Amazon Music

最新版本 Node.js 15.8.0 (64-bit)

Node.js 15.8.0 (64-bit)

Node.js 15.8.0 (64-bit)
用 Amazon Music 為 Windows PC 你的音樂是明星。您的計算機和雲中的所有專輯,歌曲和播放列表都觸手可及。下載您的數字音樂購買自動或只需點擊一下,即使你是離線,享受你的音樂。全新的即時搜索功能使您可以輕鬆快捷地找到您的音樂。直接從搜索結果中播放專輯和歌曲。 Amazon Music 為桌面是驚人的!

Prime 音樂是一個音樂流的優點,具有越來越多的選擇 200 萬首歌曲,Alexa 語音集成和個性化的建議,與您的亞馬遜 Prime 會員沒有額外的費用。用 Amazon Music 無限制解鎖更多音樂,再加上獨家 Prime 會員折扣.



檔案版本 Node.js 15.8.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 node-v15.8.0-x64.msi
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Amazon Inc
更新日期 2021-02-03

What's new in this version:

- (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: add generatePrime/checkPrime
- (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: experimental (Ed/X)25519/(Ed/X)448 support
- deps: upgrade npm to 7.5.0 dds a new npm diff command
- (SEMVER-MINOR) dgram: support AbortSignal in createSocket
- doc: add Zijian Liu to collaborators
- esm: deprecate legacy main lookup for modules
- (SEMVER-MINOR) readline: add history event and option to set initial history
- (SEMVER-MINOR) readline: add support for the AbortController to the question method

Node.js 15.8.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Chocolatey Software | Node JS (Install) 15.8.0

This package runs the official Node JS installer, resulting in Node.exe and NPM being installed under Program Files, and added to the SYSTEM PATH ...

Chocolatey Software | Node JS 12.19.0

2020年10月7日 — This is not the latest version of Node JS available. 12.19.0 | Updated: 07 ... To install Node JS, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell: > ... Is it poss...

Chocolatey Software | Node JS 15.8.0

This package runs the official Node JS installer, resulting in Node.exe and NPM being installed under Program Files, and added to the SYSTEM PATH ...

Download | Node.js

Latest Current Version: 15.8.0 (includes npm 7.5.1). Download the Node.js source code or a ... macOS Installer (.pkg), 64-bit. macOS Binary (.tar.gz), 64-bit.


Download for Linux (x64). 14.15.4 LTS Recommended For Most Users · Other Downloads · Changelog · API Docs · 15.8.0 Current Latest Features.

ダウンロード | Node.js

最新のバージョン: 15.8.0 (同梱 npm 7.5.1). Node.js のソースコードをダウンロードするか、事前に ... macOS Installer (.pkg), 64-bit. macOS Binary (.tar.gz), 64-bit.

下載| Node.js

Windows 安裝包(.msi), 32-bit · 64-bit. Windows 二進位檔案(.zip), 32-bit · 64-bit. macOS 安裝包(.pkg), 64-bit. macOS 二進位檔案(.tar.gz), 64-bit. Linux 二進位 ...