Symfony 4.4.12 軟體 Download 下載


Symfony 4.4.12 軟體下載

檔案版本 Symfony 4.4.12

檔案大小 7.5 MB
更新日期 2020-08-31
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Symfony 4.4.12
AnyDesk 是市場上最快的遠程桌面軟件。它允許使用當前遠程桌面軟件無法實現的新的使用場景和應用程序。從任何地方訪問您的所有程序,文檔和文件,而不必將您的數據委託給雲服務。您只需下載並啟動 1.2 MB 程序文件,即可開始使用。無需安裝或(網絡)配置。 AnyDesk 是市場上最快的免費遠程桌面軟件.AnyDesk 特點:FramerateAnyDesk 通過本地網絡傳輸每秒 60 幀,許多互聯... AnyDesk 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient][MockHttpClient][DX] Throw when the response factory callable does not return a valid response
- [PropertyInfo] Backport support for typed properties (PHP 7.4)
- [PhpUnitBridge] Polyfill new phpunit 9.1 assertions (
- [PhpUnit] Add polyfill for assertMatchesRegularExpression()
- [Yaml] fix more numeric cases changing in PHP 8
- [Yaml] account for is_numeric() behavior changes in PHP 8
- [ExpressionLanguage] fix passing arguments to call_user_func_array() on PHP 8
- [Messenger] stop using the deprecated schema synchronizer API
- [Mailer] Fixed mandrill api header structure
- [Mailer] Reorder headers used to determine Sender
- [Sendgrid-Mailer] Fixed envelope recipients on sendgridApiTransport
- [Serializer][ClassDiscriminatorMapping] Fix getMappedObjectType() when a discriminator child extends another one
- [Validator] ensure that the validator is a mock object for backwards-compatibility
- [Serializer] Fix configuration of the cache key
- [Messenger] Do not stack retry stamp
- [FrameworkBundle] Add missing mailer transports in xs
- [ErrorHandler][DebugClassLoader] Add mixed and static return types support
- [Serializer] Fix variadic support when using type hints
- [VarDumper] Backport handler lock when using VAR_DUMPER_FORMAT
- [Form] Fix Guess phpdoc return type
- Use PHPUnit 9.3 on php 8
- [Validator] Add BC layer for notInRangeMessage when min and max are set
- [Validator] Add target guards for Composite nested constraints
- Fix for issue #376
- [Yaml] Fix for #36624; Allow PHP constant as first key in bloc
- [Form] fix mapping errors from unmapped forms
- [Console] Table: support cells with newlines after a cell with colspan >=
- Fix redis connect with empty password
- Fix deprecated libxml_disable_entity_loader
- Fix deprecated libxml_disable_entity_loader
- [Console] Make sure we pass a numeric array of arguments to call_user_func_array()
- [FrameworkBundle] fail properly when the required service is not defined
- [Serializer] Fix that it will never reach DOMNode
- [Cache] fix saving no-expiry items with ArrayAdapter
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix error with custom function and web profiler routing tab
- [Finder] Fix GitIgnore parser when dealing with (sub)directories and take order of lines into account
- [VarDumper] Improve previous fix on light array coloratio
- [Mailer] Added the missing reset tag to mailer.logger_message_listener
- [Messenger] reduce column length for MySQL 5.6 compatibility

Symfony 4.4.12 相關參考資料
contaoinstallation-bundle - Packagist

4.10.0 2020-08-06 09:29 UTC. Requires. php: ^7.2; contao/core-bundle: 4.10.0; doctrine/dbal: ^2.10; patchwork/utf8: ^1.2; psr/log: ^1.0; symfony/config: 4.4.

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However, Symfony makes this upgrade process as smooth as possible. This means that you can update most of your code before the major release is actually ...

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