Calibre 7.1.0 軟體 Download 下載

檔案名稱 calibre-64bit-7.1.0.msi

Calibre 7.1.0 軟體下載

檔案版本 Calibre 7.1.0

檔案名稱 calibre-64bit-7.1.0.msi
更新日期 2023-11-24
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Calibre 7.1.0
Calibre 是一個程序來管理您的電子書收藏。它作為一個電子圖書館,也允許格式轉換,新聞提要電子書轉換,以及電子書閱讀器同步功能和一個集成的電子書閱讀器.8997423 Calibre 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

Calibre 7.1.0
New features:
- Notes editor: When pasting HTML with images offer to download remote images in the pasted content

- Fix regression in 7.0 that broke restore of db from backups
- Content server: Fix newly added books on homepage not restricted to the books the logged in user is allowed to access
- When starting in system tray do not flash the main window briefly
- Notes editor: Fix spurious error message when saving a note that contains pasted HTML that refers to an image
- Fix a regression that caused the unknown/unset date to incorrectly be displayed/edited as a date in the year AD 101 in some timezones
- Comments editor: Fix data file links not working
- Linux installer: Check that the user has installed. If not quit early with an error message asking them to install it
- LRF Output: Fix a regression in 7.0 that broke conversion to LRF

New news sources:
- The World Ahead by unkn0wn

Improved news sources:
- Substack

Calibre 7.0.0
New features:
- For details on the major changes in calibre between 7.0 and 6.0
- The ability to add notes to any author, tag, series, etc. in calibre with links and images
- E-book viewer: Add support for HTML image maps
- Content server home page: Show the three most recently added books in the default library
- Content server: Add button to return to book details page at top level of controls
- Content server: Book details: Open links in comments fields in the same window rather than a new window
- Add a "Show items in selected books" choice to Manage tags and Manage authors
- Show the previously used language, if any, second in the language selection drop down

- Metadata download: Fix downloads from Google not working in Europe because of the GDPR
- Fix editing dates with days sometimes off by one day
- Edit book: Fix highlighting for special characters not visible when the cursor is on the line with the special character
- Fix embedding metadata showing infinite error dialogs on windows if a file is locked by another program
- PDF Output: Fix an error when trying to set header or footer with an input document that has invalid content after the main body
- E-book viewer: Read aloud: Fix clicking on empty spaces causing read aloud to restart from beginning of chapter
- Book details: Fix Manage authors via context menu not working
- E-book viewer: Showing chrome should close an active footnote popup first and only show chrome if the user repeats the action
- Fix very slow metadata updates on some PDF files
- Catalogs: Do not erase any tags the user adds to a catalog book entry when the catalog is re-generated
- Linux installer: Fix downloading of signatures for older versions
- Fix editing non-active Virtual library changes sort of book list

New news sources:
- Bookforum, Kirkus Reviews and Poetry Magazine by ping

Improved news sources:
- Financial Times
- National Geographic
- Hamilton Spectator
- Times of India
- MIT Tech Review
- Bloomberg
- Washington Post
- Project Syndicate
- Cumhuriyet
- Foreign Affairs
- Harvard Business Review
- Wall Street Journal

Calibre 6.29.0
New features:
- E-book viewer: Add a command line flag --new-instance to force the viewer to open a new window even if the option to always use a single viewer window is set
- E-book viewer: Image popup: Add a checkbox to remember the last used zoom level

- Annotations browser: Fix exporting highlights in markdown not including all chapter titles for books with only a single highlight per chapter or a multi level ToC
- E-book viewer: Fix a regression that could cause the viewer to enter an infinite loop when displaying the result of a search that has only one match that is not found
- E-book viewer: Fix the occasional search result being marked as not found even though it is found
- TXTZ Output plugin: Only keep images if the text format is one that can reference images
- TXTZ Output: Fix cover not being properly identified in the generated TXTZ metadata
- FB2 Input: Fix the "Annotations" section not showing up in the Table of Contents
- Linux: Content server: Do not call listen on pre-activated sockets
- Fix sort order of similarly-named hierarchical categories
- Fix a regression that broke reading of covers from HTMLZ and TXTZ files

New news sources:
- Project Syndicate, and Newslaundry by unkn0wn

Improved news sources:
- Wall Street Journal
- Scientific American
- 1843
- Financial Times
- Spectator Magazine
- El Diplo
- Wasshington Post
- national Geographic

Calibre 6.28.1
New features:
- Edit book: Show full path to book being edited in the status bar
- Edit book: When adding dictionaries allow directly a LibreOffice adding the dictionary just by choosing the language
- Edit book: When saving a copy add some convenience actions to edit the copy immediately either in the current editor window or a new window
- E-book viewer: Highlights panel: Allow right clicking to export only selected highlights

- Edit book: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused Text search to sometimes not select matches correctly
- Edit book: When copying files do it in order so that the files are pasted in the same order when pasting into another editor instance
- Edit book: Fix smart tag insert not working correctly if the selected text starts with the closing angle bracket of a tag
- Save to disk: Do not limit the total path length to 240 characters on non-Windows platforms
- Fix incorrect cover for AZW3 version of calibre User Manual
- Content server: Change formatting of book details to match new de-emphasized titles based formatting in the main calibre program
- PDF metadata: Fix a regression that broke updating metadata in PDF files without an /Info dictionary
- NOOK driver: For the Glowlight 2023 write the calibre metadata files into the NOOK sub-folder as the firmware does not allow writing files into the root folder
- NOOK driver: Fix Glowlight 2023 not being detected on Linux and macOS
- E-book viewer: Make CFI calculation more robust especially on pages with very little content
- E-book viewer: Workaround bug in Chromium where getBoundingClientRect() fails sometimes leading to incorrect calculation of anchor positions
- Fix errors caused by .DS_Store files inserted into the .caltrash directory on macOS if the user happens to open .caltrash in Finder
- Version 6.28.1 fixes a regression in 6.28.0 that could cause errors when merging some book records in calibre

New news sources:
- Business Standard Print Edition by unkn0wn

Improved news sources:
- National Geographic
- Bloomberg
- Endgadget
- Times of India
- Horizons

Calibre 6.28.0
New features:
- Edit book: Show full path to book being edited in the status bar
- Edit book: When adding dictionaries allow directly a LibreOffice adding the dictionary just by choosing the language
- Edit book: When saving a copy add some convenience actions to edit the copy immediately either in the current editor window or a new window
- E-book viewer: Highlights panel: Allow right clicking to export only selected highlights

- Edit book: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused Text search to sometimes not select matches correctly
- Edit book: When copying files do it in order so that the files are pasted in the same order when pasting into another editor instance
- Edit book: Fix smart tag insert not working correctly if the selected text starts with the closing angle bracket of a tag
- Save to disk: Do not limit the total path length to 240 characters on non-Windows platforms
- Fix incorrect cover for AZW3 version of calibre User Manual
- Content server: Change formatting of book details to match new de-emphasized titles based formatting in the main calibre program
- PDF metadata: Fix a regression that broke updating metadata in PDF files without an /Info dictionary
- NOOK driver: For the Glowlight 2023 write the calibre metadata files into the NOOK sub-folder as the firmware does not allow writing files into the root folder
- NOOK driver: Fix Glowlight 2023 not being detected on Linux and macOS
- E-book viewer: Make CFI calculation more robust especially on pages with very little content
- E-book viewer: Workaround bug in Chromium where getBoundingClientRect() fails sometimes leading to incorrect calculation of anchor positions
- Fix errors caused by .DS_Store files inserted into the .caltrash directory on macOS if the user happens to open .caltrash in Finder

New news sources:
- Business Standard Print Edition by unkn0wn

Improved news sources:
- National Geographic
- Bloomberg
- Endgadget
- Times of India
- Horizons

Calibre 6.27.0
New features:
- Kobo driver: Support updated firmware
- Nook driver: Add support for Nook Glowlight Plus 2023
- Data files manager: Allow drag and drop of files onto the list of files to add new files
- Support 7z archives in addition to ZIP and RAR for automatic ebook extraction when adding to calibre
- Linux/macOS: Fix detection of the Kindle Scribe with MTP firmware
- E-book viewer: Allow clearing list of recently opened books from the open button's popup menu itself
- E-book viewer: Add a link to show the currently viewed book in the calibre library (Go to->Metadata in the viewer controls to access it)

- Book information dialog: Fix a regression that caused incorrect color for titles in dark mode
- E-book viewer: Fix searching does not jump to first match if all matches are before current position in book
- EPUB Output: Fix duplicated title page entry in spine for books that define a title page that ends up getting split
- Allow for-light/dark-theme icon overrides to work for plugin icons placed by the user in the override folder
- PDF Output: Fix background image + text not rendering correctly if the same background image is used with different text multiple times
- E-book viewer: Fix section titles in highlights panel being incorrectly expanded to full titles when the section has multiple highlights
- Prevent Quickview window from opening in the background
- Edit book: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused an error when doing text based searches

New news sources:
- Times of India Print Edition by unkn0wn
- Hindu Feeds based by unkn0wn
- Australian Financial Review by unkn0wn

Improved news sources:
- Ambito
- Financial Times
- USA Today

Calibre 6.26.0
New features:
- MTP driver: Support the new Kindle Scribe firmware that causes it to act as an MTP device instead of USB disk. Add "Documents" to the list of default folders to send books to
- E-book viewer: Add a new option under scrolling behavior to control horizontal mouse wheel events jumping to next section
- Allow full customization of Book details styling via Preferences->Look & feel->Book details

- Get books: Update plugin for website changes
- Edit book: Fix searching for non-BMP unicode characters highlighting only half the character
- E-book viewer: Fix displaying more than one page per screen causing page layout to be slightly wrong for some books
- E-book viewer: Fix clicking on links with empty destinations hanging the viewer
- E-book viewer: Fix modifying, then jumping to and then modifying the highlight again from the highlights panel causing the highlight to be deleted
- E-book viewer: Fix indication of current section in Table of Contents sometimes wrong after changing font size
- E-book viewer/Content server: Disallow browser native context menu when right clicking in sandboxed iframes
- MTP driver: Ignore top level folders whose names start with a leading dot Also ignore AppleDouble files, top level system and fonts folders and sdr folders on Kindle devices
- FB2 Input: use the tag for paragraphs that dont contain other block content
- E-book viewer: Fix clicking on the back/forward buttons not working in some situations
- E-book viewer: Fix scrolling to Table of Contents items that are within a single internal file not activating the back button
- E-book viewer: Fix changing the sans-serif font without also changing the monospaced font not working

New news sources:
- Nikkei Asia (Magazine) and Espresso by unkn0w7n

Improved news sources:
- National Geographic
- Sportstar
- Bangkok Post
- MIT Technology Review
- Bloomberg
- Economic Times India
- Firstpost

Calibre 6.25.0
New features:
- Book details panel: De-emphasize titles making the actual data stand out more
- Allow using the new manage data files dialog from within the edit metadata dialog
- Trash dialog: Allow right clicking on an entry to save it to disk
- When merging books by drag-and-drop add an option to use the dragged cover instead of the cover in the target book
- Create catalog: Add buttons to easily select all/non/visible fields when creating CSV/XML catalogs
- Preferences->Add your own columns: Add buttons to show/hide all columns

- Fix a regression in the previous release that broke parsing of some ISO-8601 timestamps
- E-book viewer: Mouse wheel horizontal events should jump sections not internal file boundaries
- Fix Preferences->Add your own columns changing check state on moving columns
- Get books: update various Polish e-book stores for website changes
- E-book viewer: Fix CFI parsing of numbers with trailing zeros causing some bookmarks to not work
- E-book viewer: Show an error when creating a bookmark if the bookmark position is not found
- CBR Input: Fix comics with extremely long internal filenames not working on Windows
- Edit book: Saved searches: Fix incorrect import in generated source code for some builtin functions
- Data file manager: Fix errors on systems with larger font sizes

New news sources:
- The Oldie by Sophist
- Various new Russian and Ukrainian news sources by Unknown

Improved news sources:
- Bloomberg
- Focus
- Epoch Times
- Hindu
- Business Today
- NYTimes

Calibre 6.24.0
New features:
- Easily manage the extra data files associated with a book by right clicking the edit metadata button and choose "Manage data files"
- Content server: Full text search: Allow searching a restricted subset of books
- E-book viewer: Allow clicking on calibre:// URLs
- Support fuzzier searching in the Tag browser find allowing unaccented characters to match accented ones

- DOCX conversion: Preserve underline style and color
- Fix incorrect sorting of device view after some operations
- Fix visit content server in browser not working when the content server is configured to listen on an IPv6 interface
- Fix one hour offset in some timezones on Windows for dates before 1970
- Windows: HTML Input: Fix error when trying to add HTML files with links to other files that are invalid pathnames
- Get books: Update various Polish language book stores for website changes

New news sources:
- The New Republic Magazine by ping
- Inc42 by unkn0w7n

Improved news sources:
- Epoch Times
- Business Standard
- Tagesspiegel
- Bloomberg Business Week
- MIT Technology Review
- Live Mint
- Private Eye

Calibre 6.23.0
New features:
- PDF Output: Add an option to discard the book cover instead of inserting it as the first page of the PDF.
- Content server: Allow opening the book details page for a matches book from the Full text search results page.

Bug fixes:
- Windows: Fix empty data folder getting created in directory calibre is launched from when changing title/author for a book with an existing data folder
- LIT Output: Fix error converting anything to LIT on Windows
- Ignore failures to expire old trash during startup
- Amazon metadata download: Fix retrieval of publisher information from

New news sources:
- ThePressProject

Improved news sources:
- Guardian & Observer
- Washington Post
- Private Eye
- Associated Press

Calibre 6.22.0
New features:
- Kobo driver: Add support for newest firmware
- Trash bin: Allow setting removed books to be permanently deleted on library close
- Windows: Nicer error message when file/folder is locked in another program

- PDF Output: Fix regression that caused large slowdowns when converting books with lots of internal HTML files to PDF
- CHM Input: Fix ToC entries that use fragments not supported
- E-book viewer: Fix searching for text next to hidden text not scrolling to the match
- E-book viewer: Fix selection popup not showing for some books on some platforms when the selection is in the top line
- DOCX Output: Fix multiple SVG images in the input document causing all the SVG images in the output to be just one of the input images
- MOBI Input: Ignore another form of corruption in trailing bytes

New news sources:
- Radio Canada by quatorze
- Deutschland Funk by Armin Geller

Improved news sources:
- Foreign Affairs
- Nature
- Bloomberg
- LiveMint
- Hindu and Hindu Business Line
- Deautsche Welle
- Horizons
- Indian Express
- Psych
- Harper's Magazine

Calibre 6.21.0
New features:
- DOCX Output: Add support for SVG images
- Now the generated DOCX will contain both the rasterized version of the SVG image and the original SVG image as the preferred source, which is supported by modern versions of Word.
- E-book viewer: Allow configuring the actions triggered by touch gestures
- DOCX Input: Add support for SVG images

- Windows: Fix a regression in the previous release that could cause files to be deleted if one of the files/folders was open in another program while changing title/author in calibre
- macOS: Fix extra dock icons visible when doing a job using Qt WebEngine such as converting to PDF or searching in Get books
- macOS and Linux: Fix an error when changing metadata or deleting books whose files are owned by another user
- CHM Input: Yet another regression opening CHM files with missing internal files on windows
- CHM Input: Resolve absolute links to resource files from the root of the CHM file

New news sources:
- The India Forum by unkn0wn

Improved news sources:
- Guardian & Observer
- Harper's Magazine Print recipe
- Live Mint

Calibre 6.20.0
- CHM Input: Fix a regression in the previous release that broke conversion of CHM files
- Windows: Make moving files in the calibre library folder more robust, locking folders in addition to files, before the start of the move
- Get books: Update Barnes and Noble store plugin for website changes
- Kindle output: Only re-encode JPEG images with EXIF metadata if the metadata contains actual transpose operations
- PDF Output: Fix error when input document contains multiple instances of a font some with vertical metrics and some without
- PDF Output: Fix using CSS Multicolumns for body causing conversion to fail when header/footer is specified
- MOBI Input: Fix a crash when converting some corrupted palmdoc compressed MOBI files
- E-book viewer: Ensure CSS stylesheets are interpreted as UTF-8

New news sources:
- Prospect Magazine UK (Free) by ping

Improved news sources:
- Foreign Affairs

Calibre 6.19.1
New features:
- HTML Input: Restrict adding of resources like images to only files within the folder hierarchy starting at the parent folder of the root HTML file Can be controlled by customizing the HTML to Zip plugin in Preferences->Plugins or the --allow-local-files-outside-root option to the ebook-convert command

- PDF Output: Fix regression in previous release causing non-English entries to be incorrectly encoded into the PDF bookmarks
- PDF Output: Fix regression in previous release that caused blank pages when generating headers or footers
- Book list: Fix editing-in-place not pre-selecting existing text for some column types
- metadata download: Update for site changes
- PDF Output: Set /Creator and /Producer in /Info
- Fix row height incorrect in Manage category dialog when blank
- 6.19.1 fixes a bug in 6.19.0 that broke the edit metadata dialog

Calibre 6.18.1
New features:
- Cover download: Allowing saving alternate covers to disk or in the book's data folder by right clicking on the cover
- Content server: Allow disabling full text search via the web interface
- When sending books to the device confirm the overwrite if the book already exists on the device
- E-book viewer: Handle horizontal wheel events as section jumps in paged mode
- Comic Input: When grayscaling comic images use 16bit gray instead of 8bit for better fidelity
- When using the PNG format for images this results in larger files but with better grayscaling fidelity.
- Add a new option in Preferences->Searching to disable keyboard searching in book list (i.e. you can turn off the behavior that pressing a key will jump to the first book whose title starts with that letter)
- Manage categories dialog: Use alternating row colors and allow adjusting row height
- Allow assigning a keyboard shortcut in Preferences->Shortcuts to open the data folder of a book
- Various improvements to syntax highlighting for the Markdown long text editor

- Fix a regression in 6.16 that broke restoring of the database
- Tag browser: Fix using F2 to edit items not allowing completion
- Book details: Fix formatting of text when copying all book details in narrow mode
- Book details: Fix copy all not respecting line breaks in fields
- Fix a regression in previous release that broke scrolling when using the scroll_per_row tweak
- Fix a regression in the previous release that broke the category manager dialog in some situations
- 6.18.1 fixes a regression that broke setting metadata and generating PDF files in the macOS and Linux binary builds

New news sources:
- Irish Times Free by unkn0wn
- and El Confidencial by Hugo Meza

Improved news sources:
- NYTimes
- Economist
- Washington Post
- Irish Independent and Irish Times
- Live Mint
- Psych
- Hindu

Calibre 6.17.0
New features:
- Font subsetting: Add support for WOFF format fonts and CID keyed fonts. Also further reduce file sizes when subsetting
- Book details: Show a link to open the data files folder when data files are present
- Template language: Add various functions to query the extra files associated with a book
- Edit book: Compress images: Support compression of images in the WEBP format as well
- Comments editor: Add buttons to create links to data files and also to folders easily when inserting a link
- Allow displaying the id, formats and path builtin columns via Preferences->Add your own columns
- Trash bin: Add a button to clear the bin
- Metadata editor: Use a dedicated editor with preview for custom columns that store markdown formatted text

- Fix a regression in the previous release that could result in empty author folders remaining in the library when the author of a book is changed
- Fix the data files associated with a book not being handled when using the Merge books and Copy to library functions
- Fix a regression in the previous release that broke some operations in the Manage tags/authors/etc. dialogs
- Ensure metadata.opf is always written when deleting book even if it is not sequenced for backup

Improved news sources:
- Scientific American

Calibre 6.16.0
New features:
- Allow storing extra data files with a book
- Right click the Add books button to add arbitrary files as "data files" to a book record. These are managed by calibre along with the book files, but cannot be used for conversion/viewing. Select a book and press the "O" key to view the data files in your file explorer.
- Allow undoing the deletion of books from the calibre library
- Now deleted books are stored in a calibre "Trash bin" from which they can be restored with a single click. To view the trash bin, right click the "Remove books" button.
- Kobo driver: Add support for the new Kobo Elipsa 2E
- Book details: if an item has an associated link then offer that link in the item's context menu

- Content server viewer: Fix end of chapter content being occasionally skipped when scrolling by screen full with multiple pages
- E-book viewer: Fix a regression that caused notes from a different highlights to be shown in some situations
- E-book viewer: Show an error if the user tries to search for only punctuation or spaces in the search modes that ignore these
- Fix custom columns not showing in Book details links from other libraries

New news sources:
- Bar and Bench by unkn0wn
- The Washington Post Print Edition by unkn0wn

Improved news sources:
- Frontline
- Outlook Magazine

Calibre 6.15.1
New features:
- Allow adding external links to tags, series, publishers, etcetera in addition to authors
- The links show up as click-able icons in the book details panel. They can be set by right clicking the author/tag/etc. in the Tag browser and choosing "Manage"
- calibre:// URL scheme: Add support for a new type of URL that pops up the metadata of the specified book in a new window
- Works even with books not in the current library. See for details
- EPUB Output: Do not shrink images to fit the screen size by default, as modern readers do this themselves well enough. Can be controlled via an option in the EPUB Output section of the conversion dialog
- Edit metadata dialog: Add buttons to pop up the category editing windows easily
- Metadata download: Allow specifying rules to transform publisher names in addition to author and tag names
- Edit metadata dialog: Use both a colored border and an icon to indicate errors in line edits
- A new tweak in Preferences->Tweaks to control what program is run when clicking on URLs in calibre

- E-book viewer: Fix a regression that caused incorrect highlight collision detection in some books
- E-book viewer: Fix images embedded inside SVG tags not available for viewing in a pop-up
- DOCX Input: Do not ignore images that are present as fallbacks for a word drawing object
- Comic Input: When converting grayscaled PNG images to PNG ensure output images are stored as indexed PNG
- Fix active tab not easy to distinguish in dark mode
- Content server: Fix re-opening book from home page after making progress not opening to correct last read position when a user is logged in
- Comments editor: When copying to clipboard, copy clean HTML rather than the junk Qt produces
- Version 6.15.1 fixes an issue with the new URL scheme popping up incorrect book details windows

New news sources:
- Tehelka by Areet Mahadevan
- The Wire by unkn0wn

Improved news sources:
- Saechsische Zeitung
- LA Times
- Mediapart
- Live Mint
- The Hindu

Calibre 6.15.0
New features:
- Allow adding external links to tags, series, publishers, etcetera in addition to authors
- The links show up as click-able icons in the book details panel. They can be set by right clicking the author/tag/etc. in the Tag browser and choosing "Manage"
calibre:// URL scheme: Add support for a new type of URL that pops up the metadata of the specified book in a new window
- Works even with books not in the current library. See for details
- EPUB Output: Do not shrink images to fit the screen size by default, as modern readers do this themselves well enough. Can be controlled via an option in the EPUB Output section of the conversion dialog
- Edit metadata dialog: Add buttons to pop up the category editing windows easily
- Metadata download: Allow specifying rules to transform publisher names in addition to author and tag names
- Edit metadata dialog: Use both a colored border and an icon to indicate errors in line edits
- A new tweak in Preferences->Tweaks to control what program is run when clicking on URLs in calibre

- E-book viewer: Fix a regression that caused incorrect highlight collision detection in some books
- E-book viewer: Fix images embedded inside SVG tags not available for viewing in a pop-up
- DOCX Input: Do not ignore images that are present as fallbacks for a word drawing object
- Comic Input: When converting grayscaled PNG images to PNG ensure output images are stored as indexed PNG
- Fix active tab not easy to distinguish in dark mode
- Content server: Fix re-opening book from home page after making progress not opening to correct last read position when a user is logged in
- Comments editor: When copying to clipboard, copy clean HTML rather than the junk Qt produces

New news sources:
- Tehelka
- The Wire

Improved news sources:
- Saechsische Zeitung
- LA Times
- Mediapart
- Live Mint
- The Hindu

Calibre 6.14.1
New features:
- Edit metadata: When setting a cover from comic files allow choosing which page to use as the cover
- Allow display of columns built from other columns as comments in Book details
- Comments editor: Add a shortcut for "Paste and match style" (Ctrl+Shift+v)

- macOS: ToC Editor: Fix mouse becoming unusable when trying to create a new entry
- When computing title sorts strip leading and trailing quotes, not just leading quotes
- Content server viewer: Fix searching only showing results from the current chapter onwards
- Check book: Fix some incorrect line numbers reported in a few CSS error messages
- Fix regression in 6.14.0 that caused some generated resources to be excluded from the calibre source bundle
- Fix regression in 6.14.0 that broke using paths with single quotes in them for the calibre library
- Fix ToC Editor on macOS in 6.14.0 not working inside the Edit book tool only

Improved news sources:
- Strange Horizons
- The Saturday Paper
- New Scientist
- The Mainichi
- DR Nyheder
- New York Magazine
- Bloomberg
- Deccan Herald

Calibre 6.14.0
New features:
- Edit metadata: When setting a cover from comic files allow choosing which page to use as the cover
- Allow display of columns built from other columns as comments in Book details
- Comments editor: Add a shortcut for "Paste and match style" (Ctrl+Shift+v)

- macOS: ToC Editor: Fix mouse becoming unusable when trying to create a new entry
- When computing title sorts strip leading and trailing quotes, not just leading quotes
- Content server viewer: Fix searching only showing results from the current chapter onwards
- Check book: Fix some incorrect line numbers reported in a few CSS error messages

Improved news sources:
- Strange Horizons
- The Saturday Paper
- New Scientist
- The Mainichi
- DR Nyheder
- New York Magazine
- Bloomberg
- Deccan Herald

Calibre 6.13.0
New features:
- Content server: E-book viewer: Long tapping on an image now causes it to be displayed in an internal popup rather than a new window as some browsers block the creation of new windows

- E-book viewer: Fix some adjacent highlights with nothing in between them not being displayed
- Content server: Workaround for Safari regression causing bookmarks to disappear on reload
- E-book viewer: Read aloud: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused the Read aloud controls to not reappear when Read aloud is canceled and restarted
- E-book viewer: Read aloud: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused an error when using Read aloud on a chapter with no text, such as the cover page
- E-book viewer: Fix a regression that caused a spurious error on Windows when reading out selected text
- Fix a regression in calibre 5.0 that broke sorting the device view by title if one of the books has an empty title
- Edit book: Spell Check dialog: Fix second word not getting selected when after first word is fixed
- Improve hover highlight color in tree views

New news sources:
- The Economist Espresso by unkn0wn
- Science X by unkn0wn
- Horizons by unkn0wn
- Deccan Herald by unkn0wn
- The Monthly by unkn0wn

Improved news sources:
- Bloomberg

Calibre 6.12.0
New features:
- E-book viewer: Read aloud: On Windows switch to using the new Microsoft speech subsystem with access to more voices
- Note that this means that old voice, speed and audio devices setting will not be used so a reconfiguration might be needed.
- calibre:// URL scheme: allow specifying a Virtual library for show_book URLs
- Add by ISBN: Allow adding using identifiers other than ISBN as well
- Update bundled Qt to 6.4 this means calibre on macOS is now only supported on Big Sur and newer
- Spell check dialog: Allow up and down arrow keys to work regardless of focus
- Allow multiple Template tester dialogs

- Windows MTP device driver: Ignore failure to enumerate objects inside non-root folders
- There are apparently a lot of devices out there that fail in this way. So rather than aborting the scan simply ignore the folder.
- Book list: Fix a regression in the previous release that broke dragging to select multiple books
- Content server viewer: Fix reload book not actually reloading until the browser is also refreshed
- E-book viewer: Fix occasional false warning about highlight being overwritten
- E-book viewer: Fix detection of selected highlights when all text is selected
- Fix an error when embedding metadata into a large number of books
- When updating metadata in EPUB 2 files and no language is specified, do not remove the tag as this causes epubcheck to complain. Instead set the language to "und"
- Wireless device driver: Remove the timeout for initial connection
- Use an icon rather than a color to report errors in fields and the search box
- Conversion dialog: Regex builder: Workaround bug in Qt that prevented searching for non breaking spaces in the wizard used to test search expressions
- Spell check dialog: move down after correcting word, not up
- Get books: Fix Mobileread store plugin not working

New news sources:
- Boston Globe Print Edition
- Observer Reach Foundation

Improved news sources:
- Jerusalem Post
- LiveMint
- The Seattle Times
- India Today
- Outlook Magazine
- Live Mint
- Irish Independent
- Irish Times

Calibre 6.11.0
New features:
- Edit book: Check book: Allow automatic fixing of various simple CSS errors
- E-book viewer: When Read aloud is speaking, make the control bar translucent so that words under the bar are visible
- Edit book: Switch to a new library (stylelint) for find problems in CSS as the old library was no longer maintained
- Edit book: File browser: Allow using keyboard shortcuts to re-order the spine
- calibredb list: Allow specifying multiple fields for --sort-by
- Check library: Allow opening the book folder easily

- Fix windows not being moved onto the current monitor when they were previously visible on a removed monitor that was to the left of the current monitor
- Book list: Fix a regression in the previous release that broke drag and drop of multiple books
- Fix detection of Tolino Vision 6 on macOS/Linux
- Content server: Fix auto full screen not working when continuing to read books with user account enabled
- Edit book: Set semantics: Fix error when setting the "Notes" semantic
- HTMLZ output: Fix images referred to in CSS stylesheets not being converted
- Book details panel: Fix HTML comment tags in the comments breaking display of book details
- Content server home page: When showing recently read books from across devices hide the entries for which loading the cover fails
- Windows Text-to-speech: Dont fail to configure if one of the voices has no defined language
- Fix a regression in calibre 5 that broke using a file for the --extra-css option of ebook-convert
- Content server FTS: Fix page header bar not visible
- Content server: Fix identifiers from third party metadata download plugins not becoming clickable links on the book details page
- Edit book: Warn when saving will overwrite a read-only file
- Fix restoring geometry of maximized/fullscreen dialogs forcing them visible
- Fix a regression in the previous release that caused spurious error message when doing some out of band searches
- Fix a regression in the previous release that broke choosing new programs for the Open with function

New news sources:
- NHK News - by Richard A. Steps
- Globes in English by barakplasma

Improved news sources:
- PC World
- Caravan Magazine
- Harvard Business Review
- Various Israeli news sources

Calibre 6.10.0
New features:
- Content server: Add support for searching the full text of books. Simply click the FTS link on the search page to start a full text search.
- Content server: When using user accounts, the homepage now shows recently read books from any device not just the current device
- Kobo driver: Bump the max supported firmware version
- Conversion: New Output profile for the Kindle Scribe
- Check library: Allow ignoring folder names as well as files names

- Edit book: Fix various formatting operations not inserting the tags in the correct place in the presence of non-BMP characters
- Edit book: Use instead of for strikethrough
- Edit book: Fix export saved search to search panel not preserving the wrap checkbox state
- Content server: Redirect the index page to always have trailing slash when using URL prefixes
- Book list: Workaround for change in Qt 6 behavior where clicking on an already selected row does not deselect other rows
- Windows: Fix a regression in calibre 6 causing Open With to not extract icons from EXE files

New news sources
- Fokus
- Press Information Bureau
- Himal Southasian
- Indian Express Print Edition

Improved news sources
- Indian Express
- Financial Times
- TIME Magazine
- Hindu Business Line Print Edition
- Arts and Letters Daily
- Frontline
- Sportstar
- New Yorker

Calibre 6.9.0
New features:
- E-book viewer: When exporting highlights as plain text include titles from chapters at all levels not just the first level
- Edit book: Reports: Show the number of words per file in the Files section of the report
- Windows builds: sign DLLs in addition to EXEs to make Microsoft's new "Smart App Control" tool happy
- Sending by email: When adding comments also add series
- Nook driver: Put files in NOOK/Books instead of NOOK/My Files on recent nook devices so they are all listed in one place in the NOOK UI
- calibredb list: Allow using a template as one of the returned fields
- Tag browser: Add context menu action to turn on/off sub-categorization for a category

- Merging books: Fix title sort not being updated when the title is updated
- Content server viewer: Fix incorrect sorting of highlights in the same paragraph
- Content server viewer: When exporting highlights as text include chapter titles
- Improve rendering of the separator handle dots introduced in the previous release
- Edit book: Fix regression in previous release causing applying any container update marking all open image editors as modified
- Fix a regression in the previous release that caused copying book details to clipboard to use unix line endings on windows

Improved news sources:
- Bloomberg
- The Globe and Mail
- Spectator Magazine
- The New York Times
- The Hindu
- MIT Technology Review

Calibre 6.8.0
New features:
- Allow customizing the buttons available to the right of the search bar in the main calibre window via Preferences->Toolbars & menus->The buttons on the searchbar
- Book details panel: Allow adjusting the space used by the cover with a splitter
- Make splitter handles more visible in the calibre UI style
- When sending by email to kindle dont include the author in the filename as amazon is currently reading the author from the file metadata but not the title

- Book list: Fix incorrect rendering of yes/no icons when they are configured to have only two values
- Nook driver: Send books to the NOOK folder for the 2021 Nook model as well
- Improve performance in very large libraries of various UI operations such as right clicking, marking books, etc.
- Fix edit metadata dialog not remembering its position and improve how calibre restores window position and size on multi-monitor systems
- Conversion: Fix CSS styles applied to SVG elements being discarded
- EPUB Input: Fix empty adobe page number template file causing conversion to fail
- E-book viewer: Fix rendering of comments in metadata display when using a dark color scheme
- AZW3 Input: Fix svg images that use a prefix for the SVG namespace not being recognized
- Edit book: Fix double clicking in the see what changed dialog not opening the file in the editor since calibre 6.0
- Edit book: Fix modified indicator on images not working correctly when replacing the image
- Amazon metadata download: Adapt the plugin for website changes

New news sources:
- Fifty Two by unkn0wn
- Bloomberg and Bloomberg Business Week by unkn0wn

Improved news sources:
- Army and Navy Times
- eenadu_ap
- Handelsblatt

Calibre 6.7.1
New features:
- Template language: A new "Python template mode" which allows using arbitrary Python code in templates
- Tag browser: Allow removing format from selected books by right clicking on the format in the Tag browser
- E-book viewer: Ask for confirmation when creating a highlight that will overwrite existing highlights
- Book list: Allow changing column widths via a dedicated dialog by right clicking on column headers

- E-book viewer: Fix a regression that broke adding of new lookup sources
- E-book viewer: Fix copy to clipboard not ignoring text from elements that are marked as non user selectable
- Content server: When adding books, run all file type plugins before reading metadata
- Edit book: Preview panel: In dark mode when all of the background/foreground/link colors are set to "No change" do not render the book using dark colors
- Version 6.7.1 fixes a regression in the previous release that broke the delete specific format from book function

Improved news sources:
- The Athletic
- der Standard
- The Economic Times India Print Edition
- Indian Express
- India Today Magazine
- Caravan Magazine

Calibre 6.6.1
New features:
- Book details: allow displaying multi-valued categories such as tags on separate lines via Preferences->Look & feel->Book details
- Tag browser: When searching the Tag browser allow also filtering the book list to show only books that match one of the categories currently shown in the Tag browser
- To use enable the two Preferences: "Preferences->Look & feel->Tag browser->Hide empty categories" and "Find shows all items that match". Then, when searching the Tag browser, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F to restrict the displayed books.
- Edit book: When right clicking on HTML files in EPUB 3 books, allow marking them as the Table of Contents (NAV document)

- EPUB Output: Fix converting a document with obfuscated fonts to EPUB 3 not working
- Edit book: Fix an error when processing books that contain comments inside unknown CSS @ rules
- Content server: Fix jumping to locations such as bookmarks not working on iPhone/iPad running iOS >= 15
- Font subsetting: Fix :first-line and :first-letter pseudo classes not being handled correctly
- Workaround for Amazon's email delivery service not reading metadata from inside ebook files
- Edit book: File list: Fix pressing Tab key while renaming a file not starting the rename of the next file
- Version 6.6.1 fixes a regression that caused the Edit metadata window to not remember its last used size. Note that you will have to resize it once after updating to 6.6.1, after which the size will be remembered.

Improved news sources:
- Spectator Magazine
- Spiegel Online International
- Engadget

Calibre 6.5.0
New features:
- Kobo driver: support the new Kobo Clara 2e
- When running calibre with the --with-library command line flag and calibre is already running, switch to the specified library in calibre
- E-book viewer: Ask for confirmation when deleting a custom highlight style
- Do not show the virtual libraries tab bar when no virtual libraries are present
- Tag mapper: When specifying the replacement tag allow completion from the tags in the currently open library
- Template language: New functions strcasecmp() and to_hex()

- Comments editor: Workaround for Qt inserting invalid font-weight when converting a paragraph to a heading
- E-book viewer: When displaying highlights dont group highlights from different chapters when the chapter titles are identical
- Tag browser: Fix error if a User category contains a reference to a deleted custom column
- When sending books by email to the Kindle and PocketBook email delivery services use random subject and filenames consisting of simple English letters to try to workaround various bugs in their email processing code

Improved news sources:
- The Wall Street Journal
- Open Magazine
- The Baffler
- Dark Reading
- New York Times
- NYTimes Cooking
- NYTimes Sports Beat
- Outlook Magazine
- Foreign Affairs

Calibre 6.4.0
New features:
- Conversion pipeline: Add support for !important when flattening CSS rules
- Content server: Use the chapter title as the base bookmark name when creating new bookmarks
- Allow changing the search order when clicking on items in the Tag browser (Preferences->Look & feel->Tag browser->Hierarchy and searching)
- Check library: Make vacuuming the full text database optional as it is very slow and memory intensive
- Tag browser: Move the preferences for controlling the order and display of categories in the Tag browser from Preferences->Tweaks to Preferences->Look & feel->Tag browser
- User category editor: Hide items not visible in the Tag browser
- Allow adding a button to show the Manage categories window to the toolbars via Preferences->Toolbars & menus
- Google metadata download: When excluding results from a web search because they don't match the specified title/author ignore diacritics, accents, etc.

- E-book viewer: Lookup: Google dictionary: Add some padding at the left and right margins
- E-book viewer: Lookup word in Google dictionary: Fix meanings of some words not being shown in the user's preferred language
- Fix calibredb backup_metadata --all operating only on dirty books not all books
- Do not VACUUM FTS db when exporting library as it can be very slow
- Windows: Nicer error message when attempting to run viewer/editor on machine without MediaPack installed
- Edit book: Reports: Fix rendering of images in the images report table
- Content server: Fix formatting of dates for custom columns using ISO format

New news sources:
- Brhat by Vishwas Vasuki
- Cachys Blog by Volker Heggemann
- Various Russian and Ukranian news sources by bugmen00t

Improved news sources:
- Live Law and Live Mint
- Financial Times and MIT Technology Review
- Business Standard and Indian Express
- Nautilus
- High Country News
- Outlook Business Magazine

Calibre 6.3.0
New features:
- E-book viewer: Allow searching for nearby words using a new "Nearby words" search mode
calibredb: New fts_search and fts_index commands to perform full text searching from the command line
- Image viewing popup: Allow zooming using the standard shortcuts of Ctrl+plus/minus

- Fix a regression in calibre 6.0 that broke remembering the previous sort order for a column
- Fix a regression in calibre 6.0 that broke processing of very high resolution images
- Full text search: Fix error when using restrict searched books and more than 900 books are present in the searched list
- E-book viewer: Fix parsing of CSS styles with @supports rules not working
- E-book viewer: Speed up initial render of books with lots of CSS in

Calibre 7.1.0 相關參考資料
Calibre 7.1.0 not running

2023年11月27日 — It appears that the problem isn't something 'bad' in the version 7 installer, but something 'bad' in the configuration left behind by the ...

Calibre 7.1.0 免安裝中文版- 電子書管理軟體開啟 ...

2023年11月27日 — Calibre 7.1.0 免安裝中文版— 電子書管理軟體開啟. Calibre 7.1.0 免安裝中文版- 電子書管理軟體開啟PDB、EPUB、MOBI、SNB檔. 台灣免費軟體下載網站 ...

Calibre 7.1.0 可攜式版for Windows 下載網頁

Calibre是一個跨平台免費且開源的電子書閱讀器和編輯器。有了它,您可以轉換和查看不同的電子書格式,它是跨平台的,可在Linux、Windows 和macOS 上執行。

Calibre 7.1.0 电子书管理软件 - OSSSR.COM

2023年11月24日 — Calibre是免费的,源代码开放,拥有跨平台的设计,可在Linux,OS X和Windows操作系统中运行。 它是一个完整的电子图书馆,包括图书馆管理,格式转换,新闻 ...

Calibre 7.6.0 免安裝中文版- 免費電子書管理軟體

calibre 是一款免費開源且功能齊全的電子書管理軟體,可以用來匯入添加電子書建立虛擬書庫提供管理與存放功能,並提供轉化書籍功能可轉化不同格式的電子書, ...

calibre release (7.1.0)

calibre release (7.1.0). Windows. Windows 64-bit Installer. Calibre Portable: Calibre Portable Installer; Apple Mac: OS X Disk Image (.dmg); Linux. Linux ARM 64 ...


Download calibre

Download Calibre Portable Portable. Learn how to work with calibre on a mobile phone/tablet. calibre for Android Android · calibre for Apple iOS iOS.

Download Calibre (64bit) 7.1.0 for windows

2023年11月27日 — Library management system to organize e-book collection · Format conversion for compatibility with different devices · Built-in editor to modify ...

Download for Windows

calibre: The one stop solution for all your e-book needs. Comprehensive e ... calibre works on Windows 10 and higher. Download calibre 64bit. Version: 7.6.0 ...