路; 和有用的實用程序,如淡入淡出,閃光,包裝,引腳和拖動& 下降。大多數行為可以與事件一起復制,但這樣做只是耗時更長。這就是為什麼行為可以成為很好的時間保存者,而不需要進一步限制什麼是可能的。

Instant Preview
In Construct 2 你可以在任何時候立即預覽你的遊戲。沒有必要等待編譯或其他耗時的過程。在按下按鈕時,您可以在瀏覽器窗口中運行遊戲,並準備好進行測試。這樣可以進行快速原型設計和迭代開發,從而可以在整個創建過程中進行測試,從而更輕鬆地檢測和糾正問題。通過這種方式,遊戲創作變得更加直觀,特別是對於初學者來說更是如此.

使用 C2 的混合模式,效果和粒子系統讓您的遊戲從美好到華麗。有 70 多種基於 WebGL 的像素著色器效果可以扭曲,扭曲,混合,模糊,蒙版,重新著色等等。您可以將這些添加到對象,圖層和佈局以實現快速特效,並將它們疊加起來以創建令人難以置信的結果。您甚至可以在編輯器中實時查看所有應用程序!

使用單個項目在各種平台上發布您的遊戲。沒有必要維護多個代碼庫。通過使用 Construct 2 的基於 HTML5 的引擎,您可以導出到大多數主要平台。通過發佈到您自己的網站,Chrome 網上應用店,Facebook,Kongregate,NewGrounds,Firefox Marketplace 或使用我們的 Scirra Arcade 分享您的作品,輕鬆訪問網站。通過使用 Node-Webkit 包裝將您的遊戲導出到桌面 PC,Mac 和 Linux 應用程序。另外發佈到 Windows 8 商店或作為本機 Windows Phone 8 應用程序.

Easy Extensibility
Construct 2 自帶 20 多個內置插件,20 多種行為和超過 70 種視覺效果。它們包括顯示文本和精靈,聲音和音樂播放,輸入,數據處理和存儲,粒子效果,運動預設,Photoshop 效果等等。如果您是高級用戶,仍然需要一些特定的功能,Construct 2 可以使用我們完整記錄的 Javascript SDK 創建自己的插件和行為。您也可以使用 GLSL 著色器語言創建自己的視覺效果.



檔案版本 Construct 2 R260

檔案名稱 construct2-r260-setup.exe
檔案大小 64.1 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Scirra Ltd.
更新日期 2018-06-21

What's new in this version:

Construct 2 R260
- Removed AppCache, bug fixes

Construct 2 R259
- This is a stable update to incorporate fixes from r256, r257 and r258. As noted previously, we are only maintaining Construct 2 with bug fixes at this point. New features will only be added to Construct 3

Since r255 the main improvements are:
- Better handling of video and audio autoplay. This includes updates to work around Chrome 66's changes to autoplay policy which can prevent audio playback in old content. If you find your old games are muted in Chrome, export them again with this update and they should play audio correctly once the user has interacted with the page (i.e. a click, touch or key press)
- Support for Xbox Live Achievements. This should allow games on the ID@Xbox programme to meet the publishing requirements
- In addition to that there are also a range of bug fixes, notably for a crash using savegames with Physics, and ensuring long-press on Android no longer triggers vibration

A note about Cordova exports:
- Last year there were some changes around how mobile exports work. We still regularly see questions about this, so to reiterate, in 2018 these are our recommended options for publishing Cordova apps from C2
- Use C3's mobile app build service to build C2 exports
- Use a third-party build service like PhoneGap Build
- Use the Cordova CLI. This is a free manual build tool that works offline. (This option is more appropriate for advanced users)

Construct 2 R258

- Xbox Live: support for Achievements

Bug Fix:
- Xbox Live: ensure high title IDs work correctly
- Possible error in preview/export with old iOS versions
- Event sheet search results involving groups did not always appear correctly

Construct 2 R257
- Update for media autoplay
- New NW.js features
- Bug fixes

Construct 2 R256
- Chnage log not available for this version

Construct 2 R255
- Chnage log not available for this version

Construct 2 R254
- Physics and video improvements

Construct 2 R253
- Bug fixes

Construct 2 R252
- Adjustments to build process to try to work around crash on startup issue
- Changed icon management when "Don't show unique icons" is set in Preferences, to try to work around a recent Windows performance regression
- Facebook plugin: remove name, caption, description and parameters from 'Prompt to share' actions since they were removed from the Facebook API
- Fixed error loading savegame if an instance variable was set to NaN
- Fixed Xbox Live: possible error signing in twice

Construct 2 R250
- Very large projects could sometimes fail to load in preview
- Fixed video playback on iOS 11 and on case-sensitive file systems
- Better support for audio playback in cross-origin iframes, and improved handling of autoplay restrictions
- Fixes and improvements to various behaviors

Construct 2 R244
- WebGL 2 support which allows better-quality graphics in some circumstances and makes power-of-two sizing irrelevant
- New offline triggers that fire as the offline status updates
- Moved to new standardised pointer events in Chrome
- Ability to unload audio from memory

Construct 2 R260 相關參考資料
Animal Memory Game for Kids - Game Templates - Scirra

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2018年6月21日 — Follow us now so you don't miss new releases! Construct 2 Release r260. There is a more up to date Stable Release! Download the ...

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Problems with APK - Construct 2 Bugs - Construct 3

The game normally runs in the Construct. But when ... No. CONSTRUCT 2 VERSION ID. r259 ... I tested the versions: R260, R259, R255, R252.

Scirra - The beta cycle for Construct 2 has begun once ...

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The beta cycle for Construct 2 has begun once again! A new build, r260 is now available for download. In this release, we've removed the old AppCache...

[r260] 8-direction movement + solid makes ... - Construct 3

Add 8direction and solid behaviors to 2 objects. 2. Add a tilemap (so you can have walls, but any solid will do) that has 16x16 tiles. 3.