AMD Catalyst Drivers (Vista 32-bit)

最新版本 ATI Catalyst Drivers 10.4 Vista

ATI Catalyst Drivers 10.4 Vista

ATI Catalyst Drivers 10.4 Vista
AMD 催化劑驅動程序是來自 AMD 的官方軟件包,旨在使所有 Windows 用戶能夠毫不費力地提供 Windows 操作系統,它的應用程序,以及使用 DirectX,OpenGL 和其他 API 的無數電子遊戲與所有處理能力,可以從著名的 Radeon 產品線中提供幾代功能強大的圖形處理單元(GPU)卡的功能和服務。在過去的十年裡,Radeon GPU 芯片成功地為處理圖形和直接計算流程鋪平了新的技術,使完美的新手誰需要只有穩定的 Windows 操作系統環境,多媒體愛好者誰完美的視頻和音頻想要為遊戲提供最後可能的力量的電子遊戲玩家,需要堅如磐石的穩定性的專業人士和設計師,以及可以通過他們的商業項目輕鬆訪問的廣泛功能集。

AMD 催化劑驅動程序包可安裝在任何版本的 Windows 上,方便任何人即時訪問嚮導輔助設置,支持多顯示器,高級 3D 配置選項(抗鋸齒,紋理過濾,紋理質量等),支持 DSUB 和 HDMI 配置,集成支持 HDMI 傳輸聲音,傳感器監測 GPU 溫度和風扇速度,集成 GPU 超頻工具以及更多服務,可幫助任何人充分利用每一代新一代 Radeon GPU 的所有功能 cards.


檔案版本 ATI Catalyst Drivers 10.4 Vista

檔案名稱 10-4_vista32_win7_32_dd_ccc_wdm_enu.exe
檔案大小 53.2 MB
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
更新日期 2010-04-29

What's new in this version:

# New Features
This section provides information on new features found in this release of the ATI Radeon™ Display Driver. These include the following:
* ATI Catalyst – Video enhancements
> H.264 Level 5.1 support
- ATI Catalyst™ can now playback 5.1 level streams on all supported players
- Allows for playback of high resolutions (4Kx2K)
* AMD video transcoding updates
> This release of ATI Catalyst™ provides enhanced support for the Windows 7 Drag and Drop video converter
- Performance improvements
- New formats supported (H.264 file formats – MTS, and WMV9 Complex profile interlaced content)
- ATI Catalyst™ Control Center option for enabling/disabling GPU acceleration
* Support for the ATI Video converter is now available in the advanced view of the ATI Catalyst Control Center

# Performance Improvements
The following performance gains are noticed with this release of Catalyst™ 10.4:
* S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Clear Sky
* Improves up to 6% with ATI Radeon™ HD 5970 graphics products
* Improves up to 3% with ATI Radeon™ HD 5800 graphics products
* Improves up to 3% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5700 Series products

# All Systems
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows. These include:
* Desktop mouse cursor will no longer intermittently appear enlarged
* Pressing the "Page Down" button while configuring the last display in Eyefinity group will now properly switch to the next display instead of closing the bezel user interface
* Shortcut keys to configure the bezel now functions properly

# Windows Vista
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows Vista. These include:
* Audio playback devices now properly displays "ATI HDMI Output" when a HDMI display is connected
* Display no longer flashes black when high settings of 19x12 are applied to in-game settings for "Dawn of War 2"
* Corruption no longer visible during full screen playback with Flash Player 10.1 on ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 Series
* A high CPU usage is no longer observed when GPU encoding is enabled for dual core systems

# Windows 7
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows 7. These include:
* "Battlefield 2: Bad Company" maps no longer takes unusually long to load for ATI Radeon™ HD 5000 Series
* Performance on 2D applications and benchmarks has now been fixed
* Catalyst Control Center - Advanced options no longer becomes disabled after connecting second display in clone mode
* Video Gamma now functions properly during SD/HD video playback with Adobe Flash Player 10.1
* Video corruption no longer visible while watching live HD Jade Channel (Hong Kong) with Windows Media Center
* Flashing no longer visible in "Shattered Horizon" game with CrossFire™ enabled
* Changing in-game resolution in "Alien vs. Predator" no longer causes screen flickering under multi-GPU configuration
* Tint setting under Catalyst Control Center - Basic Color now displays smooth transition when adjusted for Blu-ray playback
* In-game anti-alias now functions properly when other in-game options like Volumetric Effects are enabled in "Empire: Total War" and "Napoleon: Total War" games
* Flickering corruption and flashing textures are no longer visible in "Battlefield 2: Bad Company"
* "NecroVisioN" game now launches properly in DirectX 10 mode
* Desktop corruption no longer observed on enabling Aero effects or updating graphics score
* Blank screen no longer observed when 8X anti-aliasing is applied in "The Chronicles of Riddick 2" game

ATI Catalyst Drivers 10.4 Vista 相關參考資料
ATI Catalyst 10.4 WHQL Windows 7 | Vista 64-bit

2010年4月29日 — Reduces mosquito noise seen in highly compressed progressive video, during playback . Supported on the ATI Radeon HD 5000 Series and ATI Radeon ...

ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite Version 10.4 Release Notes

This particular software suite updates both the AMD. Display Driver, and the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center. This unified driver has been further enhanced to ...

ATI Catalyst Display Driver Suite 10.4 for Vista64Win7x64

2010年4月29日 — Download ATI Catalyst Display Driver Suite 10.4 for Vista64/Win7x64 - Graphics Board.

ATI Catalyst 10.4 WHQL Windows 7 | Vista 32-bit

2010年4月29日 — ATI have just released ATI Catalyst 10.4 for Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Linux. We have a discussion thread open on these ...

[軟體遊戲] AMD發佈ATI Catalyst 10.4 WHQL驅動

新驅動增強了視頻播放能力,能夠重播H.264 Level 5.1,並可以支援4Kx2K解析度的視頻播放。它還改善了視頻轉碼性能,支援H.264格式的MST文檔。

ATI Catalyst 10.4 WHQL Driver Suite Released

2010年4月28日 — AMD released the final iteration of Catalyst 10.4 graphics driver suite. The WHQL-signed drivers keep up with the company's one month update ...

ATI Catalyst Display Driver Suite 10.4 for VistaWin7

2010年4月29日 — Download ATI Catalyst Display Driver Suite 10.4 for Vista/Win7 - Graphics Board.

AMD发布ATI Catalyst 10.4 WHQL驱动

2010年4月29日 — * ATI Catalyst 10.4 Display Driver for Windows Vista (32 bit) * ATI Catalyst 10.4 Display Driver for Windows Vista (64 bit) * ATI Catalyst ...

ATI Catalyst 10.4a 預覽版驅動

2010年4月22日 — ‧ ATI Radeon HD 3xxx series graphics card ‧ ATI Radeon HD 2xxx series graphics card 支援作業系統:XP/Vista/Win7 官方下載:http://support.amd.

AMD Catalyst Drivers ATI Catalyst Drivers 10.4 Vista 64

2010年4月29日 — Download AMD Catalyst Drivers ATI Catalyst Drivers 10.4 Vista 64 free for Windows PC from ✓ Download 100% Free, Safe and ...