Navicat Premium 16.3.2 (64-bit) 軟體 Download 下載

檔案名稱 navicat163_premium_en_x64.exe

Navicat Premium 16.3.2 (64-bit) 軟體下載

檔案版本 Navicat Premium 16.3.2 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 navicat163_premium_en_x64.exe
更新日期 2023-11-07
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Navicat Premium 16.3.2 (64-bit)
AOMEI Partition Assistant 標準是一個免費的磁盤分區管理軟件,已經贏得了全球用戶的良好聲譽。它有很多強大的功能,你可以完全控制你的硬盤和分區。例如,“擴展分區嚮導”使您可以增加分區大小以完全解決磁盤空間不足問題,或者可以使用“調整分區大小”,“合併分區”,“分區分區”和“複製分區”靈活地管理磁盤空間。 AOMEI Partition Assistant 嵌入部門級數據保護技... AOMEI Partition Assistant 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

Navicat Premium 16.3.2 (64-bit)
- Unable to show the privileges of "public" in PostgreSQL Privilege Manager
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.3.0 (64-bit)
- Support Redis Cluster
- Support MongoDB Time-Series Collection
- Support setting MySQL descending primary key

- Naming issue in the Foreign Keys tab of SQL Server Table Designer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.11 (64-bit)
- Crashed when opening Charts workspaces in some cases
- "The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values." error occurred when importing data to SQL Server.
- Unable to show all documents in Serverless MongoDB Atlas
- Missing parameters when transferring MariaDB Functions
- Crashed when scheduling import jobs
- 1064 error occurred when running query to create stored procedure in some cases
- Missing records when importing files in some cases
- Special characters were garbled when using double-click to add a snippet to the query
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.10 (64-bit)
- Crashed when importing Access files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.8 (64-bit)
- Support Huawei Cloud GaussDB Centralized
- Auto guess field types when importing xlsx files

- Beautify SQL incorrectly added spaces between the function name and parentheses
- Unable connect to MySQL via SSH tunnel in some cases
- Dump SQL File did not correctly generate DEFAULT PARTITION
- "Parameters supplied for object 'xxx' which is not a function" error occurred when adding record in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.7 (64-bit)
- Incorrectly triggering code completion when pressing ENTER in Query Editor
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.6 (64-bit)
- Support JSON key type for Redis

- Unable to close tabs in some cases
- Slashes () were removed from triggers when synchronizing MariaDB structures
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.5 (64-bit)
- "Implicit conversion from data type" error occurred when synchronizing SQL Server data.
- The default directory of new SQL Server database was incorrect.
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when connecting to Redis.
- Cannot type a new name for the table in Import Wizard.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Navicat Premium 16.2.3 (64-bit)
- Expressions for virtual columns were truncated
- Unable to display SQLite BLOB data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.2 (64-bit)
- Support unix socket forwarding in SSH

- Unable to connect SQL Server using the Encrypted option
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.2.1 (64-bit)
- Support Redis connections
- View, edit, search and sort Redis keys and data with Data View
- Capture and analyze Redis Pub/Sub messages in real-time
- Support local backup and restore of Redis databases
- Intuitive interface for editing Redis users and ACLs
- Redis Console with syntax highlight and code completion
- Well-formatted Redis query results
- Automate Redis backup and query execution
- Command Monitor and Server Monitor for real-time monitoring of Redis
- Support sequence design for MariaDB
- Show fields, indexes and more under tables in Navigation Pane
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Navicat for Redis is released

Navicat Premium 16.1.15 (64-bit)
- High CPU usage when using SSH connection
- "permission denied for view geometry_columns" error occurred when opening PostgreSQL table
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.12 (64-bit)
- Unable to Import MySQL Longtext data to SQL Server
- Query Builder window was larger than the screen in some cases
- Unable to display full server output in Query's Message tab
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when clicking the last page button in MongoDB query results
- Modifying PostgreSQL table with a geometry field and no primary key did not take effect
- Unable to display the data differences of TEXT fields in Data Synchronization
- The second field was selected when adding a sort condition in Table Viewer
- Crashed when stopping Data Transfer process
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.11 (64-bit)
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.9 (64-bit)
- Support OceanBase Oracle Mode

- Memory utilization issue
- Modification did not take effect on tables with geometry fields and no primary key
- Table Viewer did not show the SQL if errors occurred
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.8 (64-bit)
- Unable to save changes after deleting a cell value in Table Viewer
- Access violation error occurred when opening a model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.7 (64-bit)
- Support MariaDB UUID type
- Support the PARALLEL option for PostgreSQL functions

- Cannot display column comment when mouse over in dark mode
- "Default or null are not allowed as explicit identity values" error occurred when inserting a row in SQL Server table
- Missing $$ quotes in PostgreSQL function definition
- Cannot delete document after clicking the last page button
- Data Synchronization did not work in Automation
- "Failed to send mail. Stream error." occurred when sending email
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.6 (64-bit)
- Unable to list tables or views in Azure SQL Database connection
- "Cannot open source table" error occurred when using Condition Query in Import Wizard
- Exporting to Excel file was slow
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.4 (64-bit)
- 1267 error occurred when clicking the "Users" button
- Unable to connect Azure Database for PostgreSQL with Azure Active Directory Authentication
- Bar chart label display issue
- Unable to export Excel file in some cases
- Hanged when transferring tables
- Unable to connect CockroachDB Serverless
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.3 (64-bit)
- Unable to connect server using HTTP tunnel in some cases
- Font size issue in Form View
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when adding records in SQL Server Views
- Field size was not retained in SQLite table designer
- Buttons in the lower right corner of the main window were missing in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.2 (64-bit)
- Crashed when changing the chart type in some cases
- Hanged when deleting a table in Query Builder
- Text color issue in Dark Mode
- Unable to generate CREATE PROCEDURE SQL in Data Transfer
- Dump Script File feature generated an invalid JSON
- Unable to connect AWS RDS database via SSH
- Backup and Dump SQL File was slow in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.1 (64-bit)
- Unable to open the objects in the "Find in Database" window
- The first number of every value in the list was removed in the table filter
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when updating query results in some cases
- Unable to use "Copy As" in View results
- Crashed when opening functions in some cases
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when foreign key selection window popped up
- Unable to open schema in Azure SQL
- Crashed when clicking on the value box in table filter
- Decimal separator issue in SQLite
- Cannot retain the window size and position for existing objects
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.0 (64-bit)
Main New Features:
- Support OceanBase Community Edition
- Support Trend Line for several chart types
- Support adding On-Prem Server with URI
- Allow skip preview of changes in data sync
- Enhanced responsiveness and performance
- Improved UI/UX
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.14 (64-bit)
- Query parameters did not work in some cases
- Unable to synchronize PostgreSQL data in some cases
- Decimal precision issue when importing from Excel files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.12 (64-bit)
- Wrong time zone was added to TIMESTAMP field when exporting CSV file
- Extra commas were added to the script in Structure Synchronization
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when exporting large amount of data
- Unable to sign in Subscription plan
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.11 (64-bit)
- Crashed when running Automation in some cases
- Missing the first record when import
- Unable to locate project when running batch job
- Unable to get table information when scheduling data synchronization
- Refresh button ran all SQLs in Query Editor
- .0000 data export issue
- Function execution message log issue
- Access Violation error occurred when removing default value
- Navicat exited when clicking the Type column in Table Designer
- Crashed when batch querying tables with FK dependency
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.10 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 16.0.9 (64-bit)
- The "Compare" button did not work in Data Synchronization in some cases
- "Couldn't open known_hosts file" error occurred when the SSH path contained Chinese characters
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.7 (64-bit)
- Unable to show data when using HTTP tunnel
- Unable to show utf8mb4 data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.5 (64-bit)
- Connection encoding issue in Navicat Cloud
- Connection password issue when updating connection in Navicat Cloud
- Error occurred when synchronizing to Navicat Cloud
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when designing PostgreSQL table
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.4 (64-bit)
- Syntax error occurred when importing data to MySQL table
- Notification Email authentication failed in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.27 (64-bit)
- Double foreign key lines were printed when exporting a model to a PDF file
- Access violation error occurred when searching in the Backup's Object Selection tab
- No data value on the label when exporting a chart to a PDF file
- Unable to synchronize decimal precision from a model to SQL Server database
- Unable to rename a view inside a group in Navicat Cloud
- Cannot connect to Microsoft Azure Database in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.26 (64-bit)
- Support Retryable Writes and Retryable Reads for MongoDB
- Support tunneling on PHP 8

Bug fixes:
- Unable to show accurate value of Oracle BINARY_DOUBLE type
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when importing Excel file in some cases
- Wrong SQL generated when comparing SQL Server tables with different constraint names
- An empty string was not quoted when exporting to a text file
- Query was garbled when the system locale set to Japanese
- Export/Import profile did not work if it was copied to Desktop
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.25 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Empty rows were added when exporting more than 1.05 M records to Excel file
- Unable to rename Oracle views when the "Use custom database list" option is enabled
- Error occurred when using Recordset Generator to generate a record set for the Date field
- Hanged when designing a table with many fields
- Error occurred when copying tables from one SQLite database to another
- Unable to display the definition of SQLite View in some cases
- Relation lines were disappeared after saving and reopening Logical Model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.23 (64-bit)
- Unable to exclude collations when synchronizing a model to a database
- Functions were not properly saved as the default value in MariaDB
- ER diagram was reloaded when clicking the Design Table button
- Unable to toggle "Virtual Type" in an existing table
- Error 1227 occurred when creating or designing a table
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.22 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.21 (64-bit)
- Queries cannot be displayed when "Settings Location" was set to a network path
- Error 80041318 occurred when setting schedule
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.20 (64-bit)
- Slow response when querying the full collection count
- Flashed in dark mode
- "Unallowed argument in list..." error when running export / import schedule
- Error occurred when modifying the value in a DateTimeOffset field
- Unable to load version 10 data synchronization profiles
- Differences were incorrectly detected in Synchronize to Database
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.19 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.18 (64-bit)
- "IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON" error occurred when synchronizing SQL Server tables
- Unable to show records that had -1 data in Table Viewer
- "Drop target objects before create" option did not work in Data Transfer
- Memory leak issue when enabled code completion
- "Relation does not exist" error occurred when debugging a function in a schema other than the "public" schema
- "Unknown Internal Error (A70529211102SE)" error occurred when exporting / importing data
- Slow issue when transferring large tables
- Unable to show the inputted text in Filter Wizard
- Error occurred when filtering data by right-clicking a cell in Table Viewer
- "Cannot insert into column" error occurred when transferring PostgreSQL tables
- Inserted records to the wrong table when transferring data to the target table with a different name
- "Debugger Plugin is not installed or enabled" error occurred when the extension was installed in another schema
- Unable to connect MySQL server when using TLSv1.2
- "COMMENT ON FUNCTION" clause was mistakenly generated when synchronizing PostgreSQL procedures
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.17 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.16 (64-bit)
- Support Active Directory authentication method for SQL Server
- Integer column exported in Number format when exporting Excel file
- Display export profiles in the same group of queries

- The fields of PostgreSQL compound index were displayed incorrectly
- Unable to show index fields in PostgreSQL 9.0
- Unable to set data to NULL in query results
- Crashed when clicking the ellipsis button in Custom Recordset
- Pasting data into a column cleared another column data
- Default Settings Location path was set to a wrong location for some cases
- "Floating point division by zero" error occurred when setting the dashboard background
- The file extension was missing when exporting the dashboard
- Query Parameter did not work when using a parameter twice
- "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when adding NULL data to the chart
- Incorrect columns were displayed after clicking the Default button in the "Choose columns" window
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.14 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Unable to set the identity seed and increment in PostgreSQL models
- Unable to synchronize data to MySQL 8.0.19
- Unable to connect AnalyticDB
- Unable to set SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON in Data Synchronization
- Unable to export data to .mdb files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.13 (64-bit)
- MySQL table row format reverted to Compact after editing
- Unknown Internal error occurred when opening Oracle tables
- Syntax error occurred when creating events
- Unable to set default value for fields in Table Designer
- Unable to show SUPER privilege for MariaDB 10.4 in the user object list
- Foreign key was dropped and added when re-comparing the model
- Data Pump Import's Table Exists Action drop-down list options were incorrect
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.12 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Incorrect SQL generated when transferring Oracle tables
- Invalid XML error occurred when importing connections
- Differences was detected in re-comparison in Structure Synchronization and Synchronize to Database
- Incorrect data was updated when saving ; in a non-text field
- Unable to import data to PostgreSQL array fields
- Incorrect SQL generated for altering fields in Structure Synchronization
- Incorrect items were displayed in suggestion list when using code completion with alias
- Incorrect SQL generated when enabling "On Update Current_timestamp" in Table Designer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.11 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Query wrongly returned null results in some cases
- "," was replaced by "." when using Custom Filter in Table Viewer
- Relation attributes were wrong after reopening the logical model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.9 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Only the first batch was transferred when "Number of row per batch" was enabled
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.8 (64-bit)
- Added "Keep Orthogonal Layout" to Model

Bug fixes:
- Unable to update bit type data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.7 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- The "Others" button was missing for PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server connections

Navicat Premium 15.0.6 (64-bit)
- Added shortcuts for "Run Current Statement" and "Select Current Statement" in Query Editor

Bug fixes:
- "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when modeling databases
- Find bar UI issue in Data Viewer
- Unable to print table when using popup menu on Navigation pane
- Syntax error occurred when renaming index in MariaDB table
- Explain feature did not work with query parameters
- Interval type was not supported in Charts
- Highlight color issue in Filter wizard when using Dark mode
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.5 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- OCI Environment setting was unable to save
- "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when resizing tables in View Builder
- Multiple primary key names were generated when exporting model to SQL files
- int8 type was converted to int8(255) when synchronizing model to PostgreSQL server
- Syntax error occurred when connecting to MySQL 4
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.4 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Access violation error occurred when adding users to Navicat Cloud project
- Access Denied error occurred when designing table
- Unable to highlight field when typing in Filter's field selection list
- Wrong fields are exported to the SQL file when not all fields are selected
- Dark theme kept reverting back to Normal theme
- Wrong CREATE INDEX was generated in Model
- MySQL JSON data was truncated in Table Viewer
- Empty value was exported as **** when exporting DBF file
- Data Transfer high memory consumption issue
- Unable to connect Azure Database for MariaDB
- Run queries slow issue
- Unable to set Numeric field without precision in PostgreSQL server
- "List index out of bounds (-1)" error occurred when editing role privileges
- "Last Tab Window" option was missing

Navicat Premium 15.0.3 (64-bit)
- New Charts
- Advanced Data Transfer
- Brand new Query Builder
- Enhanced Data Modeling Tool
- Dark theme UI and Diagram
- Many other new features and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.3.2 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
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Navicat Premium Release Note

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Navicat Premium 发行说明

Navicat Premium (Linux) version 11.0.9. Bug Fixes: Failed to save/load blob data in SQLite Table Viewer. Access violation occured in 64-bit scintilla (Text ...

Navicat Premium 版本說明

Navicat Premium (Linux) version 11.0.9. Bug Fixes: Failed to save/load blob data in SQLite Table Viewer. Access violation occured in 64-bit scintilla (Text ...

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