4K Video Downloader

最新版本 Zotero 5.0.77

Zotero 5.0.77

Zotero 5.0.77
4K Video Downloader 允許從互聯網上下載並保存高質量的視頻,音頻和字幕。一鍵下載從互聯網上的所有視頻。以 MP4,MKV,3GP 格式保存視頻或以 MP3,M4A 或 OGG 格式提取音頻視頻。即使在離線狀態下,也可下載 3D 視頻內容。下載 4K Video Downloader Windows 的離線安裝程序安裝程序.


4K Video Downloader 功能介紹:
從互聯網上下載整個播放列表和頻道,並保存為 MP4,MKV,M4A,MP3,FLV,3G,生成.m3u 文件播放列表。以高清 1080p,高清 720p 或 4K 質量下載視頻,並在高清電視,iPad 或其他設備上欣賞高清視頻。高級字幕下載,選擇是否要在視頻文件中包含.srt 文件或嵌入字幕,以便在 Mac 上觀看。激活“智能模式”為了將所選的設置應用到所有的下載,方便,快捷。以 3D 格式下載視頻,在視頻解析之後,您會在可用的格式中找到一個小的特殊圖標。在 3D 中觀看現場表演和漫畫真是令人印象深刻。從任何網頁下載嵌入的視頻,只需複制 / 粘貼鏈接,程序會找到下載的來源。從 Vimeo,SoundCloud,Flickr,Facebook 和 DailyMotion 下載視頻和音頻。在您的 PC,Mac 或 Linux 上使用 4K Video Downloader,不管您喜歡什麼操作系統。注意:您不能下載包含字幕和超過 25 個剪輯的 YouTube 頻道和播放列表.

也可用:下載 4K Video Downloader 為 Mac


檔案版本 Zotero 5.0.77

檔案名稱 Zotero-5.0.77_setup.exe
檔案大小 42.5 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 OpenMedia LLC.
官網 https://www.4kdownload.com/products/product-videodownloader
更新日期 2019-11-01

What's new in this version:

Functionality added or changed:
- Pressing 0 on the keyboard now clears all colored tags from selected items
- More helpful file-not-found dialog
- Restored reopening of closed collection and item panes on startup (removed in 5.0.75)
- Allow “Type:” in addition to “type:” for CSL type override in Extra field

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed Collection Pane and Item Pane toggles in View → Layout
- Fixed number key assignment of colored tags without any items
- Fixed “err is undefined” error message for a rare WebDAV server error

Zotero 5.0.77 相關參考資料
Autocomplete stopped working - Zotero Forums

Trying to solve the problem, I replaced my Zotero with a newer version (Zotero-5.0.77-beta.1 + df69f99d1_setup), but the problem persists.


Bug with "Add tag by pressing key". - Zotero Forums

Thanks — this is fixed in the latest Zotero beta, and the fix will be included in 5.0.77. Sign In or Register to comment. Blog · Forums · Developers ...


Get Involved - Zotero

APA Author Name · Web Library Beta: Cannot scroll on mobiles in collections list · Zotero 5.0.77-beta has no localization anymore · Can't add journal articles ...


zotero - AUR (en)

Zotero Standalone. Is a free, easy-to-use tool to ... Package Details: zotero 5.0.77-1 ... Git Clone URL: https://aur.archlinux.org/zotero.git (read-only). Package ...


Zotero - ke stažení zdarma - Stahuj.cz

Zotero - Správa citací a zdrojů během hledání pramenů na internetu - Softwarový portál obsahující ... Náhled programu Zotero ... Verze 5.0.77 - 42,5 MB.


Zotero 5.0.77 - dobreprogramy

Zotero to darmowe narzędzie do zarządzania bibliografią. Pozwala na katalogowanie materiałów i organizowanie ich w biblioteki, a także na cytowanie ...


Zotero 5.0.77-beta has no localization anymore - Zotero Forums

I am running Zotero beta and after the last update to 5.0.77-beta.1+df69f99d1 the interface is in English, also I had chosen German before.


zoteroclient-downloads: Generate download links ... - GitHub

Generate download links and update manifests for Zotero client. 18 commits · 1 branch ... dstillman Bump setup32.exe cut-off to 5.0.77. Latest commit 7b220b6 ...


[Beta] Translator Editor (Scaffold) not working - Zotero Forums

I am using Zotero 5.0.77-beta.4 and cannot work with the Translator Editor (Scaffold) anymore. It seems that ACE is not found and the list of ...
