Android Studio

最新版本 Photo Mechanic 6.0 (build 3889)

Photo Mechanic 6.0 (build 3889)

Photo Mechanic 6.0 (build 3889)
Android Studio 是一個流行的軟件開發環境(也稱為集成開發環境),使世界各地的程序員和創造者可以直接訪問編碼,調試,性能優化,版本兼容性檢查,硬件兼容性檢查(各種 Android 設備和包括平板電腦在內的屏幕尺寸)以及其他許多工具可以幫助開發人員更好地自動化編碼過程,並實現更快的迭代和發現。 Android Studio 功能所有這些工具,包括許多可以幫助程序員輕鬆地創建自己的基於 android 的項目從構想到最終分配。這包括設計,測試,調試,編譯和分析你的應用程序的工具。下載 Android Studio 離線安裝程序設置!

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Android Studio 功能:

在 Android Studio 的核心是一個智能代碼編輯器,能夠進行高級代碼完成,重構和代碼分析。功能強大的代碼編輯器可以幫助您成為更高效的 Android 應用開發者。下載 Android Studio 離線安裝程序安裝!

代碼模板和 GitHub 集成
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多屏應用程序開發中導入 Google 代碼示例.
為 Android 手機,平板電腦,Android Wear,Android TV,Android Auto 和 Google Glass 創建應用程序。借助 Android Studio 中新的 Android 項目視圖和模塊支持,管理應用程序項目和資源變得更加容易.

Android Studio)都預先配置了優化的模擬器映像。經過更新和精簡的虛擬設備管理器為常見的 Android 設備提供了預定義的設備配置文件.

Android 的發展與 Gradle
使用相同的項目為您的 Android 應用程序創建多個 APK 具有不同的功能。使用 Maven 管理應用程序依賴關係從 Android Studio 或命令行構建 APK。下載 Android Studio 脫機安裝程序安裝!

更多約 Android Studio:
建立在 IntelliJ IDEA 社區版,JetBrains 流行的 Java IDE。靈活的基於 Gradle 的構建系統。構建變體和多個 APK 代。擴展了對 Google 服務和各種設備類型的模板支持。豐富的佈局編輯器,支持主題編輯。 Lint 工具來捕捉性能,可用性,版本兼容性和其他問題。 ProGuard 和應用程序簽名功能。內置對 Google 雲端平台的支持,可以輕鬆集成 Google Cloud Messaging 和 App Engine。注意:需要 Java 運行時環境。

也可用:下載 Android Studio 為 Mac


檔案版本 Photo Mechanic 6.0 (build 3889)

檔案名稱 PM6SetupR3889.msi
檔案大小 173 MB
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Google
更新日期 2019-10-25

What's new in this version:

- Windows Remote Desktop connections won't let PM6 launch
- Info Text not always updating.
- Crop isn't drawn on preview when using the Paste button.
- The Structured Keywords dialog is empty on new installations.
- Corrected Primary image in 2-up mode alternates position when opening Preview.
- In 2-up mode, secondary image always starts from 1st image on Contact Sheet.
- TaskBar icon goes blank after each Installer update
- Installer appears to stall during the space requirements process.
- Shift-rename in Preview now properly skips Rename dialog if a successful rename has already occurred.
- Crop rectangle remains when advancing Preview from IPTC info.
- Added new method for Sending Photos via Email by using the user’s SMTP server credentials to send email. If you want copies of what you send, please Bcc yourself. Note: at this time there is no address book. It was provided by MAPI applications and PM6 is not using MAPI at this time
- .ON1 files are now associated with images properly when PM6 is directed to associate them. (Preferences->Files->Manage file associations…)
- PM6 now reads TIFF file Image Description and Copyright tags.
- Full size preview for Canon EOS RP CR3 files are now shown.
- Only allow the Adobe DNG Converter app to be chosen as the RAW Render engine in PM6. Previous releases allowed users to assign any application which caused some serious issues (as one would expect)
- Thumbnails and preview flash periodically during Ingest operation.
- Loupe mode in Contact Sheet sometimes never displays zoomed image.
- Canon CR3 files that are locked in-camera now ingest with their Tag set.
- ​Photo Mechanic 5​ failing to parse ​Photo Mechanic 6​ Uploader Snapshots. The snapshots when saved by the updated build can now be read by ​Photo Mechanic 5.
- User address persistence feature in the Set GPS Coordinates dialog was no longer working. Changes were made to correct this problem.
- IPTC only date not found in ​Photo Mechanic 6​.
- Save as RAW+JPEG selection not available unless RAW rendering enabled.
- A crash that could occur if Preferences couldn’t be loaded or created. App will now warn users and quit.
- A crash that would occur if certain Canon CR2 files were renamed with a TIF filename extension (e.g. due to image recovery software).
- Uploader templates - No images selected on second upload attempt.
- When activating PM6, any existing PM5 activations can optionally be deactivated during the PM6 activation process. On macOS Catalina (and higher) this is mandatory since PM5 cannot run on a 64-bit-only macOS. This should help users stay within their activation allotment and reduce failed activations.
- Non-color managed thumbnails/previews do not rotate.
- NEF to TIFF with Save as - Uses Artist tag offset for Copyright tag.
PM6 now sorts and filters Contact Sheets until completion before you can use the contact sheet. If the sort/filter operation takes more than a few seconds, then a plaque appears in the center of the Contact Sheet with the progress of the operation. The previous method of sorting in the background caused too much confusion for users
- PM6 no longer ingests Nikon Database files ("NC_FLLST.DAT".)
- Exporter gallery templates PM Basic, PM Classic, PM Classic Plus, and PM Selections, now allow HTML text formatting for image captions
- Performance and stability improvements to the inner workings of Photo Mechanic
- Added new preference for “Rescan on resume” of Photo Mechanic in the Contact Sheet page of the Preferences dialog. It is on by default. If you turn it off then Photo Mechanic will not rescan all of the folders you are browsing when you resume using it after having switched to another application. This will decrease the time you have to wait to use Photo Mechanic significantly, but you will have to manually rescan when you know that you have made changes outside of - Photo Mechanic that affect the folders you’re working with (View->Rescan)
- Added support for FTP over TLS/SSL (FTPS) to the FTPv6 uploader
- Added improved support for maker note information for Canon (RP, 250D, Powershot G5 X Mark II, Powershot G7 X Mark III, M6 Mark II, 90D, M200), Sony (a9 Mark II, 6100, 6600), and Olympus (OM-D E-M5 Mark III) models
- Support for key-based authentication added to SFTP uploader. (PEM format private keys are supported. Newer OpenSSH key format is not yet supported, but most such keys may be converted to PEM format via OpenSSH command-line utilities)

Photo Mechanic 6.0 (build 3889) 相關參考資料
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