
最新版本 Symfony 5.2.11

Symfony 5.2.11

Symfony 5.2.11
Callnote 是 Skype,Facebook,谷歌環聊,Viber,在線會議和網絡研討會(GoToMeeting 和 Webex)視頻通話錄音機。一個功能強大,易於使用的免費視頻通話錄音機 Callnote Premium PC for Windows!幫助您記錄 Skype,Google+ 環聊,Facebook,Viber 視頻和音頻呼叫,並增加了以與會者的方式捕獲 GoToMeetings 和 Webex 網絡會議和在線會議的功能。保存您的對話,創建和與家人,朋友和同事分享視頻.

商務或個人,Callnote 電話錄音是一個易於使用的方式來記錄 Skype 電話。無論您是錄製家庭和朋友,以 Skype 的吉他課程或捕捉商務會議,Callnote 不會讓你錯過任何時刻。輕鬆訪問您計算機上的錄音庫,或在 Dropbox,Evernote,GoogleDrive 或 OneDrive 中存儲 Skype 錄音。

我們知道,Google + Hangouts 非常有趣。這就是為什麼 Callnote 具有環聊錄製功能。在與 YouTube,Facebook 或電子郵件分享之前,先與朋友,特別的人記錄對話,或者拍攝環聊 OnAir,並剪掉這些絆腳石.

參加重要的 GoToMeeting 會議或在線會議,不要錯過任何東西?從現在起,你不必成為一個組織者來捕捉它!我們增加了一個新的強大的功能,以 Callnote. 輕鬆記錄 GoToMeeting 會議和網絡研討會,作為與會者的 Webex 在線會議,與您的團隊分享審查,使您的演示文稿閃耀,銷售電話和團隊會議更有效率.

Multilingual Support
English,Spanish ,德語,俄語,法語,普通話和日語.


Easy sharing
所有的談話安全地存儲在您的 PC 上。感覺像分享?通過 YouTube,Dropbox,Evernote,Facebook 或電子郵件分享視頻記錄。

同時記錄多達 8 個參與者。每月記錄多達 30 個免費電話。檢查 Callnote Pro 每月錄像數量不受限制.

注意:演示版本中的功能有限。每月 30 個錄音.


檔案版本 Symfony 5.2.11

系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Kanda Software
更新日期 2021-06-30

What's new in this version:

- [Filesystem] Workaround cannot dumpFile into "protected" folders on Windows
- [Messenger] fix FlattenExceptionNormalizer
- [SecurityBundle] Change information label from red to yellow
- [HttpKernel] Keep max lifetime also when part of the responses don't set it
- [ErrorHandler] fix handling buffered SilencedErrorContext
- [HttpClient] fix Psr18Client when allow_url_fopen=0
- [DependencyInjection] Add support of PHP enumerations
- [Config] fix tracking default values that reference the parent class
- [DependencyInjection] Fix binding "iterable $foo" when using the PHP-DSL
- [Uid] Fix fromString() with low base58 values
- [Cache] handle prefixed redis connections when clearing pools
- [Cache] fix eventual consistency when using RedisTagAwareAdapter with a cluster
- [Cache] Disable locking on Windows by default
- [Mailer] fix encoding of addresses using SmtpTransport
- [HttpKernel] [HttpCache] Keep s-maxage=0 from ESI sub-responses
- Avoid broken action URL in text notification mail
- [VarDumper] Fix tests for PHP 8.1
- [FrameworkBundle] Replace var_export with VarExporter to use array short syntax in secrets list files
- [DependencyInjection] throw proper exception when decorating a synthetic service
- [ErrorHandler] [DebugClassLoader] Do not check Phake mocks classes
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix handling the COMPOSER_BINARY env var when using simple-phpunit
- [HttpFoundation] allow savePath of NativeFileSessionHandler to be null
- [Messenger] prevent reflection usages when classes do not exist
- [Messenger] Remove TLS related options when not using TLS
- [FrameworkBundle] fix Could not find service "test.service_container"
- [HttpClient] fix compat with cURL <= 7.37
- [HttpClient] throw exception when AsyncDecoratorTrait gets an already consumed response
- [Config] fix tracking attributes in ReflectionClassResource
- [Process] Fix incorrect parameter type
- [HttpClient] Revert bindto workaround for unaffected PHP versions
- [Security] Fix opcache preload with alias classes
- [Serializer] Do not allow to denormalize string with spaces only to valid a DateTime object
- [DependencyInjection] Update loader’s directory when calling ContainerConfigurator::withPath
- [FrameworkBundle] fix KernelBrowser::loginUser with a stateless firewall
- [SecurityBundle] Link UserProviderListener to correct firewall dispatcher
- [Console] Escape synopsis output
- [HttpFoundation] Add ReturnTypeWillChange to SessionHandlers

Symfony 5.2.11 相關參考資料
Software-update: Symfony 5.3.3 5.2.11 4.4.26 ... - Tweakers

2021年7月5日 — Software-update: Symfony 5.3.3 / 5.2.11 / 4.4.26 · bug #41910 [Security] Handle concurency in Csrf DoctrineTokenProvider (@jderusse) · bug #41881 ...

Symfony 5.2 release

Full details of the Symfony 5.2 release, including its end of support for bug fixes and security fixes.

Symfony 5.2.11 released (Symfony Blog)

2021年6月30日 — Symfony 5.2.11 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #41893 [Filesystem] Workaround cannot dumpFile into ...

Symfony 5.2.11 released (Symfony Blog) - TheBitX

Symfony 5.2.11 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #41893 [Filesystem] Workaround cannot dumpFile into “protected”​ ...

Symfony 5.2.11 released: symfony - Reddit

7.2k members in the symfony community. High Performance PHP Framework for Web Development - Symfony.

Symfony 5.2.11: Problem with creating Custom Access ...

Thank you guys for your replies and helps, I figured it out. Workaround. When Symfony compiles the code, it (somehow) has its own service ...

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The Symfony Blog

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Updated Symfony to 5.2.11 – Scripts News Blog - Softaculous

2021年7月2日 — Symfony is aimed at building robust applications in an enterprise context. This means that you have full control over the configuration: from ...