
最新版本 DrawPile 2.1.11

DrawPile 2.1.11

DrawPile 2.1.11
AirDC++ 是先進的直接連接和直接連接網絡的現代,易於使用的客戶端。您可以與其他用戶加入“集線器”,聊天,執行搜索並瀏覽每個用戶的共享。它允許您與朋友和其他人共享文件,例如,在以下情況下:
與來自世界各地的共同興趣的人在局域網 / 廣域網 AirDC++ 是性能極高,具有許多高級功能。即使有數百萬的共享文件或數百 TB 的數據,它也已經過測試,可以平穩運行。源代碼適用於所有人,沒有任何捆綁軟件或任何形式的廣告.

AirDC++ 還包括許多獨特的功能,用於人們共享和下載文件的標準化發布格式(原始版本).

AirDC++ 功能:
易於使用的設置嚮導適用於新用戶允許在不同的集線器中共享不同的目錄實時監控共享變化可以為一個用戶開放多個用戶連接全面的 IPv6 支持將排隊的文件分組到目錄可以添加自己的搜索,定期搜索並在找到時自動下載高級共享部分下載的目錄 / 文件和更有效的查找替代資源的方式支持 NMDC 和 ADC 協議以及帶寬控制功能上的加密傳輸


檔案版本 DrawPile 2.1.11

檔案名稱 drawpile-2.1.11-setup.exe
檔案大小 15.7 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Fredrik Ohlsson
更新日期 2019-06-28

What's new in this version:

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed that brush color was uninitialized on fresh install
- Fixed that using "/me" in a direct message would send it as a public message
- Fixed incorrect layer when moving selection if active layer was changed before the move ended
- Fixed single pixel shift when moving or copy&pasting freeform selections
- Fixed that read-only listservers were included in the session settings "add listing" buttons
- Client now refuses to autoreset if it knows it isn't fully caught up yet

Other changes:
- Join dialog's session list sort order and column is now remembered
- Server: registered user bans are no longer IP bans
- Server: op and trusted status is now remembered by user account, rather than username
- An error message is now shown if a login message is oversize
- Chat box can now be detached into its own window

DrawPile 2.1.11 相關參考資料
Chocolatey Software | Drawpile 2.1.11

Drawpile is a networked drawing program that allows multiple people to sketch on the same image simultaneously. It is developed as a Free/Libre Open Source ...

Download - Drawpile

Drawpile is available for Windows in 32 and 64 bit versions. If you encounter problems with the 64 bit version, try the 32 bit version also. Windows Vista and XP ...


Drawpile is a Free software collaborative drawing program that allows multiple users to sketch on the same canvas simultaneously.

DrawPile 2.1.11 Download for Windows 10, 8, 7 - FileHorse

Download DrawPile 2.1.11 for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version.

Drawpile 2.1.11 release - Drawpile

Version 2.1.11 is now out. In addition to bug fixes, this release adds one long awaited feature: the ability to detach the chat box into a separate ...

Drawpile 2.1.11 Released! Allow to Detach Chat Box into ...

How to Install Drawpile 2.1.11 in Ubuntu: For Ubuntu 18.04 and higher, the software can be installed via flatpak by running following commands ...

Drawpile 2.1.11發布! 允許將聊天框分離到單獨的位置 ...

免費的協同繪圖程序Drawpile 2.1.11於當天發布。 此版本具有將聊天框分離到單獨窗口的功能。 堆垛2.

Help - Drawpile

Notes about compatiblity. All clients in the same session must share the exact protocol version number (e.g. dp:4.20.1 ); A client can use any server that supports ...

News - Drawpile

List servers can now be added using drawpile:// links; Available list servers are now updated correctly in session settings dialog; Fixed moderator ...