
最新版本 AnyDesk 3.6.3

AnyDesk 3.6.3

AnyDesk 3.6.3
AnyDesk 是市場上最快的遠程桌面軟件。它允許使用當前遠程桌面軟件無法實現的新的使用場景和應用程序。從任何地方訪問您的所有程序,文檔和文件,而不必將您的數據委託給雲服務。您只需下載並啟動 1.2 MB 程序文件,即可開始使用。無需安裝或(網絡)配置。 AnyDesk 是市場上最快的免費遠程桌面軟件.

AnyDesk 特點:

AnyDesk 通過本地網絡傳輸每秒 60 幀,許多互聯網連接。這比遠程桌面應用程序的任何操作簡單得多,並且使得屏幕上的移動盡可能的順利,因為大多數 PC 顯示器也以每秒 60 幀的速度運行。 AnyDesk 使無混亂工作可能。

在最低級別的延遲對於在遠程桌面上工作至關重要。等待時間越短,遠程 PC 響應您的輸入就越快。由於互聯網連接在將數據從一台電腦傳輸到另一台電腦時總是會產生一定的延遲,因此盡可能少地增加賬單是非常重要的。在本地網絡中,AnyDesks 的延遲低於 60 毫秒,不再可察覺.

如果通過互聯網連接使用遠程桌面軟件,最高帶寬效率是決定性因素。對於像 UMTS 這樣的移動連接尤其如此。 AnyDesks 的帶寬效率使得從 100kB / s 的可用帶寬流利地執行辦公任務成為可能。但是在帶寬較低的情況下,AnyDesk 仍然比競爭對手錶現得好得多.

忘記了低可靠性和繁瑣的防火和害羞; 牆上的避諱; 害羞; 口糧。使用你的自信和害羞的電腦從任何害羞的地方,不管有沒有頭和羞澀,疼痛。無論是五分鐘還是五個小時 - 你都不會注意到 AnyDesk 在那裡。你的自信和害羞; AnyDesk-ID 是你的桌子和害羞的關鍵; 最重要的是你所有的應用程序,照片,文件和害羞的文件和文件。而你的數據保持在它所屬的地方。在您的硬盤驅動器上,以及其他任何地方.

您是否感到羞澀難當; 使用外部雲服務信任您的公司數據只是為了實現協作和害羞; 配給? AnyDesk 允許你與所有你最喜歡的桌面 appli­ 陽離子一起工作。有趣而害羞; 無論距離多遠,每個用戶的鼠標光標都會將您的團隊凝聚在一起。將你的同事指向什麼是重要的,害羞的,悲觀的,陽離子的問題將成為過去.

你知道遠程支持可以很有趣嗎? AnyDesk 可以做遠遠不止遠程廣告&害羞; 迷你&害羞; stration 和遠程支持。但是,這並不意味著它在這裡也不能發光。滯後和低幀&害羞; 率可以是這樣的滋擾。這就是為什麼我們選擇擺脫他們。隨著 AnyDesk,建立一個工作和害羞; 隊友的新打印機或安裝新的 CRM 工具的銷售離不開,害羞是在公園散步。

注意:支持只有 1 個搜索未註冊版本.


檔案版本 AnyDesk 3.6.3

檔案名稱 AnyDesk.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 AnyDesk Software
更新日期 2017-11-18

What's new in this version:

AnyDesk 3.6.3
- Fixed a crash when terminating AnyDesk using the tray icon while sessions were running
- Under rare conditions, connecting to Windows 10 showed no image/a black image
- Clipboard permission works again
- Disallowed to change the license key if settings are disabled
- Fixed SAS (Ctrl+Alt+Del) which did not work under some conditions on Windows Vista and upwards.On some Windows 10 systems, AnyDesk did not work when the monitor was rotated. On these systems, AnyDesk should now transmit the monitor content normally
- Fixed two rarely occuring crashes on address book close

AnyDesk 3.6.2
Fixed Bugs:
- Trying to add an address from the speed dial to an address book with a license of type free or lite
- opened a dialog instead of the address book
- Fixed screensaver settings on AnyDesk session close. This was broken due to a bug in Windows
- Fixed session comment dialog which could appear twice

Other Changes:
- Made license key removal more explicit and added option 'Change license key' to the main menu

AnyDesk 3.6.1
- Fixed Bugs
- Important security update, fixed dll injection vulnerability. Thanks to 0x09AL for reporting this

AnyDesk 3.6.0
- Transmission of system information can now be blocked. Older versions of AnyDesk will show useless information in this case
- Added a setting to disable the chat log
- Added a setting to choose the path to the chat log
- Added a setting to show the address book on startup
- Added a setting to allow the accept window to go to foreground on chat message received

AnyDesk 3.5.0
New Features:
- The remote restart feature now even works when AnyDesk is not installed
- Please note: You will need to request elevation from the remote user before using the restart feature in this case
- Custom AnyDesk: Text and title of ID and Connect Group (Main Window) can now be customized
- Custom AnyDesk: Before frontend startup a disclaimer can be shown now, which can be customized in logo, title, text, background color and the text on the accept and cancel buttons. It is shown only, if AnyDesk is not installed and the text contains non-whitespaces. All other settings are optional
- Custom AnyDesk: Added support for environment variables in paths

Fixed Bugs:
- In the D3D fullscreen menu the keyboard mode has always been set to 'translate'
- The invitation link in the main window has not been shown anymore after switching to advanced view and back
- Fixed crash on opening the chat log in the backend after session close
- Fixed crash when the session info panel was closed before the remote data was displayed

Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed custom logo layout in the main window's advanced view
- Fixed the connection panel's password edit showing clear text when disabled

AnyDesk 3.4.1
- Fixed dpi of comment session dialog
- Fixed that the comment session dialog can be shown although the licence is of type Lite
- Fixed a crash related to the comment session dialog
- Fixed that the character right of '9' on the standard hungarian keyboard layout has not been recognized before

AnyDesk 3.4.0
New Features:
- Sessions can now be commented on close. The comment can then be looked up on If you don't want to comment, just clear the comment field. You will need a licence in order to use this new feature
- Address Book: AnyDesk now supports multiple address books. They can be added (up to a certain limit) and deleted. The number of available address books depends on your licence
- Status bars now also show the remote user name

Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a crash on connecting due to monitor detection failure
- Address Book: Fixed tag validation on rename
- After elevation the backend user name in the chat was SYSTEM

Other Changes:
- Fixed and updated interfaces of installer, uninstaller, updater and global settings windows

AnyDesk 3.3.2
- Important security update. Please update if you have version 3.3.1
- Fixed a crash when using the drop to desktop feature

AnyDesk 3.3.1
- Fixed a crash on connecting due to monitor detection failure
- Fixed ACL denying access although the list is empty

AnyDesk 3.3.0
New Features:
- Address book: The name of an address can be set now on adding it to the address book
- Address book: Tags can now be renamed and removed from the tag tree view directly (on the left) Right click on a tag to choose
- Address book: Added commands 'Expand All' and 'Collapse All' to the tag tree view Right click on a tag or the tag tree view itself to choose
- Address Book: If a user action fails an error info dialog will be shown now
- When adding an address from the speed dial to the address book, a dialog will be shown now
- When connecting to a multi monitor system, AnyDesk now automatically switches to the primary monitor

Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a crash after installing AnyDesk on Windows XP
- Address book: Fixed selected tags view layout (on top)
- Fixed service crash after installation due to invalid install parameters
- Fixed a crash on closing a session using OpenGL
- Using the mirror driver the backend detected more monitors than physically available, in case a software for virtual monitor creation is installed

Other Changes:
- Address Book: The list view now auto-sizes its columns
- Most text edits now select their content on getting keyboard focus

AnyDesk 3.2.5
- Fixed a crash after remote restart
- Fixed a bug in feature availability indicator in menu
- Fixed a bug in the address book that did not allow to add an item from the speed dial to the address book directly after startup

AnyDesk 3.2.4
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a bug which allowed two dialogs to be shown at the same time
- Fixed remote cursor rendering at the edges of the view
- Fixed a bug which let elevation fail when Windows denied access to the AnyDesk executable.
- Fixed a bug which led to the service shutting down automatically on elevating its backend, in case
- AnyDesk has not been installed on that side and the main window there has been closed before elevation
- Fixed the action menu showing elevation was available although the backend has been elevated already
- Fixed a race condition in the address book which made it unusable in some situations
- Fixed a bug in feature availability indicator in menu

Other changes:
- Added a hint in the elevation dialog that the remote user usually has to accept an elevation request

AnyDesk 3.2.3
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a regression which impaired AnyDesk's performance severely when connected to a Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 computer. Please update!
- Fixed a bug which caused the auto-reconnect feature after a remote restart to fail when the global settings dialog was opened previously
- Fixed a crash when using the "Retry" button in the remote desktop access denied dialog
- Improved stability

Other Changes:
- Improved feature availability indicator in menu

AnyDesk 3.2.2
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a bug which could lead to the service not starting timely after installing AnyDesk
- Fixed a crash which occured when closing the address book and terminating AnyDesk
- Fixed a crash by using ddraw as fallback for d3d when the graphics driver is not installed
- correctly and causes an exception during initialization
- Tags are validated now in the address book

Other Changes:
- Improved focus behaviour of controls

AnyDesk 3.2.1
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed crash on adding an address to the address book
- Fixed elevation with credentials in case AnyDesk has been started from a user folder
- Fixed a crash which could occur when terminating a session with an open address book or multiple monitors
- Fixed character keyboard input which was not working for certain programs (GTK, QT) when connected from a mobile device

Other changes:
- Improved prompt shown in the password dialog when connecting
- Controls now show if focused

AnyDesk 3.2.0
New Features
- The address book now remembers the last used view type (list/tiles)
- The address book now offers sorting options
- The address book now opens the tag dialog immediately after an address has been added
- The accept window will no longer auto-close tabs when chat messages have been sent/received
- Sessions can now be accepted via 'Enter' and dismissed via 'Esc'
- Added session status messages to chat
- The session time is now shown during a session and after disconnect
- The remote user client ID is now shown during a session (additionally to its alias)
- Your fingerprint can now be seen in the about panel
- The password for unattended access is now controlled via a dialog
  You have to enter your password twice to check for misspellings
- Added language auto-selection (will select system language)

Fixed Bugs
- Fixed WoA
- Fixed elevation with credentials
- The direct connection icon in the backend was greyed out although there was a direct connection
- The drop link feature dropped an invalid link (name instead of address)
- After disconnect it was no longer possible to mark/copy chat messages
- Fixed a crash that could occur on sending chat messages
- Some chat messages have not been recorded
- Fixed some minor bugs in the chat
- Fixed wrong message shown in the frontend on session request rejected
- Fixed some bugs with keyboard focus
- Fixed a bug with auto-selection of tabs in accept window
- Sometimes the address book did not show online states on opening it the first time
- Fixed some bugs with tag selection in the address book
- Fixed a crash that could occur when closing the main window with the address book opened
- Fixed filtering of recent connections
- Fixed recent connection being removed from favorites on name change
- In some cases a wrong text has been shown on connection request
- Fixed various minor bugs

Other Changes
- The accept/dismiss buttons are now disabled for a short time when entering a new session state to prevent accidentally clicking them
- The accept window is now only always on top when there are not yet accepted sessions left. And it will be back on top on session request
- The accept window will now auto-select an incoming session tab in some situations
- Added bottom right resize corner
- Fixed some dpi issues
- Added some localization

AnyDesk 3.1.1
Fixed Bugs:
- Improved stability
- Fixed some bugs in the chat
- Other changes
- Signed the exe and msi files with two certificates.

AnyDesk 3.1.0
New Features:
- Reworked the chat in the client
- Added an option to disable remote restart in the security settings

Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a bug in DeskRT which caused it to be slow on certain monitor resolutions indivisible by 16 (for example 1366x768). Responsiveness should be much higher now in these cases
- In some cases, the view mode settings for remote computers were not restored correctly for future sessions
- Fixed a crash which could occur when connecting to AnyDesk while it was terminating
- Fixed a bug which could lead to the system info feature not being available
- Improved stability
- Minor user interface layout fixes

AnyDesk 3.0.0

- Added edge scrolling feature for the original view mode: use this when the remote image is much larger than the local monitor

AnyDesk 2.6.1
New Features
- Implemented customisation support for for macOS

Fixed Bugs
- Enable/disable audio works now
- Receive connection window constraints were fixed

AnyDesk 2.6.0
New Features:
- Implemented Access Control List feature.  This makes it possible to restrict access to machines based on the alias.  Wildcards are supported, for example "*@company", "pc-?@ad" and so on.  Restrictions based solely on the numerical id are also supported.  You can find the feature in the Security Panel of the AnyDesk settings.

Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a bug where the file transfer and probably the text clipboard did not work on Windows 7 when UAC was disabled and AnyDesk was not installed.
- Fixed a regression which could lead to being unable to control the remote machine after activating a privileged window in the task bar when AnyDesk was not installed.
- Fixed a bug which could cause severe image lag after using the "switch sides" or "request elevation" features or doing a fast user switch of a remote controlled Windows session.

Other Changes:
- The remote users input is now temporarily disabled when typing on the local keyboard.  In previous versions, only moving the mouse disabled remote input.

AnyDesk 2.5.0
New Features
- Implemented remote restart feature: The connection will automatically be restored once the remote machine finished restarting
- Added a confirmation dialog for the switch sides feature
- The coloured user pointer can now be disabled in the security settings

Fixed Bugs
- Fixed a bug which could lead to a wrong aspect ratio image or no image at all when connecting to a multi monitor system until the first resize of the session window
- Fixed image corruption which could occur when the mirror driver was used
- Fixed some inconsistencies in the remote capabilities for the request elevation and the switch sides feature when connecting between different platforms
- Improved stability

Other Changes
- The uninstaller (anydesk --remove) now accepts the --silent flag

AnyDesk 2.3.5
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed image capture when connecting to outdated Windows 7 versions
- Fixed a bug in the license registration dialog

Other Changes:
- Long IDs are now displayed in groups of 3 digits

AnyDesk 2.3.4
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed image problems with 16-bit/fast rendering method.
- Fixed a few more high DPI issues.
- Fixed protocol compatibility with the Enterprise server.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the system info tab was opened a second time.
- The system info tab could be opened before authentication, which resulted in a crash.

AnyDesk 3.6.3 相關參考資料
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AnyDesk 3.6.3

2017年11月18日 — AnyDesk is a fast remote desktop system and enables users to access their data, images, videos and applications from anywhere and at any ...

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AnyDesk, free download. AnyDesk 3.6.3 : AnyDesk, developed by philandro Software GmbH, is a remote desktop software that enables users to access and …

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Download AnyDesk 3.6.3

AnyDesk is a remote desktop software that allows users to access their computers from anywhere, with high-speed and low-latency connections.

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较旧的版本AnyDesk Windows 版

AnyDesk 3.7.0已发布: 11th May 2024 (a few seconds ago). AnyDesk 3.6.3已发布: 11th May 2024 (a few seconds ago). AnyDesk 3.6.2已发布: 11th May 2024 (a few ...

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