最新版本 Mobirise 4.10.10

Mobirise 4.10.10

Mobirise 4.10.10
ACID Pro 是一個 DAW 強者,結合了完整的多軌錄音和混音,MIDI 排序和循環功能為一個無縫的演播室生產環境。更有創造力的合作夥伴比生產工具,ACID Pro 軟件的啟發就像沒有別的。憑藉其透明的技術設計,ACID Pro 軟件消除了創造性工作流程的典型障礙,因此您可以毫不費力地將想法轉化為實際結果.

ACID Pro 7 軟件支持控製表面自動化和通道跟踪,例如 Mackie Control 和 Frontier Design TranzPort 等設備。它獨特的 Beatmapper 工具使得重新混音變得容易,而 Chopper 工具可以幫助您製作出令人印象深刻的鼓聲填充,斷續和 DJ 效果.

通過文件夾軌道和群集編輯來最大限度地提高效率,拖動,移調,剪切,複製和粘貼整個部分你的安排。使用剪輯池選擇和安排作品中的事件,或使用速度曲線創建戲劇性和細微的速度變化。項目可以幾乎任何格式交付 - 所有都不會離開 ACID Pro 7.6235896
包括 ACID Pro 7 軟件
ACID Pro 7 包括用於專業音樂製作和編輯的軟件,包括由 iZotope 供電的 ACID Pro 效果架.

注:30 天試用版。截至 2016 年 5 月 20 日,索尼創意軟件已經將其大部分產品賣給了 MAGIX Software GmbH.


檔案版本 Mobirise 4.10.10

檔案大小 512 KB
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 MAGIX Software GmbH.
更新日期 2019-09-13

What's new in this version:

Mobirise 4.10.10
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.10.8
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.10.7
- Mobirise AMP: new slider block with bullets, new manager for galleries and sliders, you can select the link type now: to full screen image or to your link
- Page Settings: preview of your page in Google Search
- Remove unused CSS for AMP: fixes
- Batch adding images to gallery: fixes
- Mobirise Publish: now you can publish sites made in M themes
- Fixes for shop blocks

Mobirise 4.10.5
- Link Editor updated: messenger link types are added
- New thumbnails for extensions, the Create New Site dialog is updated
- Image crop feature updated, fixed for jpg images
- Fixed disappearing parameter buttons in top right corner of block
- Minor fixes for Mobirise4
- Fix update style of global component
- Extensions: o PayPal Shopping Cart is updated: new look o TechM4: new blocks, update foran accordion block

Mobirise 4.10.3
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Mobirise 4.10.2
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Mobirise 4.10.1
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.10.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.7
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.6
- New "Add Block" panel: now with block categories
- Online Image Library: enlarged preview on hover
- Updated Mobirise4 and MobiriseAMP themes: fixes, new blocks
- Code Editor: fixed inserting scripts to custom HTML block
- Fix for menus (scroll-line on mobile view)
- Fixed tags in image galleries

Mobirise 4.9.5
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.4
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.3
- 'Update All' button for extensions with a progress bar
- Adding images by drag and drop in Image Media
- Adding multiple images at once to sliders and galleries (non-AMP themes)
- Updated M4 themes to latest Bootstrap v4.2.1
- Updated free MobiriseAMP theme - 20 new blocks: gallery, slider, accordion, contact forms, testimonials, google maps.
- Code Editor loading speed improved
- Bug fixes for Google Maps
- Fixes for editing menu colors
- Fixe with page cloning

Mobirise 4.9.1

Code Editor update:
- Mobirise mentions removal - clear the HTML code from "made with Mobirise" etc.
- New color schemes - light and contrast
- Undo-Redo buttons

PayPal Shopping Cart update:
- Support for AMP themes
- Subscribe and Donate options
- Info on "How to add shipping, VAT, and tax"

Mobirise 4.8.10
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.8.8
- Bug fixes: parallax in M4 themes, AMP sliders

Mobirise 4.8.6
- Mobirise Icons are available for AMP themes now
- Mobirise 2 Icons added

Mobirise 4.8.5
- Mobirise Icons are available for AMP themes now
- Mobirise 2 Icons added

Mobirise 4.8.1
- Custom subdomain on
- SSL certificate (url with https)
- Lightning-fast global CDN (Content Delivery Network)
- Unlimited pages
- Unlimited space and bandwidth

Mobirise 4.8.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.9
- Bug Fixes for AMP Themes: video autoplay, map layout, video lightbox

Mobirise 4.7.8
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.7
- Improved app loading
- Fixed inserting icons in menu in m3 themes
- Fixed and updated translations
- Fixed disappearance of text placeholders
- Select all text on first click
- Fixed font dropdown panel height

Mobirise 4.7.2
- Cookie Alert Extension updated - now it is "Cookie Alert and GDPR Compliance" - After activating GDPR compliance, all web forms on your website will have checkbox for agreeing to your Terms and Privacy Policy.
- Code Editor Extension updated - some fixes
- Different fixes in translation engine
- New AMP themes - StartupAMP and SpaceAMP

Mobirise 4.7.1
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.7
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.6
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.5
- Languages: Polish

Bug fixes:
- Issue with missing projects fixed
- Issue with missing user blocks fixed
- Mobirise 3: sliders
- Alignment in AgencyM4 and LawyerM4
- Text style for forms in StoreM4

Mobirise 4.6.4
- Themes optimization
- Languages: Romanian, Portuguese

Bug fixes:
- Mobirise 3: broken iconfonts

Mobirise 4.6.3
- New languages added: Dutch, Bulgarian, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Italian
- Bootstrap is updated to v4.0.0 (stable) for all M4 themes

Mobirise 4.6.0
- Hotkey: if your Sites list is empty, you can load the list of previously used projects: open your Sites list and press Ctrl+Alt+L when it opened
- Now you can load your empty or broken project in the app to restore a previously saved site version from Site History
- SEO Extension updated: bug fixes

Mobirise 4.10.10 相關參考資料
Can't install the new versions after 4.10.10 - Mobirise Forums

Any suggestions will be appreciated. Attached is a screenshot of the notice I get when trying to install newer versions.

Mobirise 4.10 - Mobirise Forums

What is/are the advantage(s) to upgrading to Mobirise 4.10?

Mobirise 4.10.16 Beta - Mobirise Forums

Mobirise shows evidence of turning point with more and more options. Thats great news, lets work together in identifying the bugs and reporting ...

Mobirise 4.10.17 Beta - Mobirise Forums

This theme is for users who want to test our new beta version. If you want to use a stable version, ignore it.

Mobirise v4.10.10 has been released - Mobirise Forums

Getting a serious warning from AVG for 4.10.10: ... Hi Tommy, I have upgraded to 4.10.10 and do not have that folder pwa-builder-plugin in the ...

Mobirise v4.10.10 has been released - Page 2 - Mobirise ...

2019年9月16日 — Why on earth they release 4.10.10 which is obviously still in beta as an official download for new customers and anyone downloading it for the ...

Mobirise v4.10.15 has been released - Mobirise Forums

As Tommy mentioned earlier never ever release a new version on Friday the 13th like 4.10.10. I'm glad I completely skipped that one. Mack.

New Mobirise v4.10.7 is out - Mobirise Forums

Why in my account I should download all free themes? and in Mobirise history it is still v.4.10.5 regards,.

what's new in version 4.10.10 - Mobirise Forums

Hi, I would like to know what's new in last version - 4.10.10. Have a nice day.

Where can I download installer file for v.4.10.7 or 4.10.8 ...

8? - Mobirise Forums. Toggle navigation. Mobirise Forums.