AnimaShooter Capture

最新版本 AnimaShooter Capture

AnimaShooter Capture

AnimaShooter Capture
AnimaShooter Capture 是一個用戶友好的定格動畫軟件,支持佳能數碼單反相機。易於學習,易於使用。 AnimaShooter Capture 支持任何佳能數碼相機,這是可以從 PC 遠程控制,並具有實時查看功能。請記住用 Windows PC(在試用模式下)用 AnimaShooter Capture 測試您的相機,以確保兼容性。支持以下佳能數碼單反相機:EOS-1D C / EOS 6D / EOS M / EOS M2 / EOS 7D Mark II EOS-1D X / 1D Mark III / 1Ds Mark III / 1D Mark IV EOS 40D / 50D / 5D Mark II / 5D Mark III / 7D / 60D / 60Da / 70D EOS Rebel XSi / 450D EOS Rebel XS / 1000D EOS Rebel T1i / 500D EOS Rebel T2i / 550D EOS Rebel T3i / 600D EOS Rebel T4i / 650D EOS Rebel T3 / 1100D EOS Rebel T5i / 700D,EOS Rebel SL1 / 100D EOS Rebel T5 / 1200D / Hi。任何 USB 網絡攝像頭 / USB 高清網絡攝像頭或攝像機與火線連接。分辨率達到 WQUXGA(3840x2400).

使用 AnimaShooter Capture 2017 年與佳能數碼單反相機(大多數佳能數碼單反相機與實時查看支持)創建停止動畫電影。您可以直接從程序中設置快門速度,光圈值,白平衡和 ISO。

AnimaShooter Capture 功能:
控制和操作攝像機設置保存配置文件中選擇的模式,擴展名為.acp 加載和保存項目文件擴展.apf 在 180 度轉動圖像在 Life View 模式下監視器上的幀的初步視圖編輯和查看素材(RAM 預覽)導出編輯到視頻文件或文件序列導出展示表格支持之前拍攝的幀中用於校正不穩定光的附加模塊兩台顯示器的操作方式註意:14 天試用版.


檔案版本 AnimaShooter Capture

檔案名稱 AnimaShooter_Capture_3_Setup.exe
檔案大小 25 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Animation Technologies LTD.
更新日期 2019-05-05

What's new in this version:

AnimaShooter Capture
- With this version you can apply a non-integer frame rates for your video output.
- Option to crop captured RAW image. Version 3.8.9 delivers new long awaited feature — an option to crop captured RAW image if it is larger than it should be.
- More control over RAW image data that comes from your camera. First, now you can tell AnimaShooter to preserve highlights when it lightening the image. Second, you can choose whether to apply your camera White Balance to your shot.
- Import CRW or CR2 image files as any other images — you can simply add these images to your timeline.
- Live View Scopes window. Now you have more control over the incoming video signal — thanks to new Live View Scopes window containing a professional oscilloscopes. In addition to histogram now AnimaShooter is able to show Y Waveform, RGB Parade and Vectorscope in real time. Live View Scopes work both with Canon

AnimaShooter Capture
- Change log not available for this version

AnimaShooter Capture
- We are happy to announce that the new release of AnimaShooter is now available for download! Version incorporates one new cool feature and several enhancements. Now web camera settings such as focus, scale, saturation, etc. are easily accesseble from the right panel. Performance optimizations, minor UI changes and bugfixes

AnimaShooter Capture
- This is a maintenance and bugfix release. Embedded video player autoplay fixed. Minor UI optimizations

AnimaShooter Capture
- The key feature of version 3.8.6: now you can import video into your project by means of turning it’s frames into a sequence of still images. Note, audio track will not be imported
- Added support for newest Canon DSLRs: EOS Kiss X90 / EOS REBEL T7 / EOS 2000D / EOS REBEL T100 / EOS 4000D
- Automatic live view rest. Now you can tell AnimaShooter to pause live view after configurable period of inactivity - to save battery or to avoid overheating
- Hidden frames. Now you can hide any frame instead of deleting it. You can hide any frame using the Hide button (see pic.). Hidden frames are normal frames except they not played nor exported
- New timing indicator now shows timing info for the current frame. Small yellow marker shows up when you hover your mouse the frame numbers at the bottom of the timeline
- Improved eyedropper. Now properly works with any layer in both working areas: while you shooting and while you checking your animation with Ram-preview
- Onionskin feature has been improved. Now you can control opacity of all onionskin layers with a single slider. See pic below
- Bug fixed: now AnimaShooter jumps to the latest captured frame after each shot. You can switch this behavior off in Settings
- New activation process. Now you don’t need an email address to evaluate AnimaShooter. Just click ‘Evaluate Now’ button. Much simpler.

AnimaShooter Capture
- New Digital Exposure compensation control - representing the compensation for brightness applied to captured RAW image. Note, you must switch camera Image Quality setting to RAW in order to enable this feature
- Open frame with an external editor. Now you can designate an application to be used as an external editor. After you choose an application, you can always change to a different application
- New useful button to evoke system default webcam settings dialog
- Use timeline zoom fit more frames on the screen
- Now you can zoom and pane the RAM-preview view
- Drag and drop project file into an application window to open your project
- Bug fixes

AnimaShooter Capture
- Change log not available for this version

AnimaShooter Capture
- Change log not available for this version

AnimaShooter Capture
- AnimaShooter Capture. Newest Canon DSLR cameras supported - EOS Kiss X9i / EOS Rebel T7i / EOS 800D / EOS 9000D / EOS 77D / EOS 6D Mark II / EOS Kiss X9 / EOS Rebel SL2 / EOS 200D
- AnimaShooter Capture. New feature - auxiliary monitor. Now you can send main view to second monitor (video village)
- Easily configurable playback range. Now you can quickly playback the last twelve frames or last second of your frames sequence
- Redesigned Project Browser - project metadata and project properties at the same place
- UI is mostly ready for 4K screens
- UI changes - User Interface now is more lightweight - this should affect startup time and performance on most PCs
- Blend modes (known as SVG 1.2 blend modes). Set blend mode to determine how Captured, Reference and Live View layers are blended into each other, depending on the light condition and colors in your scene
- Difference mode. In this mode only differences between camera and captured image are visible. Useful when camera or set was accidentally bumped and you need to line-up a shot
- Bugfixes

AnimaShooter Capture
- Significant performance improvements. AnimaShooter has become faster even on a inexpensive computers.
- Ram-preview setting simplified
- Action safe and title safe overlays
- Camera uptime counter
- Capture multiple frames in one click
- The Info tab shows the meta data obtained at the time of shooting, such as AV, TV, Iso, Digital Exposure, lens name, camera name, focal length, etc. This metadata is a part of the Exif data, stored in a separate file outside of the image and used to retain the actual conditions of shooting
- Now you can use normal Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste frames
- Filters - another new cool feature allowing you to adjust some contrast, remove noise and change saturation of your images

AnimaShooter Capture
- Support for newest Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera
- UI improvements
- Fixed some usability issues
- Now AnimaShooter correctly processes RAW+JPEG images captured by newer cameras or with newer camera firmware
- Bugfixes

AnimaShooter Capture
- Now AnimaShooter can work with newest Canon EOS cameras - EOS-1D X Mark II, EOS 80D and EOS 1300D
- Capture and save RAW file (alongside with TIFF and JPG)
- New Focal length indicator to ensure accuracy
- New Info Panel with YRGB histogram, image type and frame size information
- Greatly improved PDF export
- Respecting aspect ratio. Since version 3.8 AnimaShooter will no longer try to stretch images (on sequence export or video export), keeping image aspect ratio, adding black margins if needed. With this feature you can easily avoid either excessive cropping or skewing of the image output.
- Warning beep. AnimaShooter Capture 3.8 will beep when the camera battery is low. It is important if you use a battery to power your camera.
- More control over camera. New battery indicator-icon, showing charge level

AnimaShooter Capture 相關參考資料