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最新版本 Ashampoo Burning Studio 24.0.0

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Ashampoo Burning Studio 就是你要求的一切。借助令人難以置信的直觀,緊湊但功能強大的 Ashampoo Burning 應用程序,發現實現專業成果的簡單方法。帶有完全動畫菜單的視頻 DVD,具有單獨設計的音樂 CD,受密碼保護的數據備份等等,只需點擊幾下鼠標即可完成。將照片變成幻燈片,添加音樂和評論或將您的 CD 收藏保存到您的硬盤。 Burning Studio 充分利用您... Ashampoo Burning Studio 軟體介紹

Ashampoo Burning Studio 24.0.0 查看版本資訊


Ashampoo Burning Studio 23.0.5 查看版本資訊


Ashampoo Burning Studio 23.0.0 查看版本資訊


Voxengo Span 3.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the "Panel border" palette modifier
- Updated all palettes, to reduce "border" contrast. An existing palette may need to be reloaded for the change to be visible
- Modified spectrum window's sliders to look less contrasted

WizTree 4.07 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- File name search will now ignore character accents (like é and ö) when searching, e.g. searching for "melee" will now correctly match file names containing "mêlée" or "MÊLÉE"
- WizTree was not handling MTP/PTP devices that did not provide a "friendly name" correctly - fixed
- MFT dump would fail on Windows XP - fixed
- Removable USB devices formatted with NTFS would not be detected for high speed scanning or allow MFT dump - fixed
- Checks if Windows Imaging Component is installed before starting up (cannot run without it). This is required for Windows 2003 and possibly some versions of XP

WizTree 4.06 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- File size info will now also be displayed on the treemap (if "show file and names in treemap" option enabled)
- WizTree will now actually work on older versions of Windows like Windows XP ("fix" in 4.05 was incorrect)

treemap image can now be exported via command line. Use the following command line parameters:
Set image file name (use %d and %t for current date and time in file name):
- /treemapimagefile=

Set image width (default is 1920 if omitted):
- /treemapimagewidth=

Set image height (default is 1080 is omitted):
- /treemapimageheight=
- Export image in gray scale. Defaults to 0 if omitted
- /treemapimagegray=0|1
- Show free space on tree map. Defaults to 1 if omitted
- /treemapimagefreespace=0|1

e.g. To export the entire C: drive to an image file of size 1024x768 without free space included:
- WizTree64.exe C: /treemapimagefile="C:tempcdriveimage_%d.png" /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0

Exporting of the image file can be combined with exporting CSV data as well, e.g.:
- WizTree64.exe C: /export="C:tempcdrive_%d_%t.csv" /treemapimagefile="C:tempcdrive_%d_%t.png" /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0

WizTree 4.05 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- WizTree 4.04 would display some error messages on PCs without MTP support (e.g. old versions of Windows XP)
- Toggling Windows Explorer integration off did not fully remove WizTree from Windows Explorer context menus (bug introduced in 4.04)
- Fixed title bar display issues issues with very high DPI screens (maximize/minimize buttons were too small)

WizTree installer now supports the following (optional) command line parameters:
Set the supporter code license on install:
- /supportercode=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
- Set the "always run as admin" setting:
- /runasadmin=TRUE|FALSE
- Set the "check for updates" setting:
- /checkforupdates=TRUE|FALSE
- e.g. wiztree_x_xx_setup.exe /supportercode=1234-5678-abcd-1234 /runasadmin=false /checkforupdates=false

WizTree 4.04 查看版本資訊


WizTree 4.03 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Treemap may have failed to render on some very large hard drives - fixed
- Zooming in on treemap will now hide "free space" if "show free space on treemap" is enabled
- A limited context menu will now be available when loading CSV or MFT files from other PCs. Previously no context menu would appear if the file/folder didn't exist on the local PC.

WizTree 4.02 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Treemap now displays file and folder names for large files and folders:
- Double click on a folder or file in the treemap to "zoom" the treemap into that folder. Use new ".." and "" buttons on treemap to unzoom one level or to reset the treemap to the root. You can also select "Zoom in Treemap" and "Zoom out treemap" from the file or folder context menu (right click menu)
- File and folder name display can be toggled via "Options->Show File and Folder Names in Treemap"
- The "explore folder" option will now automatically select the file in Windows explorer if a file was selected

New search terms added to file search for files or folders only:
- Type in =folder or =folders in search to display folders only
- Type in =file or =files in search to display files only

new file length and path length search terms added:
- Use "namelen" and "pathlen" to search by file name length and path length

e.g. to find files with path length (includes file name) greater than 255:
- pathlen>255

to find file names with exactly 1 character:
- namelen=1

new export command line parameters:
To export "percent of parent" data, include the parameter:
- /exportpercentofparent=1

To set the maximum folder depth to be exported, include the parameter:
- /exportmaxdepth=n
- Where n is the maximum folder depth

e.g. to export the root folders and files only:
- /exportmaxdepth=1
- A max depth of 0 means unlimited (default)

Gradient in treemap can be now disabled by editing the WizTree3.ini file and setting:
- GradientEnabled=0