Avidemux (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page1

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Avidemux (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Avidemux 64 位是一個免費的視頻編輯器,設計用於簡單的裁剪,過濾和編碼任務。它支持多種文件類型,包括 AVI,DVD 兼容的 MPEG 文件,MP4 和 ASF,使用各種編解碼器。可以使用項目,作業隊列和強大的腳本功能來自動執行任務。下載 Avidemux Offline Installer 安裝程序設置 64bit for Windows.Avidemux 特點: 非線性視頻編輯。應用... Avidemux (64-bit) 軟體介紹

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.60 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.60
- improved submission speed
- fixed an encoding issue for generation of titles
- improved search engine parsing
- improved wordpress engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.59
- new: improved submission speed for target url discovering
- fix: issue with scheduled posting

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.58
- Rework of Moodle engine by forum member cherub
- new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.57
- improved wordpress engine
- improved clean-up dialog

- importing email accounts from other projects via popup menu
was ignoring IMAP settings
- indexing with proper campaing name

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.56
- new: improved google search results
- new: better search engine parsing
- fix: tier filter issues

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.55
- new: improved site key extraction for recaptcha

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.54
- new: improved some macros

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.53
- new: improved form filling
- new: indexing service improved
- fix: issue with testing proxies and dns resolve by proxies

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.52
- improved some engines
- improved debug output
- added new search engines

- fix: buddypress engines issues

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.51
- fix: fixed captcha services HumanCoder and CaptchaDecoder
- new: added new search engines
- new: improved cache cleanup

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.50
- more options for captcha service configuration
- improve search engine parsing speed
- improved some engines

- title generation in GUI is taking titlegen.dat from data-folder

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.49
- fix: wordpress engine issues
- new: updated user agents

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.48
- new: improved form extraction
- new: added hcaptcha support for xevil api
- fix: issues with linksindexer API

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.47
- improved wordpress engine
- added support for EasyContentMachine API

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.46
- added new indexing service linksindexer.com
- new search engine added
- improved country detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.45
- speed improved when parsing
- bing proxy test fixed
- new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.44
- new: export of verified urls can hold ip/country
- new: some email engines updated
- fix: reset of "parsed email data" was not working
- fix: DokuWiki fixed with the help of our forum member the_other_dude

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.43
- fix: domain filter issue
- new: added support for more disposible email providers

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.42
- fix: minor issues on lindexed indexer
- new: improved sitelist handling (speed, proper error message)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.41
- New: added some new search engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.39
- new: web20 engines checked/updated
- new: improved speed on language detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.38
- improved value extraction for web forms
- new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.37
- New: new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.35
- new: support for hcaptcha added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.33
- new: new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.32
- new search engines added
- improved some engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.31
- added new search engines
- improved email account setup
- improved submission speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.30
- new search engines added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.29
- added a nw indexing service (indexingexpert)
- improved GSA Proxy Scraper support

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.28
- improved sitemap extraction
- improved recaptcha detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.27
- new: issue with imap type change
- fix: ability to check email accounts for multible projects

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.26
- new: gnuboard engines updated

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.25
- new: improved update system

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.22
- new: improved search engine parsing

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.20
- new: added new search engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.19
- new: speed when saving projects improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.18
- new: new option for indexing services to only send links if they are indexable (default now)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.17
- contextual engine from cherub
- default filter URLs updated
- log messages improved

- fix: import of articles with filename in unicode

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.16
- improved macro usage
- improved random captcha service option
- improved target url import

- fix: CaptchaAI API

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.15
- added many new search engines
- auto fix of wrong #trans/#notrans usage
- some email engines updated
- improved article preview templates

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.14
- added imap support in email accounts
- some engines improved
- search engine parsing improved
- improved none utf8 content encoding

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.13
- many new search engines added and none working removed
- added custom site list as target project import

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.12
- new: article generator was damaged

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.11
- improved search engine parsing
- added new engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.10
- new: added some new engines
- new: improved speed/less memory usage
- fix: possible dead lock

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.09
- new: improved speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.08
- new: option to skip re-verification on older links

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.07
- improved cookie handling speed
- improved thread processing speed
- improved spin-usage vs json detection
- removed some entries of to-use captcha services

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.06
- new: improved Use OpenAI / InferKit article generation

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.04
- improved speed for global blacklist
- less cpu usage for various functions
- better speed for duplicate removal
- added new proxy sources

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.03
- new: improved speed (verification, submission, target cache)

- stopping project during verification was deleting almost all to-verify data
- swift proxy data was not saved
- issue with custom recaptcha scripting

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.02
- faster link building
- less PR queries for redirects

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.01
- new: minor fix in new engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 16.00
- new: added a new engine (keyword tracking)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.99
- new: improved some engines
- fix: small issue with repeatly importing targets from present accounts

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.97
- new: dupecheck when adding new articles
- fix: issue with preview/test in project editor using the "dat file folder"
- fix: article builder api on chinese systems

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.95
- new: less cpu usage
- new: improved target URL search

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.94
- new: improved some engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.93
- fix: translation from no-api google (reply changed)
- new: added new proxy api
- new: added captchaai.com as new captcha service

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.92
- new: serengines /serpcloud api was not read on startup

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.91
- issue with proxy detection fixed
- speed improved
- some engines updated

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.90
- ability to choose custom site list folders

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.89
- added a lot more PR-Replacement other than Yandex
- improved target url extraction from verified links
- project option to remove quotes from footprins in search queries

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.88
- new: improved speed again
- fix: one possible bug from previous release

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.87
- new: improved speed for target url parsing
- fix: issue with anchor text being an url other than the linked one
- fix: elite indexer was broken (TLS didn't work on there api)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.86
- speed improved
- macros relying on a proper anchor will skip urls as anchor
- added a chart for LpM/VpM/DpM values

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.85
- added wordpress/blogspot xml article import
- easy way to select URLs not sent to indexer in "Show verified URLs"
- improved speed with ssl connections
- tier filter to only accept URLs with anchor as URL part

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.84
- Fixed: issue with subdomain account import

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.83
- fix: issue with nested macros usage

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.81
- Fixed: Yandex PR mapping

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.80
- fix: wrong multi-redirect detection (301->302 was a 301 instead of 302)
- new: added 3 new engines by forum user cherub

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.79
- new: improved wordpress engine (again)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.78
- improved wordpress engine
- script engine improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.77
- select project dialog improved
- improved proxy handling
- less memory usage when editing projects

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.76
- new: improved text captcha solving

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.75
- fix: problem with target urls growing endlessly

- less cpu and memory usage
- improved captcha handline with thread limit set
- added text captcha q/a import from csv file

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.74
- improved target site processing
- improved proxy sources
- new debug mode filter

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.73
- fix:  redirect/indexing links not getting saved to site lists
- new: improved wordpress engine again

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.72
- added more tools to debug mode dialog
- improved "Crawl URLs" dialog
- wordpress posting without classic editor plugin

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.71
- new: image/video placement options added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.69
- added some new engines done by cherub
- improved captcha handling
- proxy type detection improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.68
- new: improved wordpress engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.67
- fix: Article Froge with WordAI made some issues
- new: added some more shortcuts for modify/import submenu
- new: option to send URLs to one random or all indexing services

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.66
- proxy sources updated
- proxy handling improved
- added a new indexing service
- ability to uncheck engines not being able to use images or videos

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.65
- fixed: imported accounts where not submitting in some situations
- new: improved macro handling in URLs
- new: added a new article engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.64
- fix: account saving useless data and slowed things down

- added a new captcha service
- support for macros in URLs
- updated generic urls

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.63
- support for macros in URLs
- updated generic urls
- improved some engines based on cherub's suggestion

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.62
- new: issue with crawling URLs/Anchor texts

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.61
- added magcloud.com engine
- improved debug mode

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.60
- new: improved cookie system when submitting/scraping

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.59
- new: competitor analysis improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.57
- new: added new temporary email providers
- fix: minor issues on account import

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.56
- new: proxy scraper is testing and auto updating the proxyjudge URL

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.55
- improved submission speed again (just a bit)
- added a new engine done by our forum member cherub

- proxy checking issue
- issue with project status 'Remove' fixed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.54
- new: improved speed
- new: chrome specific header updates

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.53
- new: improved proxy handling

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.52
- fix: issue with SpinnerChief and X_Spinner API

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.51
- fix: some more WordAI API fixes

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.49
- recaptcha custom scriting issue

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.47
- some engines updated
- shortcuts for popup menus are back

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.46
- new: ability to change brightness, satuartion and color of skin

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.45
- new: minor tweaks on gui
- fix: minor bug on footprint studio

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.43
- new: openssl update

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.41
- improved GUI with popup menu icons

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.40
- deadlock with translate

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.38
- issue with update server

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.37
- new: improved some engines
- fix: delete link mode issues with multi accounts per site
- new: improved proxy sources

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.36
- reverification is removing links only if it failed 5 times in a row
- improvecha detection
- improved proxy testing
- improved some engines
- started work on a web-interface

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.35
- Added blacklist check for verified links

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.34
- new: improved reverification

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.32
- Improved some engines
- Added support for recaptcha v3 in some more captcha seervice

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.31
- Duplicate a tier project was broken
- New: groups can be duplicated as well now

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.30
- new: improved some engines
- fix: minor issue with the custom link format script command

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.29
- new: option to skip submission to domains with same IP
- fix: issue with google translate

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.28
- Improved recaptcha detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.27
- New: less cpu usage, less memory usage
- New: better speed with URL handling/checking
- Fix: minor bug with engine filtering

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.26
- New: improved speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.25
- GSA SEO Indexer will no longer be used when unchecked in global options

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.24
- Improved some engines

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.23
- New: new contextual article engine WPForo added

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.22
- fix: tier display structure fixed
- new: the last verified urls will be filtered when
- you want to show logs of one project only

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.21
- New: improved some engines
- Fix: PHPInfo Exploit engine didn't work

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.20
- Improved some engines
- Less cpu and memory usage

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.19
- Problem with URL Shorteners not having correct anchor text

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.18
- Fix: the tier "indexable only" filter was not correctly working

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.17
- another possible issue on tree listings

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.16
- Fix: possible issue on tree listings

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.15
- fixed: SpinnerChief API was no longer working when using advanced parameters -> removed them now

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.14
- dateformat in stats

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.12
- Issue with captcha handling when being random

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.11
- Problem with redirect types
- Improved some engines
- Option to use captcha services in random order

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.10
- Api issue with some captcha services

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.09
- improved cpu usage/speed
- improved meta redirect detection
- improved cpu usage/speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.08
- new: improved cpu usage/speed

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.07
- improved disposible email parsing
- ability to export articles with title as first line

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.06
- fix: recaptcha v3 solving for CapMonster Cloud
- new: improved redirect detection

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.05
- some engines improved
- URL-in-URL detection improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.04
- gui color for redirect types changed
- pr check improved
- redirect detection improved (anchor text is used for exact type)

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.03
- minor re-verification bug
- fix: issue when checking email accounts
- new: added a new web20 engine

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.02
- Fix: minor issue with email verification and ending projects
- Fix: minimize to tray way always used even when unchecked
- New: backlink indexer api changed/improved

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.01
- Fix: proxy-reset on failer was partly broken

GSA Search Engine Ranker 15.00
- New: improvements on account related submissions

Avidemux 2.8.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- New HiDPI compatible button set
- Fast method to add partial filters via CTRL+F shortcut
- Audio department improvements
- custom frame rate change (audio stretch with pitch control)
- configurable compressor (DRC)
- 3-band equalizer
- independent channel gain options
- independent channel delay options
- channel remap options
- new downmix options: stereo headphone and headphone virtual surround
- audio track configuration up to 32 tracks
- volume setting is saved upon exit
- Light and dark theme options in View menu
- Option to remember selected resize method in "Resize", "Fit to size" and "Zoom" filters
- New filter: 3D LUT
- New filter: Decimate
- New filter: Arbitrary Rotate
- New video encoder: VideoToolbox HEVC ("ffVTEncHEVC", macOS only)

Other Enhancements:
- HDR tonemapping performance and quality improvements
- Extended file info
- Rotating mouse wheel over buttons to seek by 60 seconds cycles through 1/2/4/60 seconds seek modes
- Support for decoding 8-bit VP9 in hardware via DXVA2 on Windows and via VDPAU on Linux with graphics cards featuring a VP9 decoder
- Buttons to seek to selection start (A) and end (B) in on-the-fly video filter preview
- Logo image in "Add logo" video filter configuration dialog is now scalable, can be repositioned by dragging
- By default, on-the-fly preview in video filter configuration dialogs is now rendered using OpenGL to improve performance in HiDPI conditions

- Crash on copy to clipboard if selection extends to the end of video, a regression introduced in v2.8.0
- Crashes in "Resample FPS" video filter with motion interpolation enabled
- Crash on finishing encoding with the vp9 encoder
- Avidemux falling victim to a crash in VA-API driver triggered by probing on application startup on Linux with some recent hardware
- Crash loading MPEG-TS or MPEG-PS file with MPEG-1 video track and HW decoder via VDPAU enabled
- Wrong number of channels or wrong channel layout with some E-AC3 streams
- Reduced contrast and desaturated colors in loaded BMP images
- Selection starting at zero and ending at the last picture of video cannot be deleted
- Disabling B-frames breaks VideoToolbox HW encoder (macOS only)

- Bundled FFmpeg libraries have been updated to 4.4.2 release

Avira Internet Security 查看版本資訊


DbVisualizer 13.0.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


DbVisualizer 13.0.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Connection Setup
- DB Support: Oracle
- Add configuration option to skip add join alternatives in auto completion
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Improve the PostgreSQL profile to include new columns when getting triggers meta data
- Driver Manager
- A Reset Driver action which will restore the driver to its default settings

- Auto Completion
- Auto complete always uses white as highlight color
- Connection Setup
- Setting Database Userid to '(null)' should skip passing it to JDBC driver at connect
- DB Support: Azure SQL
- DB Support: Mimer SQL
- DB Support: Redshift
- Installation/Update Installation
- Blank connection settings changed to being set after upgrade to DbVisualizer 13 (E.g Mimer programpasswd)
- DB Support: JavaDB/Derby
- ClassCastException when Alter Table with Derby
- DB Support: MongoDB
- Error running a query in MongoDB
- DB Support: MySQL
- References
- Loading references may hang and task cannot be stopped
- DB Support: Oracle
- The tnsnames.ora file is not parsed for multiple aliases
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Missing info in DDL for Postgres function
- Add DDL for "generated" columns in PostgreSQL
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Procedure Editor
- PostgreSQL trigger DDL does not include UPDATE OF column list
- DB Support: Vertica
- Projection Storage tab for a table in Vertica results in an error
- Data tab
- DB Support: SQL Server
- Exception when scripting a linked server
- Driver Manager
- Importing a driver results in an error if there already exists a driver with the same name
- Filtering/Filter Sets
- Compress recent filters in the Data tab when saving to disk
- Grid Component
- Regression with Ctrl+C/CMD+C as it now doesn't work to copy from property tables such as Connection tab, details pane in Scripts tab, and more
- Import
- Import Table Data: Mysterious character replacements
- Import Table Data thinks size should be 3,0 when it should be at least 4,0
- SQL Commander
- Tab names may not be presented properly in the tool tip for SQL Commander tabs, and in the search open tabs dialog
- @DELIMITER Command is formatted by the SQL formatter
- Scripts
- Create Linked Folder results in "process has not exited"

DbVisualizer 13.0.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Connection Setup
- Present invisible characters in error message if connect fails
- DB Support: MongoDB
- Add SSL support when connect to MongoDB
- Driver Manager
- Download drivers directly when updating version, changing artifacts, etc.
- Import
- Add field for Batch Size in table data import

- Driver Manager
- Import of driver fails
- Auto Completion
- Sudden error when auto complete in SQL Commander
- Cell Viewer/Editor
- IllegalStateException when switching tabs
- DB Support: Exasol
- SYS.EXA_ALL_SCRIPTS system table is queried even if the user have "SELECT ANY DICTIONARY" privilege
- DB Support: MySQL
- MySQL does not obey autoincrement field properties "start" with or "increment by"
- DB Support: Oracle
- The SQL Formatter converts "tablespace" to "table"
- DB Support: Oracle
- DDL Generator
- "comment on view" is broken
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Import
- Cannot create table when importing
- DB Support: Salesforce
- Connect to Salesforce fails
- DB Support: Snowflake
- DDL not showing for Snowflake view
- DB Support: Snowflake
- Import
- No rows are inserted with batch import enabled for Snowflake
- DB Support: Sybase ASE
- Import with "drop existing table" does not work for Sybase
- DB Support: Vertica
- Viewing projections in Vertica 11.x gives an error
- Database Objects Tree
- Copy Database URL not working
- Driver Manager
- The Proxy Settings in Tool Properties are not honored when downloading drivers
- Exception in download when there is a typo in repository name
- Theme: FlatLaf
- Selection BG and FG colors in some popups showing a list doesn't align with the standard colors
- SQL Editor
- Text Alignment in SQL Editor

DbVisualizer 13.0.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DB Support: Exasol
- Speed up connecting to Exasol

Query Builder:
- Add info why "Grouping" tab or check boxes are disabled

Check for Update:
- Getting exception when checking for updates

Connection Setup:
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Reconnect when using SSH requires a second connect

Data tab:
- In Data tab, there is no "Fetching result set... nnn rows" in v13

- NullPointerException when exporting to clipboard

- The command line argument "-connection" is broken for dbvisgui

Grid Component:
- Sudden and rare error when browsing data

- Import settings may read files that are not valid settings files
- Drop Table may fail in Import Table Data

SQL Commander:
- "Database Connection" dropdown is focused when tab change using keyboard

DbVisualizer 13.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Docs - Users Guide: Update documentation regarding jsch and support for ed25519 and new algorithms
- Driver Manager: Show message when loading an already loaded artifact
- Suggest the jar extension type when Maven dependency specifies type pom

- Auto Completion: Auto completion popup in Windows highlights row at mouse position rather than the first entry in list
- DB Support: Error when viewing DDL of a view
- DB Support - Informix: Table Data Editor
- After upgrade to version 13 can no longer edit result set in Informix
- DB Support - MongoDB: Need to support Database URL for Mongo starting with mongodb:// in addition to jdbc:mongodb://
- DB Support - MySQL: Can not set auto increment in create table for MySQL with 8.0.x driver
- Driver Manager: The driver manager advisory pane at top should show next step suggestions in text rather than with icons
- General: Get app warning (red balloon) if clicking some links
- Occasional "Comparison method violates its general contract" error may be reported
- Grid Component: Reload or close of a grid with many rows (100K+), may be very slow if having an active filter or sort

DbVisualizer 13.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Make it possible using down button to focus the search all editors result list

- DB Support: DB2 LUW -  DB2 LUW: Comment on view problems
- DB Support: Oracle - DBMS Output is empty in rare situations
- DB Support: SingleStore
- Set back tick character as delimited identifier in SingleStore
- Driver Manager: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when using very old JDBC driver versions
- Deleting a user driver scrolls the list
- New/duplicated drivers are inserted last in list rather than by natural order
- General: Some settings may not be migrated properly at first start of 13.0 (e.g. tab colors)
- Grid Component: Occasional error when copy, export, open in spreadsheet, etc. in grids
- SQL History: Column sort in Tools->SQL History doesn't work for other columns than timestamp

DbVisualizer 13.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- DB Support: Elasticsearch - Add support for Elasticsearch
- DB Support: MongoDB - Add basic support for MongoDB and BSON data viewer
- DB Support: Presto - Add support for Presto
- DB Support: Trino - Add support for Trino
- Driver Manager - Improve the driver management to support download drivers from Maven, version selection and more
- Installation/Update Installation - Add an installer for Apple Silicon, M1
- SQL Commander - A new feature to search across all open commander
- SQL Editor - windows

- Connection Setup - Allow copying the actual database URL from the link
- Connection Setup Driver Manager - Add possibilities to set overridden driver properties centrally
- Driver properties with pre-defined list of values should be promoted in a drop-down
- Connection Setup SSH - Add support for ssh-agent with SSH Tunnel
- DB Support: Exasol - Add "certificate Fingerprint" for Exasol connections
- DB Support: Google BigQuery - Add driver entry for Google BigQuery
- DB Support: Greenplum
- DB Support: H2
- DB Support: Netezza
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- DB Support: Redshift
- DB Support: Snowflake
- DB Support: Yellowbrick - Add "Rename Schema" in PostgreSQL
- DB Support: Oracle - Copying a scheduler job can only be created in connection user's schema
- DB Support: PostgreSQL - Add "CASCADE" to Truncate
- DB Support: SingleStore - Create driver entry and database type for SingleStore
- DB Support: Snowflake - Improve support for authenticator=externalbrowser
- Database Objects Tree - Give the option (or by default) to color visited table names
- Driver Manager - Dynamic OS specific libs should be loaded from driver jar files rather than setting java.library.path
- Filtering/Filter Sets - The Database Objects Filters editor should show and allow editing the label1 attribute for DataNodes
- Grid Component - Add a "Reset Grid" action to remove any current quick filters, column filters, sorting, and selection
- Installation/Update Installation - Should be possible to change the location of included user.vmoptions referenced in dbvis.vmoptions
- Installation/Update Installation Web - Remove the UNIX installers, replaced by Linux installers
- Performance/Stability - Increase the default value for -Xmx from 768m to 2048m
- SQL Commander - Reload of file should preserve current selection, scrolling, and caret position
- SSH - Support openssh config behavior to handle append, prepend and removal of algorithms
- Scripts - Open multiple script files at once

- Driver Manager: Unknown driver properties sent to database