Angry IP Scanner

最新版本 Cmder 1.3.19

Cmder 1.3.19

Cmder 1.3.19
憤怒的 IP 掃描器是一個非常快速的 IP 地址和端口掃描器。它可以掃描任何範圍的 IP 地址以及任何端口。它是跨平台和輕量級的。不需要任何安裝,任何地方都可以自由複制和使用它.

Angry IP 掃描器只需簡單地 ping 每個 IP 地址,以檢查它是否存在,然後可以選擇解析其主機名,確定 MAC 地址,掃描端口等。每個主機收集的數據可以通過插件進行擴展.

它還具有其他功能,如 NetBIOS 信息(計算機名稱,工作組名稱,當前登錄的 Windows 用戶),最喜歡的 IP 地址範圍,Web 服務器檢測,可定制的開啟者等。掃描結果可以保存為 CSV,TXT,XML 或 IP 端口列表文件。借助插件,Angry IP Scanner 可以收集有關掃描的 IP 的任何信息。任何可以編寫 Java 代碼的人都可以編寫插件並擴展 Angry IP Scanner.

注意功能:需要 Java 運行時環境。

也可用:下載 Angry IP Scanner 為 Mac


檔案版本 Cmder 1.3.19

系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Angryziber Software
更新日期 2022-01-17

What's new in this version:

- Update Git for Windows to 2.34.0
- Update to Clink 1.2.46
- Update to stable Conemu 210912
- Do not rely on having a %cmder_root%configcmder_prompt_config.lua

- Powershell Git version Discovery - See #2373 for the full proposal
- Find user installed Git on Path
- Configurable prompt for cmd.exe sessions. See %cmder_root%configcmder_prompt_config.lua
- Configurable colors
- Option to change λ to another character
- Option to add [user]@[host] to the prompt
- Option to use of ~ to represent $HOME folder
- Option to use folder name vs. full working directory path in prompt
- Option to use single line prompt

If found:
- if newer than Cmder embedded Git
- Use it's existing Path config and completely ignore embedded Git
- Else if Cmder embedded Git exists and is newer
- Match User installed Git path config using Cmder embedded Git folders

Else if Cmder embedded Git exists:
- Add Cmder embedded Git folders to the path.
- $env:cmder_rootvendorgit-for-windowscmd;$env:path
- $env:path;$env:cmder_rootvendorgit-for-windowsusrin
- $env:path;$env:cmder_rootvendorgit-for-windowsmingw64in

- Git prompt opt-out works better with additional changes to clink-completions

Cmder 1.3.19 相關參考資料
Chocolatey Software | Cmder 1.3.24

Cmder is a software package created out of pure frustration over absence of usable console emulator on Windows. It is based on ConEmu with major config ...


Cmder - Browse v1.3.19 at

1.3.19 (2022-01-15). Changes. Update Git for Windows to 2.34.0; Update to Clink 1.2.46; Update to stable Conemu 210912; Do not rely on having a %cmder_root ...

Cmder 1.3.19

It is self-contained, requiring no external dependencies, making it perfect for USB Sticks as well as cloud storage. cmder allows you to take your console, ...

Cmder 1.3.19 | Terminal Emulator Software

Cmder 1.3.19 | A software package that provides great console experience even on Windows.

cmder解决命令输入残留字符、更改命令提示符、将路径信息 ...

2022年12月9日 — 旧版本cmder更改命令提示符都是修改vendor目录下的clink.lua,但新版本(1.3.19之后)将一些配置单独写入了config-cmder_prompt_config.lua,所以方法 ...

Downloading Cmder 1.3.19 from

Software package that provides great console experience even on PC · Cmder 1.3.19 · Key details about this download.

Issue #2774 · cmderdevcmder - Cursor Bug

2022年10月26日 — If there is no problem with 1.3.17, please also download and test 1.3.18 and 1.3.19, so we can narrow down the issue to a specific version.

Releases · cmderdevcmder

2023年7月24日 — 1.3.19 (2022-01-15). Changes. Update Git for Windows to 2.34.0; Update to Clink 1.2.46; Update to stable Conemu 210912; Do not rely on having a ...

笨問題- Cmder 游標錯亂(適用1.3 版)

2022年2月10日 — Cmder 升級後出現困擾,按上下鍵後文字游標前方會殘留字元,向左移不到,按Backspace 也刪不掉,但該字元不算輸入的一部分,純屬惱人鬼影, ...